
美 [bɑm]英 [bɒm]
  • n.炸弹;核弹;核武器;很多钱
  • v.轰炸;对…投炸弹;疾行(尤指乘车);(考试)惨败
  • 网络爆炸;火山弹;土制炸弹

复数:bombs 现在分词:bombing 过去式:bombed

atomic bomb,nuclear bomb,terrorist bomb,powerful bomb,huge bomb
drop bomb,set bomb,make bomb,defuse bomb,detonate bomb


n. v.

1.[c]炸弹a weapon designed to explode at a particular time or when it is dropped or thrown

2.[sing]核武器;核弹nuclear weapons ( atomic or hydrogen bombs)

3.[sing](informal)很多钱a lot of money

4.[sing](informal)彻底的失败a complete failure

6.[c]气溶胶弹式容器(油漆、杀虫剂等液体加压贮存可喷出)a container in which a liquid such as paint or insect poison is kept under pressure and released as a spray or as foam


be the bomb

很好;最佳to be very good; to be the best

go down a bomb|go (like) a bomb

十分成功to be very successful

go like a bomb

飞驰to go very fast


星之卡比镜之迷宫_百度百科 ... 烈焰( Flame) 炸弹( Bomb) 旋风( Tornado) ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Body Vertical 身体垂直 Bomb 爆炸 Bomb Space Warp 爆炸空间变形 ...


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... body n. 身子 bomb vt. 轰炸 abruptly ad. 突然 ...


“火山爆发”用英文怎么说_英语网 ... dormant volcano 休眠火山 bomb 火山弹 ash 火山灰 ...


求生之路2_百度百科 ... give pain_pills 阵痛药 give pipe_bomb 土制炸弹 give rifle_desert SCAR 步枪 ...


生存之旅2秘籍_百度知道 ... give electric_guitar 吉他 give pipe_bomb 土制铁(或钢)管炸弹 give pistol_magnum 马格南 ...


考研单词乱序版_百度文库 ... limb n. 肢,翼,大树枝 bomb n. 炸弹 v.投弹于,轰炸 comb n. 梳子 v.梳(理) ...

