
美 [bet]英 [bet]
  • n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计
  • v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿
  • 网络下注;比表面积;投注(Betting)

复数:bets 过去式:betted 现在分词:betting

bet dollar,place bet,bet horse,take bet,bet money
safe bet,sure bet,good bet
yeah bet


v. n.

1.[i][t]下赌注(于);用…打赌to risk money on a race or an event by trying to predict the result

2.[t](informal)~ (that)…敢说;八成儿used to say that you are almost certain that sth is true or that sth will happen


I/Ill bet!

(表示理解)有同感,当然used to show that you can understand what sb is feeling, describing, etc.

I wouldnt bet on it|dont bet on it

不大可能used to say that you do not think that sth is very likely

you bet!

的确;当然used instead of ‘yes’ to emphasize that sb has guessed sth correctly or made a good suggestion

you can bet your life/your bottom dollar (on sth/(that)…)

肯定;毫无疑问used to say that you are certain that sth will happen


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... benefit n. 好处,受益 bet vt. 打赌 betray vt. 暴露 ...


下注Bet)当你前面的人还没有下任何注,你可以自己下注。你可以说,例如:“我下10个筹码”然后把你的筹码放入底池,以 …


比表面积(Bet) : 850-1200 M2/g比重(Bulk density):0.45-0.55/cm33PH : 9 - 11灰份(Ash) : 3 % max含水率(Moisture) : 5 % max …


