
  • v.喜欢;寻找;掘(地);凿(洞);挖;喜欢;探究 (up; out);看到
  • n.挖苦;(用手指或肘部)轻碰;嘲讽;考古发掘;挖掘地点;挖苦;一挖;一戳
  • 网络手入水过深;挖掘去;挖土



v. n.

1.[i][t]掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine

2.[t]~ sth掘得;(采)掘出to remove sth from the ground with a tool

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)寻找,搜寻(物品)to search in sth in order to find an object in sth


dig deep (into sth)

探究;搜集;细查to search thoroughly for information

dig your heels/toes in

拒不让步;固执己见to refuse to do sth or to change your mind about sth

dig (deep) in/into your pocket(s), savings, etc.

慷慨解囊;花费;掏腰包to spend a lot of your own money on sth

dig sb in the ribs

(尤指为引起注意用手指或胳膊肘)捅某人一下to push your finger or your elbow into sb's side, especially to attract their attention

dig yourself into a hole

使自己陷入困境;使自己处境尴尬to get yourself into a bad situation that will be very difficult to get out of

dig your own grave|dig a grave for yourself

自掘坟墓;自取灭亡;自己害自己to do sth that will have very harmful results for you


英文阅读_英语角 ... 梦想-你心中永远的激情 Dream-A 挖掘 Digging 伤心时不必独处 Be with People ...


游泳专业术语中英文对照_游侠_新浪博客 ... 77、入水臂 leading arm 78、手入水过深 digging 79、手伸得过远 overreaching ...


红警声音大全(尤里复仇篇)_红色警戒吧_百度贴吧 ... - You're hurting me! 你们伤着我了 - Digging 挖掘去 - Okay,okay 是 行 ...


温哥华自建屋成本核算,时间流程,手续步骤全记... ... 临时电柱 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE POLE 挖土 DIGGING 油 …


高尔夫 - 搜搜百科 ... Dig in 挖地 Digging 杆头击中地面 Dipping 倾斜 ...


植物学专业词汇港台译法(5) ... 番杏科 carpet-seed family;Aizoaceae 翻土;掘土 digging 凡维洛夫燕麦 Avena nudinervis Va…

