
美 [bɜrd]英 [bɜː(r)d]
  • n.鸟;伯德;姑娘;人
  • v.捕鸟;在野外观察识别野鸟
  • abbr.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)(联合国)国际复兴开发银行
  • 网络鸟类;小鸟;鸟儿


see bird,feed bird,shoot bird,protect bird,find bird
young bird,small bird,wild bird,rare bird,dead bird



BBC生命_百度百科 ... “Fish” 鱼类 “Birds鸟类 “Insects” 昆虫 ...


美国人想带上飞机的诡异物品_新东方在线 ... 《Journey to English》 英语之旅 Birds 小鸟 A science project 实验器具 ...


英语首字母填空_百度知道 ... 9. round 围绕 10. birds 鸟儿 11. cleaner 更清洁/干净 ...


香奈儿 gucci包 巴黎艺术壁贴─ 鸟语花香(Birds) 托特包 肩背包可参考▲top Dec 11 Tue 2012 12:54 LV 经典独家好康 Royal壁 …


禽兽_互动百科 ... 禽困覆车[ Despair gives courage to a coward] 禽鸟[ birds] 禽兽[ birds and beasts] ...


中国纤维艺术网( ... 《霓之舞》" Dance Of Neon Light" 《雀鸟》" Birds" 《白桦树》" White birch" ...


Zheng Zhi Hua - Music, Songs, Albums ... Between us( 我们之间) Birds( 飞鸟) 1.Chinese children 中国的孩子 ...

The participants rejected any suggestion of trying to stop the spread of HPAI by killing wild birds. 与会者拒绝接受任何试图通过捕杀野鸟的办法来遏制高致病性禽流感传播的建议。
Yep, Plus the air sacs mean that birds weigh less than you'd expect, which makes flying less costly in terms of energy. 是的。加上肺泡的话就说明鸟比我们想象的要轻,那样飞行就不会那么耗能量。
The officers who found the birds described them as small with brown and black feathers. They were intact and had not been shot. 公路巡逻人员描述死掉的鸟的特征:个头小,羽毛呈棕黑相间,并且头完好无损,没有被射杀的迹象。
He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me. 他是个胖乎乎的逗人喜欢的小家伙,他的脚不停地爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。
The water, two or three birds in the Latin dance of dragonflies, as if to say they would like to participate in this fun game. 水面有三两只蜻蜓在跳拉丁舞,仿佛在表示,它们也想参加这有趣的游戏。
and with every living thing with you, all birds and cattle and every beast of the earth which comes out of the ark with you. 并与你们这里的一切活物,就是飞鸟,牲畜,走兽,凡从方舟里出来的活物立约。
when i go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing , the wind dose not stir , the house on both sides of street stand silent. 九当我独自在夜晚去约会时,鸟人不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静的站着。
No two sorts of birds practise quite the same sort of flight; the varieties are infinite; but two classes may be roughly seen. 没有任何两种鸟的飞行方式是相同的。鸟的飞行方式千差万别,但大体上可分为两类。
The birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on your cheeks. 鸟儿,人们,蓝蓝的天空,漂浮的云彩,新鲜空气的气息,还有映照在你脸上的暖阳。
Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captive bred birds seem to be getting smaller. 无数的鹰猎者观察发现圈养繁殖的鸟类似乎是越养越小了。
As they grew, the girl was able to lead her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to fly. 随着它们逐渐长大,女孩教会了她的鸟儿们穿越草丛,但是她无法教它们飞翔。
There was some noise and crying about this. The sweets were too small for the big birds: they did not last. 为了吃糖,又吵吵起来了,对大鸟儿来说,糖太小了,不经吃。
Fishes, great and small, glide in and out among the branches, just as birds fly about among our trees. 所有大大小小的鱼在这些枝杈中间游来游去,好象天上的鸟在树林四周飞来飞去一样。
And in the uppermost basket there were all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh, but the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head. 17最上面的筐子里有为法老烤的各样食物,但是有飞鸟来吃我头上筐子里的食物。
The sun is shining, flowers smile at me, birds sing morning morning morning, why you take your little bag? 太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早,你为什么背上小书包。
It is always hard to ask their souls to stay behind, That birds are silent and flowers feel ashamed, I find. 花魂鸟魂总难留,鸟自无语花自羞。
The rate of spreading increased, and the birds "end up spreading all over space, " he said. 它们的分散速度增加,“最后会四散至整片天空。”
The speeds of these birds can be tracked by orbiting satellites, by means of transmitters attached to the bird. 环绕轨道运行的卫星通过绑在鸟身上的发射机跟踪它们的飞行速度。
You know some birds are not willing to be caged , their feathers are just too bright. 你要知道一些鸟儿并不愿意被关进鸟笼,只是它们的羽毛太过鲜艳。
The author Salman Rushdie in a recent radio interview called himself 'something of a master at Angry Birds. ' 作家拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)不久前接受广播采访时号称自己是“愤怒的小鸟”游戏高手。
If we've got to go to Exeter to see your father we could kill two birds with one stone and visit the Ship Museum as well. 如果我们去埃克塞特看你父亲,我们可以顺便参观一下舰船博物馆,这样一举两得。
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long. 在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌如同在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟。
Mature breeding birds are very expensive - even a fertilised ostrich egg isn't cheap so you need quite a bit of capital to begin with. 周到的养殖鸟类非常昂贵,甚至繁殖鸵鸟蛋不便宜,所以你需要许多资金才能开始。
That stands to see a few birds in the branches, the view of the front at a loss quietly, waiting for it but who? 几次看见那只鸟伫立在枝头,茫然的眺望着前方一声不响,它可是在等谁?
I was very close with my mother, and I know how much she enjoyed these things, watching the birds, so I do that now, " she said. " 我知道她有多享受这一切,有多喜欢仰望鸟儿,所以我现在也这么做。
Love all of the beings around me that belong to any of the kingdoms: animals, insects, birds, and fish. 爱我身边的所有生灵了吗?包括:动物,昆虫,鸟类和鱼。
Some scientists believe that sleep is not important by itself in mammals and birds, and is just a way to impose a quiet and immobile state. 有科学家认为,对哺乳动物与鸟类而言,睡眠本身并不重要,它仅仅是一种强制动物进入静止状态的方式。
And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. " 上帝说:“水要多多滋生有生命的物;要有雀鸟飞在地面以上,天空之中。”
Ican well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never kept me spellbound. 我能清楚地记得有那么一段时间里深蓝色的天空,鸟儿的鸣叫,月光以及花儿从未让我着迷。
Standing at the streetcar stop, hearing the birds and watching the sun come up was like an awakening. 站在电车站,聆听着鸟鸣,观望着旭日像梦醒时分似的冉冉升起。