
美 [bend]英 [bend]
  • v.弯曲;(使)倾斜;(使四肢等)弯曲;把…弄弯(或折起);弄弯;屈(膝);弯(弓);(耳,目等)转向
  • n.弯道;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病;曲;弯曲部;倾向;屈服
  • 网络折弯;推弦;挠曲

过去式:bent 过去式:bended bent 过去式:bended 第三人称单数:bends 现在分词:bending

bend knee,bend will


v. n.

1.[i][t](使)倾斜,偏向to lean, or make sth lean, in a particular direction

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使四肢等)弯曲if youbend your arm, leg, etc. or if itbends , you move it so that it is no longer straight

3.[t]~ sth把…弄弯(或折起)to force sth that was straight into an angle or a curve

4.[i][t](使)拐弯,弯曲to change direction to form a curve or an angle; to make sth change direction in this way


bend sbs ear (about sth)

向某人唠叨诉说(尤指自己的难处)to talk to sb a lot about sth, especially about a problem that you have

bend your mind/efforts to sth

致力于某事;专心致志to think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thing

bend the truth

扭曲事理;歪曲事实to say sth that is not completely true

on bended knee(s)

下跪(请求…);央求;苦苦哀求if you ask for sthon bended knee(s) , you ask for it in a very anxious and/or humble way


曲折_百度百科 ... [bending;zig] 弯曲 [tortuous;winding] 委曲 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... draw hole 抽孔 bending 折弯 trim 切边 ...


  5.推弦 (Bending) :拨动琴弦后,押弦的手指或上或下的扯紧琴弦来提升音高,常见於以蓝调为根本的演奏手法。  6.颤音 (Vibrato…


民航专业常用词汇指南(ME)[1]_百度文库 ... below 在…的下面 bending 弯曲 挠曲 black 黑色 ...


根据压音(bending)的技巧发声原理,复音口琴和半音阶口琴肯定也达不到Blues口琴的效果,这是因为在Blues口琴中压音是使两 …


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... belling 压凸加工 bending 弯曲加工 blanking 下料加工 ...


农业机械方面的英语单词 简写_百度知道 ... bend 弯道 bending 屈曲 bendingmachine 挠曲机;折床 ...

