
美 [bloʊ]英 [bləʊ]
  • v.吹;刮;吹动;吹奏(哨子、乐器等)
  • n.(用手、武器等的)猛击;打击;挫折;吹
  • int.表示厌烦
  • 网络美国毒枭;爆炸;吹气

过去式:blew blown 过去式:blew 第三人称单数:blows 现在分词:blowing 过去分词:blown

heavy blow,severe blow,hard blow,deadly blow,serious blow
blow nose,blow horn,soften blow,blow trumpet,give blow


口from mouth

1.[i][t]吹to send out air from the mouth

风of wind

2.[i][t](+ adv./prep.)刮;吹when the wind or a current of airblows , it is moving; whenit blows , the wind is blowing

风╱口吹动move with wind/breath

3.[i][t](被)刮动,吹动to be moved by the wind, sb's breath, etc.; to move sth in this way


4.[t][i]~ (sth)吹,吹奏(哨子、乐器等);(哨子、乐器等)吹奏出音if youblow a whistle, musical instrument, etc. or if a whistle, etc.blows , you produce a sound by blowing into the whistle, etc.

使成形shape sth

7.[t]~ sth吹出(某物);把(某物)吹出形状to make or shape sth by blowing


9.[i][t]破裂;爆裂;爆胎to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make a tyre break in this way

炸药with explosives

10.[t]~ sth炸开to break sth open with explosives


11.[t](informal)~ sth泄露;暴露to make known sth that was secret


12.[t](informal)~ sth (on sth)(在某事物上)花大钱,挥霍to spend or waste a lot of money on sth


13.[t](informal)~ sth浪费(机会)to waste an opportunity


14.[t](informal)~ sb/sth(表示生气、吃惊或不在乎)used to show that you are annoyed, surprised or do not care about sth

突然离开leave suddenly

15.[t][i]~ (sth)突然离开(某地)to leave a place suddenly


blow your/sbs brains out

枪击头部自杀╱杀人to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the head

blow chunks

呕;呕吐to vomit

blow a fuse

大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angry

blow the gaff (on sb/sth)

(尤指因大意)泄露秘密to tell sth secret, especially by mistake

blow hot and cold (about sth)

拿不定主意;出尔反尔to change your opinion about sth often

blow sb/sth out of the water

彻底摧毁;毁灭to destroy sb/sth completely

blow smoke (up sbs ass)

吹牛皮;说大话蒙人to try to trick sb or lie to sb, particularly by saying sth is better than it really is

blow your mind

使某人兴奋(或吃惊)to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feeling

blow your own trumpet

自吹自擂to praise your own abilities and achievements

blow your top

大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angry

blow up in sbs face

事情失败,害了自己if a plan, etc.blows up in your face , it goes wrong in a way that causes you damage, embarrassment, etc.

blow the whistle on sb/sth

告发to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doing

雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... bleach 漂白 blow ; 爆炸 blunt 不锋利的; 迟钝的 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... blood n. 血,血液 blow n. 击;打击 blue n. 蓝色 ...


同问电影《美国毒枭》(BLOW)的片尾曲叫什么? 2006-10-23 10:23 匿名 | 分类:电影 网友采纳 2006-10-24 10:58 分享到…


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... bleach 漂白 blow 吹; 爆炸 blunt 不锋利的; 迟钝的 ...


英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 8. begin 开始;着手 9. blow 吹;刮风;吹气 10. borrow (向别人)借;借用 ...


字典中 风 字的解释 ... (13) 男女间的情爱[ love] (1) 刮风;起风[ blow] (3) 走逸[ escape] ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... bless 祝福;保佑;赞美 blow 吹;打击;殴打 blew 吹了;吹拂 ...

