
美 [bɔrd]英 [bɔː(r)d]
  • n.板;委员会;膳食;(尤指)木板
  • v.上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等);让乘客登机(或上船等)
  • 网络董事会;板子;写字板

复数:boards 现在分词:boarding 过去式:boarded

editorial board
board train,attend board


n. v.

木板等piece of wood etc.

1.[c][u]板;(尤指)木板a long thin piece of strong hard material, especially wood, used, for example, for making floors, building walls and roofs and making boats

2.[c]…用木板(或板材)a piece of wood, or other strong material, that is used for a special purpose

班子group of people

3.[c](公司或其他机构的)董事会,委员会,理事会a group of people who have power to make decisions and control a company or other organization


4.[c](用于机构名称)used in the name of some organizations


5.[u](旅馆、招待所等提供的)伙食,膳食;膳食费用the meals that are provided when you stay in a hotel, guest house , etc.; what you pay for the meals

剧院in theatre

7.[pl](informal)舞台the stage in a theatre

冰球运动ice hockey

8.[pl](冰球场周围的)界墙the low wooden wall surrounding the area where a game of ice hockey is played


across the board

全体;整体;全面involving everyone or everything in a company, an industry, etc.

go by the board

被废弃;被忽视to be rejected or ignored; to be no longer possible

on board

在船上(或飞机上、火车上)on or in a ship, an aircraft or a train

take sth on board

采纳,接纳(主意、建议)to accept and understand an idea or a suggestion

小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... PEP 四年级上册四会单词词汇表 board () light (灯) ...


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 板条 lath 木板 board 红松 red pine ...


【pdf完整版】薄冰大学英语语法_百度文库 ... government 政府 board 董事会 jury 陪审团 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... blue n. 蓝色 board n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部 boat n. 小船,小舟 ...

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... transportation n 运输;运送 board n (船、飞机等) △ destination n 目的地 ...


刘丽的语言学博客 - Lily - 网易博客 ... barrier 栅栏 board 板子 eg:battle 战役 ...


小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... PEP 四年级下册四会单词词汇表 board (写字板) fan (风扇) ...


复合硅酸镁铝绝热材料_百度百科 ... 等级 Grade 板 材 Board 优等品 Superior product ...

But the mood is so utterly bearish across the board right now that I am fighting the urge to turn into a raging bull. 只是,眼下整个市场气氛极度悲观,我不得不极力克制自己想变成一只愤怒的公牛的冲动。
Thus, for developed world, outside of food and energy, there is not the dynamic to see a sustained rise in across the board inflation. 因此,对发达国家来说,除食品和能源外,看不到持续的、全面的通货膨胀。
Still, there are concerns about how much influence the governor's office could have on the new parole board. 但是,还是有些人关注州政府对于新的假释委员会的影响力。
There was no mention of an overhaul of IMF board seats that generated a pre-summit fight between the US, Britain and France. 美国、英国和法国在峰会前争执的更改IMF理事会席位之事,在公报中没有提及。
Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. 后来才知道,飞机上有位非常重要的人物。警察获悉飞机上藏了一枚炸弹。
The system consists of a tooth-and-slots board, detection submodules distributed along the track and a central processor. 研制一套由车载齿槽板、沿轨道分布的检测子块及一台上位处理器组成的轨道车辆地面式定位测速系统。
But the rest of the board had not been as fully informed, and the shareholders had initially been misinformed. 其他董事会成员则没有掌握全部信息,至于股东们就完全不知道真相了。
Its officials quietly exulted over the legal vindication for the blockade and the right to board, at least in principle. 其政府官员表示很高兴联合国承认其对加沙封锁的合法性,并承认其,至少在原则上,其登录的权利。
If someone bought a ticket has failed to board the plane out of its empty seats can be bought on the ultra-ticket passengers to fill. 若有人买了票却未能登机,其空出来的座位就可以用买了超售票的乘客来填补。
A resolution of the meeting shall be passed by at least half or the total members of the board or committee. 董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议作出决议,须经全体董事或者委员的过半数通过。
But, medium-sized and small enterprises board is only a transitional form of GEM market, OTC market also is only in the na? ve view. 但是,现在的中小企业板块只是创业板的一个过渡形式,并不能算是资本市场的一个单独层次,同时,场外交易市场也还处于幼稚期。
Apple's board of directors had been kicked out of the company Steve Jobs Godfather. 苹果教父乔布斯曾被董事会踢出公司。
When you reach this point, it's time to think about bringing other high-level managers on board to help you out. 当你发现这一点的时候,是时候去思考让董事会其它高层管理人员来帮助你。
A parole board official says a witness reported seeing him with a gun matching the description of the weapon used in the killings. 假释委员会官员说一名目击者报告说看到该男子拿着与行凶的武器描述一致的枪。
What we talked about was if she were to come on board that's the kind of thing she would be interested in doing. 我们谈论的是如果她在船上,这样的事情她会感兴趣去做。
This option and the favorable one to our board would be for parties that are looking for a more permanent partnership in the company. 此选项,对我们有利的一个委员会将负责对缔约方在公司更长期寻找合作伙伴。
Sir Launcelot, in his richest armor, came striding along the great hall now on his way to the stock-board. 这时候,郎斯洛爵士,穿着那副最讲究的铠甲,正迈着大步沿着那个很大的过厅往前走,要上证券委员会去。
The surprise was that succession plans were not immediately triggered. A board meeting was said to be a matter of days away, not hours. 令人奇怪的是位置更替并未马上发生,董事会是在几天后而不是几小时后召开。
The board also confirms that there should not be any material impact to the operations of the company as a result of the investigation. 董事会亦确认有关调查不会对本公司日常运作存在任何重大影响。
Then: "Some people seem to think we have joined a currency board, but Italy is not Latvia. " 接着还有:“一些人似乎认为我们加入了一个货币局,但意大利不是拉脱维亚。”
he was a slave on board the brig creole , of richmond , bound to new orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others. 他与一百零四名其它黑奴一起关在里士满的“克里奥”号双桅帆船上,运往奴隶大市场新奥尔良州。
Women do seem to be particularly effective board members at companies where things are going wrong. 女董事似乎确实在问题公司能够发挥有效作用。
Because this Foreign Instructor wants to claim what he deserves for, he took the employer to court through the Korean Labor Board and won. 因为这个外籍教师想要求得到他所要求的,他通过朝鲜劳动局把他的雇主告上法院并且胜诉。
Think about their own homes, day out into a nail, and to a board, or erect a wall with a good construction of their own wisdom. 想想自己的房子,每天敲进去一颗钉,加上去一块板,或者竖起一面墙,用自己的智慧好好建造。
The board meeting shall be convened at least once a year. 董事会会议每年至少召开一次。
PCAOB spokeswoman said the board would have to see the letter before commenting. PCAOB一位发言人说,该委员会要先看到信件才能发表评论。
In it, she referred to her fellow board members as "doofuses, " and said that they "f---ed me over. " 巴茨在采访时对董事会成员大放厥词,称他们是“蠢蛋”,还说自己“被公司利用了”。
The Board declined to accept my resignation and asked me to defer it for a week. 董事会拒绝接受我的辞呈,请我再等一个星期。
The board of directors of the company recommends how much dividend should be paid out at its annual meeting and it is not obligatory. 公司董事会会建议派息金额,交由股东投票通过。就普通股而言,派发股息是公司的选择,而非义务。
A failed morale check is always bad, but it's worse if the creature immediately runs off the board without getting an opportunity to rally. 一总坏失败的士气检查,动物立即跑开板在得到一次机会集合时如果是坏的。