
美 [belt]英 [belt]
  • n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带
  • v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰
  • 网络带子;地带;裤带

复数:belts 现在分词:belting 过去式:belted

tighten belt,wear belt
orogenic belt,asteroid belt


n. v.

1.腰带;皮带a long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the waist

3.地带;地区an area with particular characteristics or where a particular group of people live

4.(informal)狠打;猛击an act of hitting sth/sb hard


below the belt

不公正的;伤人的unfair or cruel

belt and braces

双管齐下;多重保障taking more actions than are really necessary to make sure that sth succeeds or works as it should

have sth under your belt

已经获得某物to have already achieved or obtained sth


火炬之光2控制台命令大全完整页_乐游网 ... pants 裤子 belt 腰带 gloves 手套 ...


海澜之家官方旗舰店 --京东商城 ... 围 巾 SCARF 皮 带 BELT 钱 包 WALLTE ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... below prep./adv. 在…下面 belt n. 带子,地带 bench n. 长椅 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... below prep./adv. 在…下面 belt n. 带子,地带 bench n. 长椅 ...


生活常用英语单词_百度文库 ... breeches 马裤 belt 裤带 skirt 裙子 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... beloved a. 为…的爱的 n.爱人 belt n. 带,腰带;皮带;区 bench n. 长凳,条凳;工 …


汽车英语词汇 - 老梦的日志 - 网易博客 ... 缓冲层 breaker 带束层 belt 缓冲胶片 breaker strip ...

Often remove parts of the abdomen for the infusion to avoid the belt down and around the waist and 4 ~ 5cm away from the umbilical region. 常取下腹部为输注部位,避开沿着腰带周围和腰围处及距脐4~5cm区域内。
But one thing did not understand the people have to spend on such anti-riot police, even pulling with a pull, even the H-belt drive do? 但有一点不明白,对这样的群众非得动用防暴警察,连拉带扯,连轰带赶吗?
So there might be more of them in the Kuiper Belt (where comets come from) as compared with the inner solar system near the sun. 所以或许相比于太阳系内部,它们在“柯伊伯带”(彗星形成之地)比较多。
The sliver is pulled through a cone -shaped outlet and doffed OR delivered to cans OR to a conveyOR belt. 棉条从喇叭口输出,被送到条筒内或传送带上。
I ask Deitch about this because I have seen him walking around the office with things on his belt and attached to his head. 我之所以问戴奇(Deitch)这个,是因为我见过他腰带和头上戴着东西在办公室周围走动。
The Bushman was waiting for him to die, my friends said. He was waiting to take the traveler's water bottle, belt and shoes. 我的朋友们说,那个布须曼人是在等待他死去,然后将死者的水罐、皮带和鞋子拿走。
A motor shaft gap used for a sealing plate for a seal air channel is left between the belt pulley and the end cover of the motor shell. 在皮带轮同电机机壳端盖之间保留供密封风道用的密封板穿过的电机轴空隙位。
At the side of the conveyor the sheets are aligned by an endless belt rotating through a path parallel to the sheet movement path. 在该表是一个永无休止的通过路径平行板运动轨迹转动皮带输送机一侧对齐。
When he reached the fence, Georges detached a pair of heavy wire shears from his belt and began cutting. 乔戈斯爬到铁丝网跟前的时候,从腰带上解下一副笨重的剪铁丝的剪刀,动手剪了起来。
But a visit to the province of Shanxi, in the heart of China's coal belt, reveals why such plans should be taken with a pinch of salt. 但是到中国产煤带的中心省份山西去访问一下,你就知道为什么不应该完全相信这类计划了。
Meanwhile, Dabie orogenic belt might have not provided material for the Mesozoic deposition of the south of Huabei Landmass. 同时,在中生代,大别山造山带的物源没有影响到华北陆块南部沉积。
He switched hands then, pressing me against the wall with his left while he took the belt in his right hand. 接着他转用左手把我死倾压在墙上,换右手来握皮带。
Not all that shift can be attributed to the movement out of the snow belt, census officials say. 人口普查官员说,并非所有这些人口迁移都是为了离开寒冷地带。
Something is still missing tho. A belt, cuff links and a shiny pair of shoes. 但是仍然缺点东西,一条腰带,袖扣和一双光亮整洁的皮鞋。
If this can be taken to the butterflies stop at green belt branch, if able to spend stopped at the beautiful, would not wish fulfilled. 这次要是能拍摄到蝴蝶停在绿化带的树枝上,要是能停在漂亮的花上,岂不是如愿以偿。
But for a slight rhythmic movement of the cartridge box at the back of his belt he might have been thought to be dead. 要不是腰部皮带上的子弹盒有节奏地轻微起伏着,人们还会以为他已经死去了。
And with your bodies meshed tight in the tub, your guy can fondle your breasts and stroke you below the belt as he thrusts. 你们的身体在浴缸里紧密接触,在插入时,你的男伴可以抚摸你的乳房,按摩你的下体。
If a man is standing straight, with his shoulders squared and with his belt tightened, he's trying to show himself in all his beauty. 如果一名男士笔直站立、双肩水平、皮带系紧,那么他正要把自己的美丽展现得十足。
She sent me the prints which happened top be the nose, and I was able to make it into a belt buckle. 之后她交给我的是狗鼻孔印的模板,我把它制作成了一个皮带扣。
It was hitting below the belt to tell his wife about his extramarital affairs secretly. 偷偷告诉他老婆他有外遇的事是暗箭伤人。
But, if you're anything like me, that's one thing you're very glad to have gotten under your belt the first week of your life. 不过你要是让我说的话,我还是很乐意在我出生后的一周里就把那个问题解决掉的。
The old Barnes was belt driven by an electric motor that appeared old enough to have been built by Tom Edison himself! 旧巴恩斯是皮带驱动一电机出现的旧不够,已建成由Tom爱迪生自己!
Pluto, Eris and the many other Kuiper Belt objects are far too different to be lumped in with the eight official planets, he said. 冥王星、厄里斯和许多其他柯伊伯带的天体对于八大行星来说太不同了,无法归为一类,他说。
The country is only beginning to feel the consequences of the education system in the southern manufacturing belt. 中国仅仅在南方制造业地区开始感觉到这个教育制度带来的后果。
The rubber tube is just stretchy enough to allow a good resistance for natural swimming feel, but I hardly notice the belt at all. 橡胶管有足够的弹性让你感觉到正常游泳时的阻力,但我几乎忽视了腰带的存在。
Finally, he gave her a suicide belt on the line, take her to the designated place, advised her to simply press the button explosive devices. 最后他给她系上了自杀式腰带,把她送到指定地方,劝她只需按下爆炸装置的按钮即可。
The pressure filtering belt of the belt pressure filter is not easy to deflect when running, and the extrusion shearing effect is better. 本实用新型的滤带不容易跑偏,并且挤压剪切效果更好。
Feminists call it a 21st-century chastity belt, but the designer describes it as a self-protect product. 女性主义者斥之为“21世纪的贞操带”,内衣设计者则表示此款内衣是自我保护产品。
Tectonic form of the West Kunlun orogenic belt at least was the result of two wilson orogenic cycles. 西昆仑造山带目前构造格局的形成,至少是两个威尔逊造山旋回的结果。
The man standing over him looked capable of any sort of violence with that low-slung gun belt. 监视着她父亲的那个男人,枪套低挎着,看上去能做出任何恐怖的事。