
美 [ˈpleʒər]英 [ˈpleʒə(r)]
  • n.快乐;高兴;愉快;乐事
  • v.高兴;(使)高兴;(使)欢喜;(使)满意


great pleasure,real pleasure,genuine pleasure,tremendous pleasure
give pleasure,find pleasure,derive pleasure,feel pleasure,spoil pleasure



1.[u]高兴;快乐;愉快;欣慰;满意a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied

2.[u]玩乐;休闲the activity of enjoying yourself, especially in contrast to working

3.[c]乐事;快事a thing that makes you happy or satisfied

It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. By the way, I'm Richard. What's your name? 我也很高兴认识你,谢谢你帮了我的忙,祝你好运气,我得走了。忘了告诉你了,我叫理查德。你呢?
And now I have the pleasure of having lived long enough to see that the young people again believe in it. 现在我很高兴活得够长能看到年轻人再次信奉它。
It was a rare pleasure to feed a young man whom she seldom saw and of whom she was as proud as if he belonged to her. 这是一个难得的乐趣,要养活一家人的年轻人很少看见她和她的人感到骄傲,因为他是属于她的。
Isn't it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?
and was thickly planted with trees of every kind that, by their great size and other charm, gave pleasure to the beholder. . . 并且浓密地种植着各种各样的树木,它们以其巨大的身躯和其他一些魅力,令观赏者赏心悦目……
He argued that Plato did not use the code for pleasure, but instead for his own safety after his teacher was executed for heresy. 他认为,柏拉图并不是以使用代码为乐,而是在他的老师被当作异端处死之后,出于自己的安全考量。
It's been a pleasure to be with you. I think I've to catch No. 2 bus. 和您在一起真令人高兴,我想我得赶2路公共汽车了。
Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship. 相对地讲很少有人肯牺牲三分之一的假日,来换取船上旅行的快乐。
It's been of a great pleasure all this autumn on my trip to work, if only it stretched to no end. 整个秋天上班路上都是极大的享受,要是路没尽头该有多好。
Today, It gives me such a pleasure and honor to have the joyful gathering with you all here. 今天,我很高兴也很荣幸能在这里与大家欢聚一堂,这使我有机会拜访老朋友,结识新朋友!
it is a place full of joy and pleasure, with which he is trying to pursue his direction. 那是很快乐的空间,让自己去寻找方向的空间。
The larger screen estate makes reading a pleasure, and I can see myself using this one far more than i Books. 较大的屏幕使房地产阅读的乐趣,我可以看到自己使用此一比iBook笔记本得多。
She always took pleasure in the idea of pleasing him, and with her brothers sitting nearby, she thought nothing of it. 她总是喜欢让继父高兴,而且,两个弟弟都坐在旁边,她认为没有什么不妥。
It's been a pleasure to be able to help you. 能够帮助你是一种荣幸。
If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. 只是摸一摸就给我带来如此多的快乐,如果能看到的话,我将发现多少美丽啊!
How much pleasure did they take in daily experiences such as talking with a friend, hearing a joke, or reading a magazine? 他们在日常生活中得到了多少快乐?比如和朋友聊天、听到一个笑话、或者阅读杂志?
He meant to be pleasant, to forget her presence, to live in the atmosphere of youth and pleasure which had been restored to him. 他愿意和颜悦色,忘记她的存在,生活在他重新焕发的青春和欢乐的气氛中。
It is always a pleasure to be among the best and the brightest in an atmosphere of learning. 在学术气氛中置身于最优秀、最聪明的人士中间总是一件令人愉快的事。
When I met a man of pleasure, who did not try to improve his mind but devoted himself only to having a good time. 当我遇到一位爱享乐的人,见他只是沉湎于欢乐而不努力去加强自我修养。
He judged her to be capricious, and easily weary of the pleasure of the moment. 他认为她是任性的,很容易对一时的快乐产生厌倦。
It has been a pleasure communicating with you these past weeks. 非常高兴和您这几个星期的交流。
They also say that fox hunting is an activity in which people seem to gain pleasure from cruelty. 他们还指出,猎狐似乎是一种人们从残酷中取乐的游戏。
But when he saw it he could not deny himself the pleasure of tasting it, so he cut off a little bit and put it into his mouth. 不知道为什么,从他看见它的第一眼起,他就非常希望尝一下,犹豫了一会儿,他切下了一小片放进了口中。
Once there was a man who found a treasure. Hidden in a field, and he took pleasure. 从前有一个人找了财宝,他把财宝藏在田里,非常高兴。
It's always a pleasure to see a fellow halfling in these parts, but I'm afraid you've caught me at a bad time, brother. 在这地方能见到一个半身人同伴总是令人愉快的,不过恐怕你来得很不凑巧,兄弟。
For example, economists often use the term utility to describe how much pleasure or satisfaction a person gets from a particular situation. 例如,经济学家们经常使用效用一词,来描述人们在某种情况下所得到的愉悦或者满足的程度。
While it's admirable to concern yourself with your woman's pleasure and level of satisfaction, you're not solely responsible for her orgasm. 你关注自己的表现和你女人的快感及满足的程度,这种精神是可嘉的,但你不能对她的高潮负全部责任。
it was a real pleasure meeting such diverse , open - minded , bright individuals and watching them turn into a powerful learning team. 能够认识这群有着丰富阅历、头脑开放、聪明智慧的人,看着他们形成强大的学习团队真是一次令人愉快的经历。
If you think I'm going to say it's a pleasure to be here, forget it. 如果你以为我会说在这里我很愉快,(你还是)别指望了!
They also did not feel the breath of pleasure, they also do not feel the rhythm of heartbeats. 他们还没有感觉到呼吸的快感,他们还没有感觉到心跳的节奏。