
美 [baɪnd]英 [baɪnd]
  • v.约束;捆绑;系;装订
  • n.窘境
  • 网络绑定;按键绑定;裹好

过去式:bound 过去分词:bounden 第三人称单数:binds 现在分词:binding

bind agreement,bind contract
bind hand
tightly bind


v. n.

捆绑tie with rope/cloth

1.[t]捆绑;系to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly

2.[t]~ sth (up)(用长布条)缠绕to tie a long thin piece of cloth around sth


3.[t](使)联合在一起,结合to unite people, organizations, etc. so that they live or work together more happily or effectively

驱使make sb do sth

4.[t][usupass]约束;迫使to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it or by making it their duty to do it

粘合stick together

5.[i][t](使)粘合,凝结to stick together or to make things stick together in a solid mass


6.[t][usupass]~ sth (in sth)装订to fasten the pages of a book together and put them inside a cover

缝边sew edge

7.[t][oftpass]~ sth (with sth)给…镶边;缝牢…的边to sew a piece of material to the edge of sth to decorate it or to make it stronger


它是一个 XML 数据块,包含一个或多个 XML 实例文档,包括数据实例 (Data Instances)、绑定 (Binds)、提交 (Submissions) …


繁体中文本地化 - CSP... ... "CSP_MenuTitle_Player" 玩家" "CSP_MenuTitle_Binds" 按键绑定" "CSP_MenuTitle_Audio" 音讯" ...


这里用了两个动词:「医好(heals)」和「裹好binds)」,这是何等细腻、慈祥的作为。不要忘了这位能规定星宿的数目, …


...(dips and rises)。差劲的挥击平面看起来会像是一个正弦波,这是因为手腕过紧(binds)以及打者没有在启动时就把棒头加速到 …

When it is ready to pupate, the caterpillar binds these hairs together with silk to construct an intricate protective cage around itself. 当它准备化蛹时,毛毛虫就把这些毛发物和丝缠绕在一起来在自己周围建造一个复杂的防护笼。
By keeping all their lore alive in an oral tradition, the Garou have retained a sense of continuity that binds each generation to the next. 通过口头讲述他们的知识一直流传下来,因此狼人们一代又一代的保留了对事务的看法。
have you only because , just make me understand , the reality binds to have how much of ruthlessness. 只因有你,才令我明白,现实裹有多少的残酷。
This was a "moment of renewal" , he said, and "an opportunity to discover that which binds us together as a nation" . 他说:“这是一个‘更新时刻’,并且将有机会发现使我们民族团结在一起的东西”。
The matched person's name is bound to the name variable, and the graph_uri variable binds to the URI of the graph that matched the pattern. 匹配的人名被绑定到name变量,而graph_uri变量绑定到与模式匹配的图的URI上。
So Ibis began to explore the possibility of using mass spectrometry to determine when a small molecule binds to RNA. 因此,爱必斯公司开始尝试应用质谱法,来确定小分子与RNA结合的可能性。
The molecule, known as VIRIP (virus-inhibitory peptide), binds to a spiky protein on the surface of the HIV virus called gp41. 这种被称为VIRIP(病毒抑制肽)的分子,结合到HIV病毒表面一种叫做gp41的道钉样蛋白质上。
a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled. 绳子或绳索上用打活结的方法打的结;当拉绳子或绳索时结会变紧。
Each growth factor binds to its own specific receptor, which activates a unique set of signaling molecules. 每增长系数对它自己的具体的感受器捆,这开动一独特套说明分子。
In his great power God becomes like clothing to me; he binds me like the neck of my garment. 因上帝的大力,我的外衣污秽不堪,又如里衣的领子将我缠住。
As we described in the previous section, a statically typed language binds the type to a variable for the lifetime of that variable. 正如我们在前面的章节所描述的,一个静态类型的语言在一个变量的生命周期内都会绑定一个类型。
First, protective antigen binds to the surface of a cell, where an enzyme trims off its outermost tip. 首先,保护抗原会结合到细胞表面,然后会有酵素剪掉保护抗原的最外端。
All that sizzle is a cultural artifact and a tie that binds us. 这种嘶嘶声已经形成了一种文化,紧紧的绑在我们身上。
Some people described that this kind of clothing is "while binds the whole body can highlight body's entire line" . 有人形容这种服饰是“在把全身裹起来的同时又能把身体的整个线条凸显出来”。
Chocolate is a promising substance for malaria research because it binds with cholesterol and takes it out of circulation. 对疟疾研究来说巧克力是一种很有前途的物质,因为它能抑制胆固醇的升高同时能把它带出循环系统。
After adding the item, the source control plug-in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database. 在添加该项之后,源代码管理插件将您解决方案或者项目的本地工作副本绑定到其数据库中的版本上。
Instead is applied to an array, the array elements appear in an instance document as children of the element that binds to the class. 应用于数组,则数组元素以绑定到类的元素的子级的形式出现在实例文档中。
This page has a single DataGrid control that binds to the results of a simple query against the authors table of the pubs database. 这个页面有一个DataGrid控件,该控件绑定对pubs数据库中authors表格进行简单查询的结果。
The business process designer builds out the details of the business process and then binds service implementations to it. 业务流程设计者增添业务流程的细节,然后将服务实现绑定到这些细节。
After CREB is switched on, it binds to a specific set of genes, triggering production of the proteins those genes encode. CREB一启动,就会接上一组特定基因,而这些基因所编译的蛋白质便受到触发而开始生产。
His mind binds you to the earth, his fragrance lifts you into space, and in his durability you are deathless. 他的力量将你们缚于大地,他的芬芳将你们托至空中,在他的不朽里你们永生。
Carbon monoxide binds to red blood cells more easily than oxygen, so it limits the amount of oxygen blood carries through the body. 相比氧气,一氧化碳能更容易地结合血红细胞,从而阻碍血液携带氧气流经全身。
For a Data Table control, the Binds to multi-valued option would be selected, and Attribute for repeating values would be set to var. 对于一个DataTable控件,绑定至多个值选项将会被选中,而重复值属性将会设置为var。
With a second exposure, even months later, some of the allergen binds with the IgE on the mast cell. 而第二次接触很可能已经是几个月之后,就有一些抗原和肥大细胞上的IgE抗体结合了。
The contract binds you to completion of the work within two years. 根据合约,你必须在两年内完成这项工作。
This binds each variable to a particular data type, and the variable can store only data of that type. 这样就将每个变量与特定的数据类型绑定在一起,该变量只能存储那种类型的数据。
Maps a name to a member of a type, or binds global variables and functions contained in a type library. 将名称映射到类型的成员,或者绑定类型库中包含的全局变量和函数。
"We want to be the glue that binds your digital life together, " he said. 他说:“我们想要成为联接你数字生活的粘合剂。”
But Mr Pollack binds the strands together deftly and imparts a good deal of learning and wisdom along the way. 但珀拉克巧妙的把这些结合在一起,一路娓娓道来其中的学问和智慧。
With this ritual, the necromancer revives a Mound King and binds him to his service. 通过这个仪式魔法,亡灵巫师复活一个坟丘之王并使其为自己服务。