The previous episode had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next sting to trigger an explosion. 上一次的事件已经把他的身体变成了一枚定时炸弹,一旦再一次被蜇,就会全身爆发。
a bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes; used to make a smoke screen or to mark a position. 当爆炸时产生浓烟的炸弹;用来制造烟雾或标志位置。
Game, you need wooden box next to the placement of a bomb , blow out a pathway, and finally let your opponent died in a bomb under. 游戏中,各位需要在木箱旁边安置炸弹,炸出一条通路,并最终让对手死在你的炸弹之下。
Not to let the enemy bomb while aiming at the guarded objective. 是不让敌人的轰炸机能瞄准其地面目标。
Indonesian authorities have confirmed that high explosive was involved in at least one of the explosions, indicating a bomb. 印尼当局已经证实,高爆参与至少一个爆炸,显示出炸弹。
This was a rare case of a parcel bomb (as opposed to a baggage bomb) crashing an airliner. 这是用包裹炸弹造成客机坠毁的罕见例子(与行李炸弹相比)。
He did not know, for on 16th July, 1945, his verdict was exploded by an atomic bomb! 然而他却不知道,他的这一结论于1945年7月16日被一颗原子弹轰垮了。
Someone came into our office and said there was a bomb in the building next door. 一些人走进我们的办公室,在隔壁大楼有一个炸弹。
There was not a bomb in the hotel at all--it was just a hoax. 饭店里根本没有炸弹,这不过是一场骗局。
A short time later we were taken to a third bomb site. Officials told us that this site contained both a school and a mosque. 随后,我们又去了第三个被炸地点。官员们说,那里有一个学校和一个清真寺。
In the last months of his presidency, Mr Chirac mused publicly that it might not be so dangerous after all if Iran acquired a nuclear bomb. 在卸任前几个月,希拉克就曾对公众意味深长地说,如果伊朗拥有了原子弹,也许并没有那么危险。
He stared woodenly at the bomb line on the map and ruminated hypnotically on the fact that there was no escape . 他一直呆呆地望着那地图上的轰炸线,失魂落魄地反复想着,这次是逃避不了啦。
And it has taken an order from Britain's Ministry of Defence, which wants to try the hand out on the arm of a bomb-disposal robot. 英国国防部也已下了一张订单,他们想在处理未爆弹的机器人手臂上试用这种机械手。
Now, the search for a suspect begins. The challenge for the explosives unit is to determine how the massive bomb was brought to the scene. 现在,就要开始搜查嫌疑犯了。爆破小组的下一个挑战就是确定这么大的炸弹是如何带到现场的。
"Is there some special meaning of nuclear contamination for a nation that has been bombed by an atomic bomb? " he said. 对一个曾经遭受原子弹轰炸的国家来说,核污染特别吗?
Before his fall, he had been lining up a fourth (so far undetected) big customer for his full-service bomb-building package. 在他下台以前,他已在为他完全服务的核武器大厦中安排到第四位(到目前为止还没有发现)大顾客。
Syria's official news agency says three security personnel have been killed while trying to defuse a bomb near Damascus. 叙利亚官方新闻机构声称,在大马士革附近,三名安全人员因试图拆除炸弹而死亡。
When a second, less powerful bomb exploded in front of investigators at the scene several hours later, it almost seemed to prove the point. 调查者在炸弹爆炸事件现场调查的几个小时后,又一个破坏力不如上次的爆炸事件发生了。这几乎看起来可以证明这一点。
It is often said that Pakistan's decision to build the bomb was motivated by India's explosion of its own device in 1974. 人们常说,巴基斯坦选择发展核弹是受到1974年印度引爆自行研制的核装置的激发。
China's top drug official, Liu Yuejin, said the plan was to bomb the drug lord's hideout in northeastern Burma using unmanned aircraft. 中国最高禁毒官员刘跃进表示,原计划是使用无人机轰炸这名毒枭在缅甸东北部的藏身之处。
Reports out of Britain state authorities have found a makeshift bomb factory in Scotland. 当局在苏格兰发现了临时一家炸弹制造工厂。
Continuous farting for six years and nine months would create energy equal to that of an atomic bomb. 连续放屁六年九个月,威力相当于一颗原子弹。连续放屁六年九个月,威力相当于一颗原子弹。
"There was no bomb threat or hijacking, " he said. “这里没有炸弹威胁或劫持,”他说。
and that larger amounts of other radioactive material, from discarded X-ray machines to spent fuel, might be used to make a dirty bomb. 担心数量更多的其他放射性材料(从废弃的X光机到乏燃料)可能被用于制造脏弹。
The ruling came as anti- terrorism officials continued to investigate a reported plot to bomb flights from Britain to the United States . 法规是为反恐官员继续调查从英国到美国的航班的炸弹阴谋中得来的。
For an entire city to be wiped out in seconds by one bomb was more like a force of nature. 而之后整座城市在几秒钟内被一颗原子弹夷为平地则更像是一种自然力所为。
She grabbed my arm and told me how her house had been hit by a US bomb during an air raid. 她抓着我的手臂,告诉我她的房子是怎么在一次美军空袭中被炸弹炸中。
In the dark world of warfare, each new tool is a more effective way to harm people. The A-bomb could be the point of no return. 在战争的黑暗世界里,每一个新的工具都是更有效地杀人工具,就像原子弹那样成为一条不归之路。
The plane was ready to take off when somebody told the police there was a bomb on the plane. 飞机正要起飞,这时候,有人告诉警察飞机上有炸弹。
Such a lonely existence of the dark depths, like a bomb. 这种孤独的黑暗深处的存在,像一枚炸弹。