"Listen, dear Annette, " said the prince, suddenly taking his companion's hand, and for some reason bending it downwards . “亲爱的安内特,请听我说吧,”公爵说道,他忽然抓住交谈者的手,不知怎的使它稍微向下弯。
and the clamping mechanisms at both ends of the tube are arranged at the front end of the tube bending mechanism. 灯管两端的夹持机构设置在灯管弯曲机构的前端。
The point at which the facets attached had to be able to move without bending at any given edge, so they had to sweep. 钻石切面的连接处必须能动,而且任何一个棱角都不会弯曲,因此这些切面必须进行延伸。
But the President was no Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt when it came to bending Congress to his will. 但当问题涉及到要使国会屈从于自己的意志时,总统就既不如威尔逊又不如富兰克林·罗斯福了。
As fact, Boom is in line with nonlinear bending force mechanism. The stability of the surface is the essence of strength problem. 事实上,臂架的受力符合非线性弯曲的机理,表面的稳定性问题的实质是强度问题。
By bending over, one could have readily recognized a coin, --no doubt the forty-sou piece stolen from the little Savoyard . 假使有人弯着腰,就不难看出那是一枚银币。那一定是从那通烟囱的小瑞尔威抢来的那枚值四十个苏的钱了。
The impulsion is often lost, because of the rider's preoccupation with bending the horse and pushing him sideways. 由于骑手全神贯注在使马曲绕和向侧方推进,常常使前进气势丧失。
"Quickly, then, child! " said the minister, bending his ear close to her lips. "Quickly! - and as low as thou canst whisper. " “那就快说吧,孩子!”牧师说着,弯腰把耳朵凑近她的嘴唇。“快说吧!——悄悄地,尽量小声点。”
The bending radius reduces with increasing length of the mainstream line, and then tends to be relatively stable. 随主流线长度增加,弯曲半径不会无限制减小,将会趋于某一相对稳定状态;
It seems to be completely out of control, unable to grasp the own destiny, and make the falling, bending and rolling with the track. 列车仿佛完全处于失控状态,无法把握自己的命运,任由轨道的高度变化实现运动,创造跌落、弯转和翻滚的完美感受。
She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and pushing the sweeping-brush under the bed. 她没有把话说完,因为这时她正弯下腰去,拿著扫把在床底下弄拨。
And here's some video at 1, 000 frames per second. Now I want you to look at the animal's back. Do you see how much it's bending like that? 不能用普通镜头你得每秒捕捉1000张图像才能看到这个这个短片是每秒1000帧的现在我要你们注意看这只动物的背部你能看出它弯曲了多少吗?
"Why? ? Hotel manager says: " Because you are bending over to go up in the transparent scuttle of our dining-room now! 饭店经理说:“因为你现在正趴在我们餐厅的透明天窗上!”
Then, kick your legs up and down together in a whipping motion generating from the hips and bending at the knees, as if you were a dolphin. 通过髋关节和膝关节用力运动,上下踢你的腿,就像海豚一样。
The utility model solves the problem that the bending hooks on both ends of the clothes hanging rod are easy to break. 本实用新型解决的问题是挂衣杆的两端的弯钩易被折断的缺点。
She held one hand to her forehead, and bending slowly, she reached out with her free arm, nearly touching a dark mass lying in the road. 她一手捂着额头,慢慢地弯下身子,伸出另一只是胳膊,摸向躺在路上的一团黑色的东西。
Workers take a moment to pray, bending like the palm trees in the wind. 工人们时而停下来祈祷,身子弯曲得像风中的仙人掌。
In the forests, trees in the wind might be induced stem bending even destroyed, thus affecting the quality and yield of wood. 树木在风压作用下可能被压弯或者直接被毁坏,因而影响木材的质量和产量,给林业造成巨大的经济损失。
We got so carried away fantasizing about bending it with Beckham that we almost forgot the point we were trying to make. 我们如此的着迷于贝克汉姆踢出的弧线球,以致几乎忘记我们所谈论的重点。
Try bending either the front or the back leg if the spilt isn't yet developed, and try reaching the body over the leg with a flat back. 尝试弯曲无论是前面或后面的腿,如果泄漏尚未开发,并尝试进入人体的腿与一个单位回来。
The system works like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. 整个系统的工作原理类似海市蜃楼:热气导致光线扭曲,使得前方道路隐蔽在天空的影像之后。
Without bending at the elbows any further, bring your arms down and across the body using your abs to initiate the movement. 不需要再更多地弯曲肘部,把双臂自然落下并通过全身用腹部带动整个运动。
The magnitudes of the shearing stresses and bending stresses vary along the length of the beam and with distance from the neutral axis . 剪切应力和弯曲应力的大小沿着梁的长度方向发生变化,并与到中性轴的距离有关。
It did not mean that they were to spin their own little worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams. 这并不意味着它们应该去旋转它们自己的小世界、去扭曲法则以造就它们梦中的意象。
Failure mode is bending failure along the surface occurred by bond-type damage, take the place of shear failure. 并且后期破坏不以剪切破坏为主,而是沿着粘结破坏面形成的薄弱面发生拉压式破坏。
If it is possible, be responsible for maintenance of the CNC milling machine and stretch bending machine. 如果可能,负责CNC数控铣床和拉伸折弯机的设备维护保养。
However, it could not be helped, and turning, and bending himself to a rapid walk, he dismissed the subject from his mind. 但是,现在已经于事无补了,他转过身去,弯腰快步向前走去,心里不再想这件事了。
With a little bit of gender-bending and a whole lot of singing, Everybody Dies! 随着性别弯曲一点点的歌唱一大堆,大家模具!
We saw this rough-looking guy bending over the window of our car trying to break in. 我们看到个模样粗野的人弯身伏在我们的车窗上,试图撬锁进车。
Alexander listened attentively to what was said to him, and bending his head smiled amiably . 亚历山大用心地听他说话,低下头,快活地微微一笑。