
美 [bɪd]英 [bɪd]
  • v.〈美〉投标;出价;〈书〉命令;【牌】叫(牌)
  • n.投标;企图;提议;【牌】叫牌
  • adj.不易被外公司收购的
  • 网络开发工具包(Business Intelligence Development Studio)

过去式:bade 过去式:bad 过去分词:bidden 第三人称单数:bids 现在分词:bidding

takeover bid,hostile bid,successful bid,win bid,joint bid
bid take,make bid,put bid,accept bid,get bid


开发工具包(Business Intelligence Development Studio)

SSRS为创建报表提供了两种报表设计器: Business Intelligence Development Studio(BIDS)和Report Builder.开发人员通常使用…


女孩们可以出价(bids) 买下心仪的男孩 并和他一起享用他篮子内所准备的午餐其中还学到一种树名 是Juli非常喜欢的树 叫做Syc…

投标 Topics : B ... bicycles( 自行车) bids( 投标) biexcitons( 双激子) ...

I am looking for someone who may provide me with a good solid website. Please send your bids through and estimated quotes on this project. 我找人谁可以提供一个良好稳固的网站我。请将您的出价,并在此项目通过估算报价。
Low bids from professionals will be preferred, to see the result of your work and give a base for future assignments and "fitting" payment. 由专业人士低出价将是首选,就看你的工作结果,并给出了未来的任务和“装修”缴费基数。
Kindly place you bids and let me know how much time you will need for this assignment. 请地方,你出价,让我知道还有多少时间,你将需要为这项任务。
Some are saying they went all day without bids, and underbidders got their items for a steal due to lack of last-minute bidding. 一些人说,他们全天都没有收到出价,由于缺乏最后一分钟的报价,出价很低的人得到了他们的商品。
That Mr Leung appeared on the scene so quickly is surprising; the original bids became public just a few weeks ago. 梁伯韬这么快就亮相,着实令人感到惊讶;公开竞购也就是几个星期前的事。本来,他的出现早在人们意料之中。
He was looking for software capable of publishing photos, videos, and sounds so he made a call for bids. 他正在寻找一个能够胜任发布照片,视频和音频工作的软件,于是他开展了一次投标活动。
If i receive multiple EXCELLENT bids, I may place one, two or three of you on a trial period of work. 如果我收到多个优秀的出价,我可能对试用期的工作一,两个或你们三个一个。
Nanjing came in as the favorite after an IOC evaluation report last month said the Chinese city presented the least risk of the bids. 南京最终的胜出之前,一份于上月出炉的国际奥委会评估报告出炉,该报告称中国城市举办这场比赛,风险最小。
Two or more legal persons or other organizations may form a consortium and jointly submit their bids as one bidder. 第三十一条两个以上法人或者其他组织可以组成一个联合体,以一个投标人的身份共同投标。
The silence represents my mistake, bids good-bye is not the only result, I only am had not thought how good should say to you. 沉默不是代表我的错,分手不是唯一的结果,我只是还没有想好该怎么对你说。
The official said the company was looking for access to capital to make it less vulnerable to competitors and takeover bids. 这位官员表示,该公司正寻找获得资金的途径,使自己在竞争对手和收购行动面前不那么脆弱。
Broder said he does not believe wearing Yankee baseball caps will help either Clinton or Giuliani in their presidential bids. 布罗德说,他并不认为戴上洋基队的棒球队帽会对希拉里·克林顿或朱利亚尼的竞选活动带来任何帮助。
The Olympics have never been held in South America and Rio is hoping that will count in its favour as it bids for the 2016 Olympics. 奥运会从来没有在南美洲举行过,因此里约热内卢希望那会在竞选2016年奥运主办权时成为自己当选的有利因素。
Of course, you'll want to get at least two or three bids and check references to be sure the contractor has a good track record. 当然,你还应该至少向两三个建筑商询价,了解一下他们的装修质量,选择一家信誉良好的。
Please read this entire project description before placing bids. It's important to understand what we re trying to realise. 配售前,请仔细阅读标书这整个项目的说明。重要的是要明白我们重新努力实现。
People with direct knowledge of the matter said first-round bids for Morgan Stanley's stake are due on Tuesday. 该消息人士和其他直接得知事件的人士均表示,对摩根士丹利所持股权的第一轮竞投周二截止。
In this type of auction all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant. 根据这种拍卖方式的要求,所有买家须同时提交密封好的报价,因而没有人知道其他竞买者的报价。
A person familiar with the matter said bids are due Friday and the investment bank hopes to announce a sale in October. 熟悉内情的消息人士称,投标截止日在周五,雷曼希望能在10月宣布出售结果.(完)
Coulson also points to a flaw in auction procedure that lets truant buyers off the hook: houses do not have to honor most defaulted bids. 库尔森还指出了拍卖程序上让那些拍了不买的买家逃脱惩罚的一个小瑕疵,那就是拍卖行不必嘉奖那些拖欠付款的买方出价。
It would be helpful if at least six samples of previous logo designs could accompany all bids. 这将是有益的,如果在以前的至少六个标志设计样本将伴随所有投标。
We need reasonable bids and high turnaround time as we plan to make it live within a week. 我们需要合理的出价高的周转时间,我们打算把它生活在一个星期内。
Gracious minds know no better than to do as the LORD bids them; but this keeps them in the King's highway and under royal protection. 敬虔的人知道再没有比遵行主旨更好的事,而且主必保护我们,走在圣洁的道路上。
When asked if he would be making bids for Milan's forward Pato or the Italian midfielder Andrea Pirlo, Ancelotti remained uncommitted. 被问到是否有意收购AC米兰的前锋帕托或意大利中场球员皮尔洛时,安切洛蒂没有给出明确的答复。
In a coffee shop in Da Nang, a group of middle-aged friends have been meeting for years to put in their bids for the month. 在岘港的一家咖啡馆里,有一群中年朋友多年来一直聚在这里进行每月的投标。
Smith was the manager of a construction company and was taking bids on a new project. 史密斯是一家建设公司的经理,他正负责一个新工程的招标案。
Sherry lassiter works at the center for bids and atom at MIT, she said three laboratories recently open in south Africa. 雪丽拉斯特是在麻省理工学院的原子能中心工作的,她说在南非最近新开了三个这样实验室。
Remember that this time, I am on a very low budget so I am going to accept only the lowest bids. 请记住,这时候,我感到非常低的预算,所以我将只接受最低的投标。
C. Decide that it went out to all the other bidders as well, so everyone has the same information and will adjust their bids appropriately. 它认定所有其他投标人的标价一样,所以每个人都有相同的信息,并会适当地调整自己的出价。
The Kipling Society would like to see the letters remain in Britain but bids are expected from around the world at today's auction. 吉卜林研究会希望这些信件还是能留在英国,但今天的拍卖吸引了来自世界各地的买家。
To what extent should companies be allowed to protect themselves from hostile bids or creeping takeovers? 公司可以在多大程度上保护自己不遭到恶意收购或爬行收购(creepingtakeover)?