
美 [boʊst]英 [bəʊst]
  • v.夸耀;自夸;夸耀 (of, about);以有…而自豪
  • n.夸;自负的事物
  • 网络以……为骄傲;吹牛

第三人称单数:boasts 现在分词:boasting 过去式:boasted




西藏译语:桑耶寺 Samye Monastery... ... magnificent 华丽,壮丽 boasts 以……为骄傲 Buddhist 佛教的 ...


...inese, people would say "吹牛" (Boasts), But in English, people would say "talk horse". Chinese people use the word "泥...

It boasts a solid graphical environment, powerful compilers and debugging environments, easy-to-install packages, and numerous applications. 它引以为傲的有一个坚实的图形环境,强大的编译器和调试环境,易于安装的软件包,以及无数的应用程序。
The company also boasts warrants (endorsements of quality) from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. 让该公司引以为豪的还有英国女王伊丽莎白二世和威尔士亲王查尔斯王子颁发的(质量认可)“皇室御用保证”。
We boasts the services of a fine hotel with staff ready to satisfy any need. 我们很自豪地说,我们酒店服务精良,全体员工都做好了准备,随时满足顾客的一切需要。
Perry came into the race as a favorite among Christian conservative voters who also boasts a strong record of job-creation in Texas. 佩里在保守的基督徒选民中是最收欢迎的,他曾吹嘘自己在德州有创造优异的就业记录。
The hotel also boasts one of most upmarket casinos in Russia and is opening a state of the art spa and leisure complex in 2009. 这个酒店还拥有俄罗斯最高档的赌场和一系列开放的艺术沙龙和2009年建的休闲购物中心。
The club boasts a professional team of catering staff ready to provide the best possible services to you at any time. 俱乐部拥有一支餐饮服务专业队伍,随时为您提供尽善尽美的服务。
Furthermore, the CAP? system boasts impressive labelling performance, similar to that of the paper label. 此外,第?系统拥有令人印象深刻的标签性能,类似纸张的标签。
The sinner boasts of his ancestors, the good man falls back upon his own virtue. 无赖夸耀自己的祖先,好人依靠自己的德性。
But he still boasts of his small, highly trained "Promised Day" brigades, who are said to be ready to hit the Americans at any moment. 但他依然拥有一支人数不多但训练有素的“承诺日”游击队,据说是准备用来随时打击美国。
The Tang Dynasty is the golden age of Chinese poetry, which boasts the most of Li Bai, a most dazzling star in the sky of the Tang poetry. 唐代是中国诗歌的黄金时代,李白是这一时代的骄子,是唐代诗歌星空中一颗耀眼的明星。
But Australians no longer seemed to be listening to his boasts about this and other achievements. 但澳大利亚人似乎没什么兴趣再听他吹嘘这样那样的成绩了。
"There was plenty of legitimate evidence against him, " he writes, drawn from diligent intelligence work and from his own boasts on video. 他写道,从大量的情报及默罕默德本人在电视上的夸夸其谈中可以收集到“充足的判他有罪的合法证据”。
It comes nearer to the engines with which man has 'conquered' the air, as he boasts. 它更近乎于人类自夸的“征服”了空气的发动机。
Tim often boasts of his courage, but always chickens out in the time of fighting. 他总是吹嘘自己的勇气,但是一旦有争斗就临阵逃脱。
'Whenever I lie down in my bed, a cobra will just slide on top of me, without hurting me, ' boasts Narottom Sain, a Mushari village leader. 穆沙里村的一个头领纳若托姆•塞恩(NarottomSain)夸口说,只要我躺到床上,眼镜蛇就会爬过我的身体,但它并不会伤害我。
Capable of speeding across the water at 50mph, the Seabreacher X is an underwater vessel which boasts 'the agility of a dolphin'. 这艘号称如‘海豚一般敏捷’的仿生潜艇SeabreacherX的水面时速可以达到50英里每小时。
The prison boasts a state-of-the-art gym, complete with a rock-climbing wall. No word yet on whether there's a class on tunneling. 监狱引以为傲的是有一个国家艺术健身房,以及一个攀岩墙。不过没有一个字提到他们是否有开设有关于挖地道的课程。
Commonly referred to as "the nudist capital of America" , Pasco boasts dozens of clothes-free and clothing-optional communities. 帕斯科常被称为“美国裸体主义者的首都”,当地人以其数十个无衣社区或穿脱自便的社区而自豪。
The company boasts that the car is the most technically advanced Jaguar ever "and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful" . 该公司称赞这款车是他们所推出的技术最为先进的轿车,同时也是“外形最为漂亮的车型之一”。
In a more urban frame, Brooklyn now boasts two small distillers, with at least two more on the verge of being licensed. 在更城市的画面里,布鲁克林现在炫耀有2个至少有两种以上的产品即将获得销售许可证的小酒厂。
Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 这样,舌头在百体里也是最小的,却能说大话。看哪,最小的火能点著最大的树林。
Nanjing boasts the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum, the Xuanwu Lake, the Qixia Mountain. etc. . . , so Nanjing has rich feelings and a broad mind. 南京拥有中山陵、玄武湖、栖霞山……,所以南京有着丰富的情感和宽广的胸怀。
Today, Pudong boasts some of the best demographics of any real estate market in mainland China. 如今,浦东拥有的人群素质可谓是中国内地房地产市场中最高的。
A fine works should embrace implication, and it is only when implication boasts sincerity and wisdom can fine works be written. 一部好作品应该有意味,只有当意味包含了真诚与智慧,才能产生好作品。
Until now. The WikiReader boasts a full year of power off of two AAA batteries and no data access requirements of any kind. 如今,维基选集用两节AAA电池就可使用一整年并且不需要任何数据访问。
Although his career boasts many glories, Jordan said entering the hall was what he never imagined. 尽管他的职业生涯拥有很多辉煌,乔丹说,能够入选名人堂是他从来也没想过的事情。
One of his tracks from his POPERA E. P, boasts having the highest vocal note ever recorded in history. . . 其中他的足迹从他poperae.p,号称拥有最高的声乐说明年有记录以来的历史…
But HP boasts a impressive balance sheet and massive global scale, and the company made it clear that it planned to spend to resurrect Palm. 但惠普财务稳健,且全球事业规模庞大,该公司清楚表示计划耗资重振Palm雄风。
You know: a visually bracing and assured movie that also boasts fine writing, stellar acting and timeliness. 你知道,它是一部视觉上令人振奋备受肯定的电影,同样拥有值得夸耀的剧本,杰出的表演并且十分的应景。
This startlingly modern hotel in the city of ancient Muslim royalty boasts a pool intended to give a sense of swimming into a 3-D movie. 这座坐落在印度古老的穆斯林圣城的现代化酒店拥有一个可以播映立体电影的泳池。