breast cancer

  • n.乳腺癌
  • 网络乳癌;乳房癌;乳腺瘤

breast cancerbreast cancer

breast cancer


乳癌breast cancer)是女性中最常见的恶性肿瘤,在工业化国家里也是造成女性死亡的主要原因之一,其年发病率可以超过70…


乳腺癌(breast cancer)是目前治疗效果最好的恶性肿瘤之一,总体来说,乳腺癌的治愈率是非常高的。乳腺癌的治愈率与很多因 …


乳房癌breast cancer)是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。在我国占全身各种恶性肿瘤的7%~10%,近年来乳房癌的发病率呈上 …


医学网址 ... 脑肿瘤 Brain Tumors 乳腺瘤 Breast Cancer 疲劳综合症 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ...


家家健康网站: 滑囊炎的简介... ... 脑瘤的简介( Brain cancer) 老年乳癌的简介( Breast cancer) 子宫颈癌的简介( Cervix cancer) ...


  在乳房疾病中乳癌breast cancer)是最常见和最重要的疾病。根据肿瘤病理资料统计乳癌的发病率占全身各种恶性肿瘤的7%…


吃得健康, 赢得人生: Love moon... ... Beucogen collagen 终结老化 Breast cancer 女性和乳癌 Coughing 『乾咳』与『热咳』 ...


妇产科常用医学名词对照 ... 尿道炎: Urinary Trust Infection 乳腺癌遗传因素- Breast Cancer… 霉菌性阴道炎- Vaginal Thrush ...

If somebody made the breakthrough that led to the prevention of breast cancer, it would win a Nobel Prize, she said. 她说,只要有人在乳房癌预防方面取得突破,他肯定能得诺贝尔奖。
Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons. 直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是金正日事实上的第一夫人,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。
It has been used in the treatment for prostate cancer, liver cancer, primary malignant osteosarcoma and breast cancer, et al. 目前,该技术主要用于前列腺癌、肝癌、原发性恶性骨肉瘤及乳腺癌等疾病的治疗。
Even a few glasses of wine or cocktails a week may increase risk of recurrence for breast cancer survivors, researchers found. 即使一周几杯葡萄酒或鸡尾酒也可能增加乳腺癌幸存者复发的危险。研究人员发现。
Women with breast cancer who take aspirin at least twice a week can more than double their chance of surviving, researchers say. 这次研究跟踪的妇女,如果一周服用两次至五次阿斯匹林,则死于乳腺癌或乳腺癌扩散的风险大大降低。
Baker is not talking about his name though, but being an Alaskan man whom, like his wife, proudly survived breast cancer. 但,贝克说的却不是自己的名字,作为一名阿拉斯加人,同妻子一样,他为战胜了乳腺癌而自豪。
The doctors have confirmed that she has stage IV breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body, including her spine and ribs. 医生们确认她到了乳腺癌四期,癌细胞已经扩散到了身体的其它部位,包括脊柱和肋骨。
What I didn't know was that she had breast cancer. 我那时不知道的是她得了乳腺癌。
Delio, 66, was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, she said in a phone interview. 66岁的Delio,一年前患乳腺癌的,她在接受电话采访时说。
A majority of cause to breast cancer is still be a riddle, while researchers have founded out a few genetic variation can conduce cancer. 大部分乳腺癌的发病原因至今仍是个谜,然而研究人员却已发现一些特定基因的变异,可导致癌症。
But for the first time, researchers were able to see that the risk of breast cancer begins to rise with even modest alcohol intake. 但是第一次,研究员可能发现甚至适当的饮酒,患乳腺癌的风险也开始增加。
Fact: Approximately 10% of those diagnosed with breast cancer have no lumps, pain, or other indications of a problem in their breasts. 事实:约有10%的乳腺癌确诊患者乳房都不会出现肿块、疼痛、或是其它的异常症状。
She developed breast cancer at the age of 37, leading the researchers to believe she had a genetic predisposition to the cancer. 她37岁时就得了乳腺癌,研究人员就此认为是她基因上的问题导致她容易得癌症。
Contrary to what you might expect, fatigue may hit hardest during the easiest part of your breast cancer treatment. 可能和你预计的结果正好相反,最轻的治疗过程反而会是让你感到最疲劳的时候。
Breastfeeding for at least six months appeared to be most protective for "triple negative" breast cancer. 母乳喂养至少6个月以上似乎最不易患有“三者阴性”乳腺癌。
So, bottom line: If a woman has no risk factors, her risk of breast cancer is going to be the same regardless of her breast size. 所以,底线是:如果一个女人没有上面所说的那些风险因素,她患乳癌的风险与胸部大小没有关系。
During the drive he told me that his wife had metastatic breast cancer and was not well, but she insisted upon meeting me. 在路上他告诉我他的妻子患了乳腺癌并且情形不太好,但是她坚持要见我。
Women do not know about one of the biggest health risks linked to drinking too much - a raised chance of breast cancer, says a survey. 妇女一直不知道喝葡萄酒会对她们健康构成的巨大风险。一项调查显示,喝酒太多会提高妇女患乳腺癌的机率。
In a pilot study of women in the early stages of breast cancer, Dr. Levy found the disease recurred sooner among the pessimists. 在一次对早期乳腺癌妇女的小规模试验性研究中,利维博士发现这一疾病在病人身上复发更早。
Which one of all of these regimens is best for you depends on the many individual "personality features" of a particular breast cancer. 这些治疗方案中哪一项更适合是由患者的乳腺癌分型特点决定的。
Drinking as few as three to six glasses of wine a week may increase a woman's risk of breast cancer by 15%, Harvard researchers say. 哈佛研究员说,女人一周喝三到六杯酒会增加15%患乳腺癌的几率。
Mom wrote about choosing lupine flowers for her blog's background over the pink breast cancer ribbon theme expected of her. 母亲曾写道她选了羽扇豆花作为自己博客的背景,因为这花于她而言大过了乳腺癌粉丝带主题所包含的意义。
No matter how much thinking you do in advance, you may feel overwhelmed if testing shows that you have an abnormal breast cancer gene. 如果测试显示你有异常的乳腺癌基因,不论之前有多少思想准备,你都会深受打击。
She said breast cancer screening in combination with other cancer prevention initiatives may be extremely important. 她还表示,定期乳腺检查配合其他防癌措施也十分重要。
OBJECTIVE: lymphatic metastasis of breast cancer is one of the main means of transfer in breast cancer. 目的:淋巴道转移是乳腺癌的主要转移途径之一。
As each case of breast cancer is different, every woman should talk with her doctor about her personal risk factors for breast cancer. 鉴于乳腺癌病情的差异性,妇女们应该根据个人的情况,向医生反映可能的致病因素。
At the time, George Varhola Jr. , a fellow Tucson cyclist, was focused on his wife's recovery from breast cancer. 与此同时,乔治·沃后拉,一个图森市当地的自行车运动员,正专注于帮助他妻子做乳腺癌的康复。
We report herein the rare case of a 61-year-old man with a history of dissecting aortic aneurysm as well as right breast cancer. 我们在此报告了一例罕见的61岁男子的历史夹层动脉瘤以及权利乳腺癌。
The link may be hormonal, or due to the fact that obese women are less likely to be screened for breast cancer. 这种关联可能是激素或者是由于肥胖妇女较少筛查乳癌有关。
We all know and hear about breast cancer but it does not mean that the information that we have is always accurate. 乳腺癌我们都早有所闻,但所闻之事却不定属实。