big apple

  • na.大地方(纽约市的别称);最重要部分;注意的中心;焦点
  • 网络大苹果;大苹果城;大苹果-纽约的别称

big applebig apple

big apple



英语翻译教程 ... AIDS 爱滋病(一种性免疫缺损综合症) Big Apple 大苹果(纽约的别称) mad-cow disease 疯牛病(牛海绵 …


英语新闻常用词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... Bible belt 《圣经》地带 11. Big Apple 纽约 12. Bigwig 要人,大人物 13. ...


世界各地城市的雅称_抽搐死亡_新浪博客 ... New York( 纽约): Big Apple( 大苹果城) Panama( 巴拿马): ...


新概念第... ... a bad apple 一个坏苹果->坏蛋,惹麻烦,不诚实的人 Big Apple 大苹果->纽约的别称 a fat cat 肥猫->暴发户(贬 …


部分客房可通往享有纽约城Big Apple)绝佳景致的园景露台。 经过重新设计的宽敞客房设有现代家具、豪华埃及床单、付费 …


纽约市( Big Apple) 之所以让人著迷 因为[它]真是个大融炉!每天睁开眼 就可以听见 看见来自世界不同种族的人 红黄蓝白黑 金银 …


大苹果市Big Apple),为美国纽约市的别称,起源於1921年。大苹果市的主要说法 [编辑] 根据纽约历史学会(New-York Hist…


北美风情。。。万圣节 - 安芝涟 的日志 -... ... Hand 手 Big Apple (大苹果)美国纽约市 Horn Of Plenty 丰饶角 ...

