break out

  • na.起;(战争等)突发;(囚犯等)逃脱;【航】起(锚)
  • 网络爆发;突然发生;逃出

第三人称单数:breaks out 现在分词:breaking out 过去式:broke out 过去分词:broken out

break outbreak out

break out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... break off (使)折断;中断;断绝 break out (战争等)爆发;逃出 break through 突破,冲垮;突围 ...


动词_互动百科 ... break off 停止讲话;暂停,休息;(使)折断 break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发 break with 与…绝交, …


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... border n. 边界;国界;边沿 break out 突发;爆发 breast n. 胸部;乳房 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... break off (使)折断;中断;断绝 break out (战争等)爆发;逃出 break through 突破,冲垮;突围 ...


考博英语词汇 ... break into 闯入;打断;突然开始...;突然...起来 break out 突然暴发;逃脱 break through 突破;冲破;克服…


介词短语_百度百科 ... break in 闯入;打断,插嘴 break out 逃出;突然发生,爆发 bring to 使恢复知觉 ...


与break搭配的词组 ... break off 中断,突然停止 ;折断 break out 逃脱,逃走;突然出现,爆发 break away from 摆脱, 从…脱离 ...

In the future, or may be in a period, the United States faces collapse may even have to break out of the "city" guerrilla warfare. 未来,或者可能在一个时期美国面临解体,甚至可能出现此起彼伏的“城市游击战”。
A sweetly innocent, and yet familiar, voice called from below. Causing Asuka to break out of his semi-nostalgic spell. 一个甜甜的,天真的,却又熟悉的声音在楼下叫他,令飞鸟从他半怀旧的梦中惊醒。
Many gardens today seem ready to break out of their very literally defined and walled spaces. 许多当今的庭园,似乎正准备突破其原本的界限,越出墙面所围封的空间。
It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land. 这灰要在埃及全地变作尘土,在人身上和牲畜身上,成了起泡的疮。
'To break out in the silence or to die! 'Said Lu Xun. 不再沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。鲁迅如是说。
Windows: The company is banking on a new operating system to break out of its slump. Windows:公司正在指望一个新的操作系统来突破目前的销售走低。
Yesterday tested both the bottom and top of the current sideway trading range, failing to break out either direction and closed mid-range. 昨日市场分别测试了上方和下方的阻力,但是都没有突破产生,现在还在前期我们陈述的平行区域中整理。
Metamorphosis also projects my desire to break out of standard artistic forms, both figuratively and literally. 变形也是我希望在象征和字面上突破传统艺术形式的主题。
"It's easy to add that much if you're just adding salt, " let alone all of the salt that's in food before we break out the shaker. “仅仅是加盐就很容易超过这个量很多,”更不用说在我们打开盐瓶前食物中所有的盐了。
If only he could get his feet on something, he were able to break out of the swift current. 要是他能踩着什么东西就好,他就能够脱离那个急流了。
Should Spain try to break out of this trap by leaving the euro, and re-establishing its own currency? 西班牙是否应该脱离欧元,建立自己的货币,通过这样的方式脱离陷阱?
If that is what you want, break out of the mindset that has resulted from being indoctrinated by the dark Ones. 如果这就是你期待的,那么就摆脱那些一直被黑暗势力灌输的精神状态吧。
Banks don't break out how much total revenue they generate in Asia. 银行不公布它们在亚洲的总收入。
But the UK government's attempt to break out of its corner is an important event all the same. 但不管怎样,英国政府努力从困境中解脱也同样重要。
Start of the Russian revolution, rioting and strikes against the Russian Empire break out in the city now known as St. Petersburg. 在现在所知的圣彼得堡发生了针对俄罗斯帝国的暴乱和罢工,这是俄罗斯革命的开始。
I wish that were the case, but to tell the truth, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about speaking in front of all those people. 要是那么简单就好了。说实话,我一想到要在那么多人面前讲话就直冒冷汗。
After the city had been surrounded for almost a year, the Nationalists tried to break out and were defeated. 在这座城市被包围几乎一年后,国军试图突破但被击败。
You do not have to be a British Eurosceptic to break out in a rash at the very mention of the Lisbon treaty. 提到《里斯本条约》,你不必如英国的欧盟怀疑论者一般鲁莽的破口大骂。
It's not easy to changes our lives, to break out of our routines, to begin to live the lives we want. 改变我们的生活,打破我们的轨道,开始我们想要的生活,这不容易。
All good-girl Catherine needed to do was take a chance and break out of her ingrained (but outdated) patterns concerning dating stereotypes. 好女孩凯瑟琳要做的,不过就是找一个机会,打破自己关于老套约会的根深蒂固(但是过时了的)的模式。
And it was a vicious cycle, for I felt so weak I could not find the courage to break out of it. 这是一个恶性的循环,因为诺是我自感懦弱那么我就不可能找到勇气去突破它。
"We're expecting to start to break out of the old pattern and get back in the black later this summer, " he says. “我们期望打破旧的格局,今年夏末恢复赢利。”他说道。
Spanish police Friday said they had foiled a plot to use a zeppelin airship to help a prisoner break out of a jail on the Canary Islands. 西班牙警方3日表示,他们挫败了一起企图利用遥控齐柏林飞艇帮助囚犯从加那利群岛的一所监狱越狱的阴谋。
One lesson is clear: once hostilities break out between nations, it is as if humanity is taking leave of its senses. 有一个教训很明显:一旦国家之间爆发战争,人类似乎就开始推动理智而变得野性十足了。
Only by focusing on the whole experience and daring to break out of its own mold will Facebook maintain momentum and growth. 只有专注于整体体验并勇于突破自我才能长盛不衰。
Part of her phallic potency was always to conjure the chaos about to break out unless we buckled under. 其男人一样的力量的部分总是制造即将爆发的混乱,除非我们屈服。
He felt that his own rigid adherence to a plan was keeping him from growing, and yet he was afraid to break out and try something new. 亨利意识到他的刻板僵化使他不能够有所发展,但是他又害怕不按计划做事会有什么问题。
Trivia He started acting when his mother sent him to acting camp due to his tendency to break out in song in public places. 他妈妈发现了他在公共场合歌唱的天赋,所以送他去参加了一个演戏的露营俱乐部,他就从那个时候开始了演艺生涯。
Today a powerful army of fire fighters stands ready to help the moment a fire break out. 今天我们有一支强有力的消防队伍在每时每刻准备着帮助那些遭遇火灾的人们。
I noticed on defense, to break out of a defensive stance you can click the turbo button and you break out of it quicker than the past. 我注意到在防守,为了摆脱防守姿态,你可以点击按钮,你打破涡轮出比过去更快。