Ella felt as if she had been delivered a direct blow. 埃拉感到她好象挨了当头一棒。
There is no need for them to shift their weapons, for the repulsion of aggression, for a retaliatory blow, to any other country. 他们不需要为了击退侵略,为了进行报复性的打击而将自己的武器转移到任何其它国家。
Already their ability to stop our progress has been stemmed, and our allies are ready to strike the fatal blow. 而且他们阻止我们进程的能力已经被连根拔起,我们的盟友准备好了给予致命打击。
He took off after me, vainly trying to land a blow. 他在后面紧追不舍,总想打到我。
But nothing which could resemble a blow, an attack or even personal defence proceeded from his hands. 但类似打人、攻击、或个人的自卫等决不会出自他的手。
If Watson does not eclipse the best human players by Wednesday, one assumes it is only a matter of months before it would blow them away. 如果华生没能在周三击败最强的人类选手,人们也可能认为只需再过几个月,它就能将他们都一一击败。
Yeah, the wind is beginning to blow hard, but the radio said the weather would be fine today. 是啊,开始刮强风了,但是电台预报的今天是晴天啊。
"I felt as if I had been struck with a physical blow, " Churchill wrote. He said he was overpowered by a sense of deep and permanent loss. “丘吉尔写道:”我觉得,如果我一直与物理打击击中,。他说,他击败了深刻而永久丧失感。
B. Good evening, I want to do my hair. How much is it for a wash, cut and a blow-dry? 晚上好,我想做头发,请问洗剪吹是多少钱?
Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatebed to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened. 几分钟之内,风力增强成怒号的风暴,我和我的帐篷都似乎会被吹走,但什么也没有发生。
In a time of anxious waiting, in a second disappointing blow, he was a very difficult plan to work - at a construction site when Gong. 在一次次焦灼的等待中,在一次次失望的重击后,他终于谋到一份很艰辛的工作——在一个建筑工地当小工。
Thus, the sun hid behind clouds, the wind started blowing up. The more the greater blow, as large as a hurricane. 然后,太阳藏在云朵后面,风开始吹起来,它越吹越大,变成了飓风。
He expected it in the least that he would suffer a heavier blow the moment he entered the wholesale market. 吴宇怎么也没料到,刚进入批发市场就遭遇了一次更为沉重的打击。
It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head. 他仿佛觉得,近在咫尺的某个士兵好像抡起胳臂将一根坚硬的棍子朝他头部使劲地打去。
He saw a deep bow to the Duke, blow out the candles of the command frame, the huge hall of a sudden the dark down under. 只见他深深地向公爵鞠了一躬,吹熄了指挥架上的蜡烛,偌大的大厅刹那间暗下了下来。
It was a big blow to lose him and I'm certain that his return is going to be a great bonus for us this season. 失去他是巨大的损失,而我确信他的回归对于我们的新赛季是额外的帮助。
King staggered after him, and, with a pang like that of dissolution, delivered another blow. 汤姆金蹒跚地追过去,忍受着好象要瓦解一样的剧疼,又打了一拳。
But it would fall short of its main aim, which is to deliver such a blow to Hizbullah that it will not pose a serious military threat again. 但这使以色列那个,将真主党削弱到无法再造成严重的军事威胁的主要目的,大打了折扣。
Who would have predicted at my birth or at his death what a severe blow to me would be the demise of this estimable Anglo-Indian! 当我诞生时,谁能料到,那位尊敬的英裔印度人死后,竟会留给我如此巨大的折磨!
When he mildly remonstrated, one of them raised a stool and with it gave him a blow. 他稍一抗辩,其中的一个便抄起凳子朝他打过来。
Number two, at 11%, was a sharp fall in the U. S. dollar; number three was a 'blow up in asset prices. ' 11%的人认为美元急剧贬值是最大担忧;第三名是“资产价格泡沫破裂”。
That would be a serious blow to PKR, and its two coalition partners, an Islamic party and a Chinese-dominated one. 而这对于PKR和另外两个政党联合伙伴(一伊斯兰政党和以华人为主体的政党)而言无疑是致命一击。
The spiriting away of such sums is a huge blow in a land with an official GDP of just $12 billion a year. 相对于每年仅仅120亿美元的官方GDP来说,这样大宗数目金钱的流失将阿富汗经济推上破产的边缘。
The more the greater blow, as large as a hurricane. But the wind anxious survivors, the elderly more to his body wrapped in coats. 越来越大,像飓风一样大,但是风太急于求成,老人更加用外套裹着他的身体。
Those of you wondering why they always blow you off when youcall, now you know the answer; you were simply forgettable. 你想知道为什么打电话时她们总是推脱你,现在知道答案了,你只是被忘记了。
Heaving all her files stolen came as a real body blow to her when she was trying to finish her research. 她正准备结束研究报告时,全部档案资料被窃,这对她真是一个极大的打击。
If I were to scoop up a handful of dirt and blow into it, all I would get is a dirty face. 假如我捧著一把尘土对著它吹,只会把自己弄得灰头土脸。
I smiled, a little sprite of this really bold, it seems not easy to win away this Bureau I wanted to learn to like a blow to me. 我笑了起来,这丫头真胆大,看来不想轻易的赢掉这一局,想学我的样子给我来了下马威。
So instead, breathe on her, blow lightly, but never blow into any of her orifices. 所以,要轻轻的呼吸,而且不要将气体吹入到任何孔洞里面(译者注:阴道或者尿道)。
One day, Wilson was walking quietly along the road when somebody gave him a violent blow on the back of the neck. 一天,威尔逊正沿着马路静静地散步,突然背后有人朝他脖子猛击了一下。