在一个赌注(Bet)上省下几分钱听起来不算什么(What),但深刻来看它能够成为一个把输家变赢家的长久上风。师长的责任.只是 …


投注BET) 玩家下注。 投注限额(BET LIMIT) 指玩家投注的最大和最小额度。



So, if I had to guess, I would bet that we'll see some sort of Chrome OS beta launch in December. 所以,如果非要让我猜的话,我打赌我们会在十二月份多多少少见到一些ChromeOS的测试版本。
I bet the Soviet brass stood that poor guy up against one of those burned out aircraft and shot him on the spot! 我敢打赌苏联的军方高层会让那个可怜的家伙站在熊熊燃烧的飞机前面,当场枪毙!
" Ira deferred fork: " Ready to argue with you, next year in Moscow, all of these injuries take place, and I win. I bet? 她暗下决心:“准备好了和自己斗争吗,明年的莫斯科,所有的伤病都已经发生了,但是明年的莫斯科世锦赛我一定会赢的,我敢打赌。”
The Swiss franc has been a winning bet this year for investors seeking safety from dueling debt problems in the U. S. and Europe. 对因欧美严重债务问题寻求避险的投资者来说,押注瑞士法郎一直为他们带来好处。
The pretty young blonde thinks " I bet the Frenchman tried to fondle me in the dark, got the old lady by mistake, and she hit him. " 老妇人想,“我敢说那个法国人趁黑摸那个金发女郎,结果她扇了他一耳光。”
Uncertainty over prices, he says, means that companies do not know which technologies to bet on for future products. 他说,价格方面的不确定性,意味着企业们不知道未来的产品应该押注于哪种技术。
There is nothing inherently wonderful about inflated prices, but it is not easy to bet that prices will fall. 膨胀的价格本身没有什么美妙之处,但是押注于价格下跌并不容易。
And I'll close with you on the bet. I'll wager anything you want that 'Ephemera' is accepted either on the first or second offering. 我可以跟你用你想要的任何东西打赌,《蜉蝣》头一次或第二次投出去就会被采用的。
When she was a sophomore, a boy made a bet with her to prove which one was better at playing table tennis. 在她大二时,一个男生跟她打赌谁打乒乓球厉害。
So a tie is a good bet for dad this year, but a day just hanging out with him might be even better. 所以今年(父亲节)给老爸条好领带确实是不错的选择,但是在这天里仅仅与他四处转转可能更不错。
Sometimes a horse is known as a past winner, and that makes it seem like the right horse to bet money on. 有时候,某匹马因为是上一届的冠军,所以就很容易让人认为把赌注押它身上是正确的。
Abuani said Injaz demanded to be flown to Turkey and said he was being persecuted by the Israeli Shin-Bet security force. 阿布阿尼说因扎兹要求被空运回土耳其,并说以色列辛贝特安全部队正在迫害他。
Signs that speculative capital has started to leave China also suggest investors no longer regard the yuan as a one-way bet. 有迹象显示,投机资本已经开始流出中国,这表明投资者不再认为人民币只升不降。
He returned home and sat down, saddened by his lost bet, and embarrassed by the blow to his pride. 他回到家后,坐下来为他失去的赌注难过,他的自尊心也受到了打击。
It is strange that Sony nearly bet the company on this at a time when physical delivery of content is in steep decline. 奇怪的是索尼这次几乎把整个公司都压在了上面而实际的出货量却急剧的下降。
If I had to bet, I'd still plump for Ms Rousseff winning in the first round, but I'm not as certain as I was a week ago. 如果我来打赌,我仍会赞成罗塞芙女士在第一轮获胜,但是这已不再是几个星期前的我那么确定。
But Wilkins, you know, thought DNA was the best bet, and he showed this x-ray photograph. 不过威尔金斯还是认为DNA才是最有可能的遗传物质,并且展示了这张X光照片。
Given all that, it seems you win this bet -- but, in light of your friend's unemployed status, why not spring for the lobsters anyway? 这样看来,你要在这次打赌中胜出了——但是,考虑到你朋友目前处于失业状态,这顿龙虾大餐还是你来做东吧!
First, what's the name of that bet you were explaining to me while we played pool? 首先,在我们打台球时,你解释给我的那个打赌人叫什么名称啊?
The Internet has now made it so that you don't even have to call up a bookie and place your bet; you can simply login and start betting. 互联网已经使得使你却连一个打电话给你打赌卓琨和地点;您只需登录并开始投注。
It is a safe bet that Mr Stevens would not be retiring at all but for his desire to let a Democratic president pick his successor. 史蒂文斯先生不退休倒是万无一失,但他本人的愿望是让一位民主党的总统来挑选他的继任者。
I bet it's not a piece of good news for PBOC which is trying to curb China's soaring inflation. 我打赌这对正在试图控制通胀的人民银行不是一个好消息。
Flat organizations, which emphasize horizontal connections, seem to be the best bet for involving large numbers of people lightly. 平行的组织结构,强调横向的联系,似乎是让大量成员或多或少的参与其中的最好措施。
I am prepared to bet that she is as eager as you are for this terrible experiment to end. Might you consider doing something else entirely? 我敢说,你妻子和你一样迫切希望结束这种糟糕的状态,或许你可以考虑彻底改行?
It was a typical BarCap bet - that the subprime problems would be short-lived and that it was picking up assets on the cheap. 这是典型的巴克莱资本式押注:次贷问题将是短暂的,而它在廉价收购资产。
And as one analyst pointed out, a bet on these two casino listings could prove to be, well, a bit of a gamble. 如一位分析师所说,对这两家博彩公司股票的投资本身就颇像一次赌博。
If it doesn't, and your child's stuttering seems to be getting worse, the best bet is to seek the help of a speech-language pathologist. 如果不是这样,可能你的孩子口吃情况已经变得严重了,此时最妥帖的方法是向语音语言病例学家寻求帮助。
When Mr Simon won his bet he was able to say that rising population was not a problem: increased demand attracts investment, producing more. 西蒙赌赢后他能够说人口增长并不是问题:需求增长吸引投资,生产更多。
Paul: You think you could beat Jack Johnson? I think you could. Id bet on it. 保罗:你能打败杰克·约翰逊吗?我想你能。我敢打赌。
Karen: Who asked you? ! Look at him: he's got dark eyes and a strong chin. I'll bet he's got a cute smile, too. 凯伦:谁问你了?!看看他:他有深色的眼眸和粗犷的下巴。我敢说他的笑容也很可爱。