
  • abbr.(=boldface)【印】黑体
  • 网络男朋友(boyfriend);最好的朋友(best friend);芳程式(Base Formula)




网络用语_百度知道 ... 变态- -BT 男朋友- -BF 女朋友- -GF ...

最好的朋友(best friend)

Best FriendBF)系列的斜挎包和小肩包,非常七十年代,并带点男孩气的顽皮(斜挎包2340元,小肩包1340元)Rebecca Mi…

芳程式(Base Formula)

首页-艾米名妆店 彩妆护肤-淘宝网 ... The Namir 自然奇迹 BF 芳程式 The Body Shop 美体小铺 ...

The long life-span of BF was an important target pursued by the iron and steel enterprises all over the world. 高炉长寿是国内外钢铁企业追求的重要目标。
I haven't tested the other object anim methods as the BF+LC methods seems to be the preferred choice. 我还没有测试的其他物体阿尼姆方法作为高炉+液相色谱方法似乎是首选。
Today, it was my boyfriend and my six-month anniversary. I've really fallen in love with him, and I know he loves me the same. 今天是我和BF的恋爱三周年纪念日,我真的很爱她,我也知道他爱我。
Gather ag on the two front pieces until the shoulder seam ab equals the stitching line bf, to give the front fullness shown in the drawing. 收集股份公司的两个前片,直到肩膀煤层抗体等于缝合线高炉,使丰满的正面显示的绘图。
I know I'm going to get flamed for this one, but I feel like a lot of FOB girls are looking for a BF all the time. 在这一条上我可能会激怒某些人,但我觉得好像许多FOB女孩随时都在找男友。
When my BF and I moved from Seattle, I packed them up and kept them on my desk until just a few days ago. 当我和我男朋友搬离西雅图时,我把它们包在一起,放在我的桌面上,直到几天前才打开。
I wanted to ask out Liz but the ship has sailed, because she's just got a new bf. 我想邀Liz出来,可是晚了,她刚交了个男朋友。
Try picking up the tab for once when you head out with your BF. 你和你最要好的朋友出去的时候,有时候也应该付付钱。
It would be even more expensive if BF or I were traveling alone, because we'd have to pay for 100% of the hotel cost rather than 50%. 如果我和我男朋友单独去,就会花的更多,因为我们要花合计100%的酒店费用而不是50%。
Today, for our one year anniversary, my boyfriend decided to make me a patchwork blanket. 今天,为了纪念我们恋爱一周年,我BF决定给我做一个拼布毯子。
I got many from BF, but I gave little. . . no more than he gave me at least. 我男朋友为我做了很多很多,但我却对他付出很少很少,至少比他付出的少。
Your BF is now a graduate student and without much earning, so the expense during your dating is spent by you is understandable in a sense. 你的男朋友现在只是个研究生,没有太多收入,你们平常约会的花费现在都由你来出似乎也说的过去。
The answer is still uncertain but in no case this kind of woman who doesn't respect her bf could stir any interest of a man. 但无论如何,这种不懂得尊重男友的女人,男人们恐怕是不敢问津的。
The blast furnace(BF) sludge, containing iron and carbon, is valuable and necessary to be recovered. 高炉瓦斯泥中含有大量的铁、碳,是很好的炼铁原料。
Actually last time i did make a prayer to God to let my bf fall in love with me. 恩。我会继续祷告和相信神,不会因为遇到这些挫折而跌倒的。
BF grew up in a small studio apartment with 2 siblings and turned out fine. 我的男朋友和他的两个兄妹在一间小公寓里长大,也挺好的。
He has gorgeous eyes that make you feel safe and warm. only one other guy i know has those same eyes and thats my bf. 他漂亮的眼睛会让你感到安全和温暖,除了他,只有我的男友有着这同样的眼睛。
BF: Oh, shut your yap. At least it was nice and quiet before you woke up. 噢,别废话了。至少在你醒来以前一切都好得很,而且安静。
The deterioration mechanism of the tuyere coke and the relationship between the tuyere coke property and the BF operation were discussed. 探讨了风口焦炭劣化机理,风口焦炭性状与高炉操作的关系。
The point is I cant make my bf wait for so long. 最重要的是我不能让我的男朋友等那么久。
This 1941 aircraft design was to be a possible successor to the Messerschmitt Bf 110 heavy fighter. 这架飞机是1941年设计的,一个可以继任梅塞高速110的重型战斗机。
Objective To summarize the experience of the prevention and treatment on bronchopleural fistula (BF) complicated after pneumonectomy. 目的总结肺切除术后并发支气管胸膜瘘的诊治经验。
The recovery technology and standard flow of the BF sludge with hydrocyclone are introduced . 介绍高炉瓦斯泥旋流脱锌技术与典型流程;
Simulation and test indicates that new developed BF stove is of compact structure, simple in design, has lower temperature at top and wall. 仿真和冷态试验结果表明,新开发的热风炉具有结构紧凑,工艺设计简单,炉顶、炉墙温度较低,燃烧完全等优点。
The pressure testing and washing scheme of circular water tube of BF body is worked out in detail. 编制了详细的高炉本体循环水管道试压、冲洗施工方案,根据具体情况制定相应对策和措施。
Sexual feelings can also be a part of this attraction. People at this stage might daydream about a crush or a new BF or GF. 在这一阶段,人们会幻想着爱上一个人,或是有一个新的男(女)朋友。
But i understand which will effect your normal life with your BF! 不过我知道甘样会打扰到你同你男朋友既生活!
Meanwhile, coke quality of tamping coke oven can satisfy the need of BF. production, the production cost of fitting coal is reduced. 捣固焦炉生产焦炭质量符合高炉生产要求,并降低了配合煤的生产成本。
Even with no comparative cost differences and no potential economies bf scale, trade can benefit both countries if demand conditions differ. 即使不存在比较成本差异及潜在的规模经济,但如果需求情况不同,贸易也会使双方获利。
My bf supports me a lot to get further education in the US since it's a great chance for our future. 我的男朋友很支持我,能有机会到美国去深造,谁想错过,何况这也是为了我们以后打算。