However, he found the Big Apple this is not the largest tree-wide, at most, can only be said to be one of the largest local. 他发现大苹果并不是长在最粗的树枝上。只能说它是当地最大中的一个。
Michael Bloomberg, the mayor, has bragged that the Big Apple created 10% of all the new private-sector jobs since the beginning of the year. 纽约市市长迈克尔.彭博声称从今年开始纽约市已创造了全国私营企业新提供岗位的10%。
Otherwise known as 'The Big Apple' and 'The City That Never Sleeps, ' the city attracts people from all over the globe. . . 还以“大苹果”和“不眠城市”而著称,这个城市吸引着全球各地的人们。
When he got home, he found his mother had fixed him his favorite dinner, fried chicken, and baked him a big apple pie. 当他到家时,他发现母亲已经做好了他最喜欢的饭菜,炸鸡,还为他烤了一个大的苹果派。
The ambitious junior finally decided to leave school in pursuit of more lucrative movie roles by heading for the Big Apple. 雄心勃勃的布鲁斯决定离开学校去寻求更大的发展机会,于是他到了纽约。
At the age of six, while I was eating a big apple, something hard pressed against my tongue. I spat it out. It was a tooth. 我六岁那年,有一次在吃一个大苹果时,有个东西压在了我的舌头上,吐出来,原来是颗牙齿。
After listening to her mother, very pleased, in my face Qinleyixia, and that You Hongyou big Apple Award to me. 他妈妈听完后,很满意,她吻了我的脸颊,给了我那个又红又大的苹果。
If his family had forgiven him, they were to put up a white ribbon in the big apple tree which stood near the tracks. 如果他的家人原谅了他,他们就在最靠近铁轨的那颗苹果树上系上白丝带。
A narrow barrel with a razor-sharp edge (think of a very big apple corer) shoots down and pierces the undrilled layer of earth below. 一个带有锋利边缘的窄桶(就像一个非常大的苹果挖核器)像子弹一样射下,穿过下方尚未钻孔的土层。
Take a tour with a Big Apple Greeter Explore New York's unique neighborhoods with your very own local tour guide, a "real" New Yorker. 和大苹果接待员一同游览在属于你的当地导游——一个真正纽约人的带领下,探索纽约独特的街区。
My grandmother has lived right in the heart of the Big Apple for the last thirty years, and wouldn't think of moving. 过去三十年我祖母住在纽约市中心,她不曾有搬家的念头。
Gordon: I guess you are right, but it would be nice to be in the big apple with all those stars. 戈登:我想你是对的。但能和大明星在一起很不错呀。
He says John Fitz Gerald, a writer for a New York newspaper, used the name the Big Apple to mean New York in the nineteen twenties. 他表示,20世纪20年代,纽约一家报纸的记者约翰·菲茨·杰拉德(JohnFitzGerald)使用TheBigApple来指代纽约。
welcome to the Big Apple. I hope you don't feel like a fish out of water here. we've been on pins and needles waiting for you. 欢迎来到纽约,我希望你在这里可以不受约束,我们早已等你等的迫不及待了。
For decades, the rest of America and the world expected the Big Apple to be the prime source of sustenance for the poor masses. 几十年来,美国其他城市的人和世界在期待着纽约会成为贫苦大众维持生计的主要来源。
Man, I can't stand the Knicks, yo! -Knickerbocker, please! -I'll have no problems gettin' up for the big games in the Big Apple! 伙计,我不能忍受(纽约)尼克斯队,你!-纽约人,别提了!-我对在大苹果(纽约的别称)打重要比赛没有任何问题!
the Big Apple =New York I heard that you just returned from a trip to New York City. I'm dying to know what you thought of the Big Apple. 我听说你刚从纽约旅行回来。我非常想知道你对纽约的评价如何。
Gradually, the sun would face the Big Apple like a bright red, bright red look great. 渐渐地,太阳公公的脸像一个鲜红的大苹果,红彤彤的很好看。
After 3 years of experience with the Shakespeare festival, Hanks headed to the Big Apple - New York - with big dreams. 在莎士比亚节锻炼了三年以后,汉克斯带着自己的远大梦想来到了纽约。
Three months later my friends and I gathered at the same restaurant. "To life in the Big Apple! " 三个月后,我和朋友又相聚在同一家餐厅里。
From trains to subways, it's all about getting somewhere fast and efficiently. Read about the pride of the Big Apple on the next page. 从火车到地铁,都是为了到另一个地方快速和高效。下一节我们将读到纽约的骄傲。
The big apple became the name of a night club in the Harlem area of New York City in 1934. “大苹果”在1934年成了纽约黑人住宅区一家夜总会的名称。
The money was donated ostensibly as a "gift . . . to strengthen security in the Big Apple. " 表面上的钱捐赠是作为“礼品…以加强在“大苹果”(金融中心,华尔街)的保安。”
problem is . . . he did not know, president of the Big Apple where? But he guesses: the Big. 这个问题是…它不知道最大的那棵苹果树在哪里?但是它猜想。
he looked with vague hope up and down the quay , a big apple bulging in his neck. 他抱着茫然的期待上上下下打量着码头,挺大的喉结在脖颈上凸了出来。
Some of Earth's largest ancient lava flows lie below the Atlantic Ocean seafloor not far from the Big Apple. 一些地球上最大型的熔岩流位于离纽约市不远的大西洋海底之下。
The square pie is also the best of its style you will find in the Big Apple, and the toppings are house-made and excellent. 你会发现在整个“大苹果”(指纽约——译注),方形比萨饼最具风味,上层配料都是家庭制作的,风味无限。
For those watching for a big Apple acquisition , expect the company to bargain hard and in perhaps the most aggressive manner. 关注苹果大规模收购举动的人应该知道,这家公司一定会狠狠地讨价还价,毫不客气。
If you happen to find yourself in the Big Apple with a hankering for delicious borscht, be sure to take yourself to the Carnegie Deli. 如果你恰好在大苹果(纽约的别称)寻觅美味的罗宋汤,一定要去卡内基熟食店。
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg signaled earlier this week that he's going to do something about the Big Apple's market share. 纽约市市长迈克尔•彭博(MichaelBloomberg)本周早些时候表示,他将着手改善纽约在国际仲裁市场上的市场份额。