
美 [ˌɛfbi'aɪ]英 [ˌefbi:'aɪ]
  • abbr.(美国)联邦调查局
  • 网络美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation);联调局;法国美丽公司(France Beaute Industrie)



美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

美国联邦调查局(FBI)姓名调查(Name Check)延迟的影响,美国公民及移民局(USCIS)对转换绿卡身份的I-485申请案件审理速 …


联调局(FBI)破获中共凤凰卫视间谍大案 2005年11月4日22 23 24 25 【人民报消息】定居洛杉矶的中国移民麦大智(Dazhi Ma…

法国美丽公司(France Beaute Industrie)

玛丽艳Marie Anne源自法国,是世界知名化妆品公司France beaute Industrie(FBI)著名品牌。玛丽艳是法国FBI(兰寇,雅丝兰黛 …


  由美国联邦查询拜访局(FBI)、河山平安部、法律部官员构成的国安小组在斟酌向联邦通讯委员会收回“亘古未有的”发起,以“谍 …

The FBI is investigating the scandal and the Senate is to look at proposed legislation that would make it a crime to use webcams for spying. FBI正在调查这件丑闻,参议院也准备立法来给利用摄像头的间谍行为定罪。
But he never was sure in his own time that it was the FBI that was after him. 但他自己也从未确定跟踪他的就是FBI的人。
He knew all about the mob from growing up around its members; But he had been brought by a good family whose values led him to join the FBI. 成长在黑帮成员的周围使得他十分了解这些人;但是抚养他的是一个良好的家庭,在家庭价值观的引导下他加入了联邦调查局。
FBI 1: We don't have time for this scientist to talk to the guy. We went at him for four hours, got nothing. 我们没时间让这个科学家盘问他了,我们套了他四个小时,啥都没套到。
Tew, from Wiltshire, a county in southern England, said he informed the FBI because his site is hosted in the United States. 来自英国南部威尔特郡的图说,他向美国联邦调查局报了案,因为他网站的主机设在美国。
My kids joked that I was like an FBI agent, with my constant questions about where they'd been and who they'd been with. 我的孩子们开玩笑说我像是美国联邦调查局的一个探员,因为我总是不停地问他们去了什么地方,曾经和谁呆在一起。
The man is one of the three suspects in a string of robberies. One led to the shooting of an FBI agent accidentally shot by a colleague. 这个人是制造了一系列抢劫案的三个嫌疑犯之一,并导致了一个FBI特工意外被同事射杀。
The U. S. CIA and the FBI has been investigating the matter, trying to confirm the identity and motive of the intruder. 目前美国中情局及美国联邦调查局已对此事展开调查,试图确认入侵者的身份和动机。
Police, lawyers and FBI agents were all among the groups who were unable to tell if people were lying. 团队里包括警察,律师和美国联邦调查局人员,都是那些无法辨别出人们是否在说谎。
He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college. 他把美国联邦调查局探员塑造成了一个流行品牌,在巅峰时期,想当一名联邦调查局探员比进一所常青藤院校还要难。
Though the FBI said the files had not been tampered with, what had occurred put the Bush campaign in a bad light. 尽管联邦调查局声称档案没有遭到篡改,但发生的一切却使老布什竞选团队的形象受损。
You know, you really wanna know why the FBI is still so interested in anything John Lennon. . . 你知道,你真的想知道为什么联邦调查局还是那么什么都感兴趣的…
The FBI said the action was an "unprecedented co-operative effort" that had seized 290, 000 counterfeit software CDs. 美国联邦调查局表示,此次行动是一次“空前的合作行动”,共缴获了29万张盗版软件光碟。
Earlier this year, Mr. Murphy flew to Moscow for a week with a laptop Center had told him to buy: an Asus EE PC 1005HA-P. FBI的文件显示,今年早些时候,墨菲飞往莫斯科待了一周时间,随身携带着“中心”让其购买的一台华硕(Asus)EEPC1005HA-P型号的手提电脑。
He used his special identity of FBI to ask one trainman to leave one compartment for them. 他利用自己是联邦特工的特殊身份,让一名列车员给他们腾出来一间车厢。
"Damn you! " he said, "I cracked that box, and it was easy like you said. But I got busted by the FBI and thrown in jail" . “你混蛋!”他说,“我黑掉了那台机器,你说的没错,太容易了。但是我被FBI抓起来扔进监狱了。”
You think the FBI are the only ones on this guy? 你以为只有联邦调查局在追捕那家伙?
GROSS: Now, let's talk more about the FBI documents that you were finally able to get through the Freedom of Information Act. 葛洛斯:现在,让我们来谈谈你通过情报自由法最终得到的列侬FBI档案。
His lifelong obsession with the curative powers of the orgasm no doubt played a part in the FBI and FDA's dogged pursuit of him. 一生迷恋性欲的治疗作用无疑是他受到FBI和FDA追捕的原因。
GROSS: How much do you think John Lennon knew about the FBI's surveillance of him? 葛洛斯:你认为列侬对FBI监视自己的行动了解多少?
The FBI can jail him but the IRS will hound him for the rest of his life, in fact, even after he is dead they will hound him. 联邦调查局可以坐牢他,但国税局将猎犬他余生,事实上,即使是在他死时,他们就会猎犬他。
Then there was the matter of the nine hundred or so private FBI files on former Republican staff members that turned up in the White House. 还有[不当]档案的问题﹕有九百件左右的联邦调查局文档在白宫出现﹐这些档案含的是旧任共和党[白宫]职员的个人资料。
The FBI would not comment, but one source says the investigation is focused on the company and not individuals of this time. FBI没有发表任何评论,但是有消息说,此次调查集中于该公司,而没有针对某一个个体。
But the FBI caught up with him in Chicago and took him back to New York to stand trial. 但是联邦调查局终于在芝加哥追踪捕获这名逃犯,于是把他押解回纽约受审。
Within a week, Louis Freeh announced that the FBI had wrongly turned over 408 files to the White House. 一周内,路易斯·弗里宣布,联邦调查局犯了错,把408份档案转交给了白宫。
FBI, local fire bomb squad and the Ohio State University, Department of Public Safety officials are investigating the matter. 美国联邦调查局、当地火警炸弹小组以及俄亥俄州立大学公共安全部门官员正在就此事进行调查。
Part of his job was to carry secret intelligence documents between the FBI and the State Department. 他的一个工作职责就是在FBI和国务院之间传递机密情报文件。
Torrez visited Beck on Monday and urged her to take the child to a doctor, the FBI agent said. 这位FBI的特工说,星期一特蕾兹去探望了贝克,并一直催她把孩子送到医院。
She was able later to listen to a plan he developed together with the FBI for her to go along with her husband's plans. 她还听取了她老板和联邦调查局共同策划的来对付她丈夫的计划。
When he wrote to the FBI that communist spies were after him, an agent attached a note to one of his letters: "Make 'appears mental' card. " 当他给FBI写信说有共产党密探在到处寻找他时,FBI探员在他的信后贴了一张便条:“归到‘疑似神经’一类。”