
美 [ˈbeli]英 ['beli]
  • adj.有腹的;膨胀的;凸起的;张满的
  • n.腹部;肚子;(物体的)圆形或凸起部分;腹部…形的
  • v.胀满;鼓起
  • 网络胃;炉腰;肚皮

复数:bellies 现在分词:bellying 过去式:bellied



n. v.

1.腹部;肚子the part of the body below the chest

2.(物体的)圆形或凸起部分the round or curved part of an object

3.腹部…形的having the type of belly mentioned


go belly up

彻底失败;垮掉;完蛋to fail completely


考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... behavior n. 行为, 举止 belly n. 肚, 腹部 bellyache n. 腹痛 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bell n. 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形 物 belly n. 肚子 belong vi. 属,附属 ...

高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... behave vi. 表现, 举止 belly n. 腹部, belong vi. 属于, 附属 ...


冶金词汇英语翻译(A-G) ... bellows 风箱 belly 炉腰 belly pipe 直吹管 ...


人体器官、组织中英文对照表_百度文库 ... 动物淀粉 animal starch;glycogen 肚皮 belly 肚脐 navel; ...


__2013年MBA英语高频词汇_百度文库 ... bearing 举止,态度;关系,方面 113. belly 肚子,腹部 114. bewilder 迷惑,弄糊涂 …

No doubt they will be just as intrigued by the chair's uniquely human voices as people were by "belly speaking" long ago. 时,这群人会多么吃惊。无疑地,他们肯定会对椅子居然会说话这件事相当感兴趣,就像从前的人看待“肚子说话”一样。
For the next few hours, they read and talked. Sometimes she caught his hand and put it on her belly to feel the baby move. 接下来的几小时,他们阅读、聊天,有时她拉起他的手,把手摆在她的腹部,让他感觉宝宝的蠕动。
This dance spreads to today from then on. Due to the total exposed belly while dancing, It is called " belly dance . " as well. 时至今日埃及这个舞蹈就流传了下来,由于跳舞时候总露出肚脐眼,于是名称叫“肚皮舞”。
It's missing the pot belly stove and the espresso machine. . . if I'm gonna wait, I'd like to at least enjoy a latte in warmth. 它还缺了大肚炉和咖啡机……如果我要等车,我起码想喝杯拿铁取取暖。
Prepare to fire at the belly of the enemy ship! We're taking it out! Stand by to fire! 准备深入敌人的巢穴!我们要拿下它。准备开火。
Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidelined into a policy job a year before the bank went belly-up. 安东西奇对雷曼兄弟杠杆运动的反思导致她在该行破产前一年被排挤至一个政策性职位。
Instead, her cheeks were pinched, she was small for her age, and although she had skinny arms and legs, her belly was big and swollen. 相反,她脸颊消瘦,身材矮小,与她的年龄不相符,而且尽管她细胳膊细腿,却有个大得发胀的肚子。
A fisherman lies groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife's hand with the other. 一个渔民躺在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一手捂着他那巨大的肚子,一手抓着他的老婆。
And then down he came, his belly towards me, with a crash that seemed to shake the ground even where I lay. 最后它肚子朝着我这一边倒了下来,地面一震,甚至在我趴着的地方也感觉得到。
Breathe out through pursed lips as if you were whistling. Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out. 从闭合嘴唇中呼气,就好像在吹口哨。感觉那只在腹部上的手回落,用这只手将所有空气推出。
Buck admitted being pulled along by the dolphin by grabbing hold of its dorsal fin and Jukes said he had stroked its belly. 巴克承认藉由抓住海豚的尾鳍,被牠拖曳而行,裘克斯则说他抚摸牠的肚腹。
Keep your mouth open like the above way, try to inhale and exhale with your belly up and down. 让口腔保持上述动作不变,随着吸气和吐气的动作,让肚子跟着做豉起和收缩动作。
When operating , skill action should be spreaded out with arc, tighten up the belly, harbour chest and action should be consistent . 操作时,技术动作呈弧形动作展开,要收腹含胸,动作连贯。
When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger, you'll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly. 当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般;
She squatted down close to the ground and from her belly there came out one by one a big heap of crocodile eggs. 她低低地蹲在地上,从她的肚子里一个接一个地出来一大堆鳄鱼蛋。
Day and night they continued to approach me, poking and prodding at my belly. 他们从早到晚粘着我,在我的肚子上戳戳弄弄。
But for me, her protruding belly seems to tell me that she is too fat instead of expecting a baby. (小声说)但是我觉得她突出的肚子应该是她太胖而不是她怀孕的关系。
"gradually, " the pig "drum belly up, he was always smiling, looked at me as if to say: " You're terrific! 渐渐的,“小猪”的肚子鼓了起来,他总是笑眯眯地看着我,好像在说:“你真棒!”
But he refused to turn aside. So Abner struck him in the belly with the back end of his spear. 但他拒绝转边。于是,押尼珥用他的枪背击他的腹部,那枪从他的背后穿出;
So even if you're sitting down all day or rushing around after the kids we've got some great suggestions to help you flatten your belly. 因此,即便您一天到晚坐着不动,或者整天围着孩子转,我们仍然有很棒的建议来帮助您平复那凸起的小腹。
So fearful was Cronos of the Oracle's prediction that his own children would rise against him that he decided to imprison all in his belly. 他非常害怕女祭祀的预言,他的孩子成长后会推翻他,所以他决定把他们全部囚禁在自己的肚子中。
As his wife, you will find yourself in her lover's belly after a big secret to tell her: "In fact, I'd like to tell you. " 至于妻子,你会在她发现你的情人肚子大了的秘密后才告诉她:“其实,我早就想告诉你了。”
The next moment, however, the burning in his belly died down and the world began to look more cheerful. 不过他胃里的灼烧感很快消退,整个世界都好像更美好了。
A businessman who lost his mobile phone on a beach was amazed when it turned up - in the belly of a giant cod. 一名商人在海滩遗失了自己的手机,当它出现在一条巨大鳕鱼的肚子里时,大感诧异。
It's a cliche image: the solo drinker, belly up to the bar, pouring out his (or her) soul to a sympathetic bartender. 这是一个很老套的形象:孤独的酒客,挺着肚子走进酒吧,跟有同情心的服务员倾诉(他或她的)衷肠。
In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar, there was grotesque human figure outlined in black. 罐子腹上一个布满密网的大圆圈里,有一个粗放的黑彩勾画的怪人。
" Staring at him I, inside the eye with a laugh, " but I also hungry belly. 他盯着我,眼睛里面含着笑,“而且我肚子也饿了。”
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. 人口中所结的果子,必充满肚腹。他嘴所出的,必使他饱足。
The so-called " prime minister belly" , a heart like a sea of men, do not know can support many ships belly! 正所谓“宰相肚里能撑船”,一个心如大海的男人,肚中不知能撑多少船呀!
During the visit in the belly baby kicked mom is several feet, also seems to be on the painter painting interested. 参观期间肚子里的宝贝踢了妈妈几脚,似乎也对这位画家的画感兴趣。