She saw an old man digging in one of the vegetable gardens, but he looked cross and unfriendly, so she walked on. 她看见一个老人在其中一个菜园中挖地,不过他看上去脾气不好,也不和善,于是玛丽继续往前走。
And with spirit like this you cannot write off their title chances. They are capable of digging out victories even when below their best. 拥有如此的士气,你不能否认他们夺冠的可能。即使他们不在最佳状态,但他们依然可以获得胜利。
I'm digging on the isotopes, this metaphysics shit is dope, and if all this can give me hope, you know I'm satisfied. 我在吸食同位素,这种形而上学的狗屎是毒品,如果这些能给我希望,你知道我很满意。
A few people sat in the sun outside an ice-cream shop on Alfred Trappen Street, digging to the bottom of their sundaes with long spoons. 阿尔佛来德•特拉宾(AlfredTrappen)街上,一家冰淇淋店外,几个人坐在阳光下,用长长的调羹挖食着圣代冰淇淋。
Luckily, Mr Craig seems just as comfortable delivering puns as he is digging shrapnel from his chest. 幸运的是,克雷格讲起俏皮话似乎非常轻松,其驾轻就熟的程度正如他从自己胸口挖弹片一样。
He seemed to think this was a good thing and added that he thought digging up bodies was "sick" . 他看起来认为这是件好事,补充说他觉得把尸体挖出来很“恶心”。
Later, armed police came to see him suffer so much, his hands Diaoguang nails, do not let the father digging, they help him dig. 后来武警来了,看他那么惨,双手指甲掉光了,让这个父亲别挖,他们帮他挖。
The women in the village about to come, with its own pair of scissors, three five around the digging in chicken giblets. 村里女人大约全来了,带着自家的剪刀,三五围着在挖鸡内脏。
The invention also includes the application of the pin to a connecting mechanism of a digging bucket and a digging arm of a digging machine. 本发明还包括所述销子在挖掘机挖斗与挖掘臂连接机构中的应用。
Digging his fingernails into the rubble window seals, he inched his way toward the front. 他把手指嵌入窗户的密封垫,缓慢地向车头运动。
What's more, the hornets seems to correlate the business of digging its underground nest with the intensity of the sun. 而且黄蜂挖掘地下洞穴的活动似乎是和太阳的强度相互关联的。
One said to the other, "Why are we down in this hole digging a ditch when our boss is standing up there in the shade of a tree? " 其中一个对另一个说:“你说为什么我们在沟里挖土,老板却在树荫下站着看?”
Now began a difficult time for Colin and Mary. Dickon told his mother about it one evening as he was digging the cottage garden. 这可给玛丽和柯林出了难题。狄肯一天晚上在挖屋前的菜园时把这事告诉了妈妈。
I wish I were a gardener digging away at the garden with nobody to stop me from digging. 我愿意我是一个园丁,在花园里掘地。谁也不来阻止我。
I'm tired and conversed in dust. I've been digging all day and I'll be doing the same tomorrow- and the next day and the next. 我疲惫不堪,满身尘土。我挖了整整一天,明天还要做同样的事---后天,大后天都是。
"We had a lot of work and resources tied up in it, " said Jones, digging himself in a little deeper. 琼斯说:“我们的很多工作和资源都和这些数据密切相关。”稍微稳住阵脚。
John explained that he couldn't raise his arm above his head. John told him that he had an accident to home while digging in the garden. John解释说他现在已经不能将手高举过头顶,因为他曾经在花园里挖洞的时候出过事故。
People solved the question of increasingly more land for construction projects by "mountains to the valley" "digging for valley" . 采用“开山填谷”、“挖土填谷”的方法解决建设用地的工程日趋增多。
Well, the TV producer did not think this was going to be a big deal; she was not digging this line of thought. 不过,电视制片人并不认为这将是一个大问题,她没有挖掘这一想法。
And for me, one of the great stories recently was the Obamas digging up the south lawn of the White House to create a vegetable garden. 对我来说,最近一个精彩的故事是奥巴马夫妇在白宫南草坪开辟蔬菜园地。
Plunking down in front of the TV or digging into a tub of ice cream seems like an easier fix. 看上去更容易的做法是往电视机前一坐或者挖掘一桶冰淇淋。
If I were a mayor for a day, I'd pass an edict that every utility company digging up an urban street would have to pay a tree tax in kind. 如果我可以做一天市长,我会推出一项法令,每一个公共事业的公司必须为城市的街道缴纳一些树木的实用税项。
but I wish, as you are brothers of mine, that you could have spent your time better than digging in this dirt. 可是,因为你们是我的兄弟,我希望你们能够比挖掘土方更好地打发你们的光阴。
So if you come across a strangely attractive person digging in an interesting science fiction, you know whom you're dealing with! 如果你遇到一个有吸引力的且沉浸在科幻小说的陌生人,你就知道你在和什么星座的人打交道了。
One hand or not, I think hillbilly needs to be up ahead digging. What you think? 即使只有一只手那乡下人也该来挖挖吧你说呢?。
Dick's digging the garden. He's trying to work his lunch off. 狄克在花园里挖地,他在设法把吃的午餐消化掉。
Combined, the results add to the case that the US economy could be digging itself out of the worst recession since the Great Depression. 综合考虑,上述数据加大了美国经济或许正走出大萧条(GreatDepression)以来最严重衰退的可能性。
I noticed that she was frantically digging holes and bringing the apples to the surface so they could be seen above the snow. 我注意到她在疯狂地挖洞,把苹果翻出来,这样它们就能曝露在雪上面。
How much digging before the argument is settled? 到底要发掘出多少证据才能解决这场争论呢?
Heretofore we had been digging in the dark, with nothing but instinct to guide us. 到目前为止我们一直在黑暗中发掘,单凭直觉引导我们。