
  • adv.(常)在周末
  • n.“weekend”的复数
  • v.“weekend”的第三人称单数
  • 网络在每个周末;假日;每周末




Learning English-学英文_英语作文 ... Confucius- 孔子 Weekends( 周末) Advertisements( 广告) ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... nights 每夜,在夜间 weekends 在每个周末 sometimes 有时 ...


高尔夫旅行网|高尔夫球场-高尔夫在线预订... ... 平日/ Weekdays 假日/ Weekends 单包/ Single pack ...


新目标英语七年级下... ... 5.go shopping\do some shopping \go to the shop 买东西 weekends 每周末 play with… 和某人\物 …


... 1. Weekends 周末喜欢做什么,中国人怎么过,过去和现在对比 2. Birthday 中国人怎么过,你最难忘的,人老了对生日的看 …


龙文学校 -- 三一口语 ... ● 食物( Food) ● 周末或季节性活动( Weekends) ● 节日( Festival) ...


外企白领口语第35课:Weekends 周末邀请... ... 驾车出游 go for a drive=have a drive 周末邀请 Weekends 打保龄球 go bowling ...


八年级英语下册短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... Watch a video 观看录像 38. weekends 在周末 39. What else 别的什么 41. ...

Weekends are a mini-obstacle that often seem to derail people trying to create a habit. 周末通常是一个小小的障碍,它似乎让人们试图建立起来的习惯偏离轨道。
but if you only play a few nights a week or only play on weekends , you will spend a much larger portion of your time at rested. 但是如果你一个星期仅仅玩几天,或者干脆只是周末才玩一下,那么在你玩的时间中,将有多的多的部分处于良好休息状态。
We are starting to understand the tyres better and that will be one of the key factors to success over the race weekends. 我们正开始更好地了解轮胎,这对于有比赛的周末取得胜利来说是很关键的因素。
Once in a while I go fishing, but I spend most summer weekends pottering about the garden. 钓鱼,但夏季的大部分周末,我都泡在花园里。
You could have a few days off a week, long weekends and generous deadlines. 你每周有充裕的时间,宽松的安排。
Jens, as he is known among the Norwegians, commuted to Parliament by bike or tram and was without security on weekends and holidays. 延斯去国会上班都是骑自行车或者坐有轨电车,周末和节假日出门也不带保镖,这是挪威人都知道的事。
They've been seeing each other for a few weeks and she was supposed to be visiting his country cottage, which he's doing up at the weekends. 他们已经交往几个星期了,她还准备去他的乡村别墅玩玩,查理一般在那里度周末。
A few weekends ago, it did and I found out why it is sometimes a good idea not to take a vacation away from where one decided to live. 数周前,奇迹真的出现了,我这才悟出了没有离开厮守一生的地方去度假,真是明智的选择啊。
" Work habits began to constrain vacation habits , " he said . "We became more beholden to work and that drove vacation around weekends. " 他说:“在当时,工作习惯开始限制度假方式。人们更加感激工作所得,因此利用周末出游成为趋势。”
Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feelmg on guard. 无论什么时候我与他一起去度周末,我都会警惕的捏造各种故事和话题去用作一路上的谈资。
His mother weekends won't let him out of the door, because he didn't finish his homework. 他妈妈周末不让他出房门,因为他没做完作业。
At weekends, her mother always buys a lot of food for her, but she can't eat all of them for she has eyes bigger than the stomach. 周末,妈妈总给她买好多食品,可她眼馋肚饱,想吃又吃不下。
I used to laugh at my roommate in college -- he'd stay in and study on weekends while I went out for a good time. 在大学时我常嘲笑我的室友,在周末当我在外面开心时他总是留在宿舍里学习。
You can make sure you know a man well by dating him on weekends and vacations. If he's unsure about committing, DUMP him. No excuses. 一般来说和一个男人交往一个周末就能知道他是什么货色。如果他连兑现承诺都思前顾后,别客气,蹬飞他。
As long as he gets to spend some quality time with his wife and kids on weekends, he'll be happy as a clam . 只要每个周末能和妻子、孩子们好好相处一段时间,他就十分开心了。
The venue gets crowded on weekends, so book at least a week in advance. 这里周五极为拥挤,因此需要至少提前一周预订。
I am not a drinker and I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. I would also like to go out with you on weekends and weeknights when I am free. 我不是个酒鬼,我不抽烟,我不吸毒我也想跟你出去在周末和夜生活我有空。
I feel as if time has somehow been stretched. The distance between Monday and Friday feels greater, but the weekends seem longer too. 好像时间被拉长了,无论是周一到周五还是周末,我都有类似的感觉。
David, for his part, said he and his son enjoyed the walks through the countryside, and would keep hunting together on the weekends. 幼一方,他说他和他的儿子享有走过乡间,并将继续一起打猎的周末。
On weekends he and his wife try to get to New York for the theater, another of his passions. 在周末,他与妻子总是设法去纽约欣赏戏剧,这是他所热衷的另一项爱好。
Combined with the beautiful surroundings of Como and the Lombardy hills and this was one of the best weekends I have ever spent in Europe. 再加上美丽的科摩和伦巴第群山,这是我在欧洲度过的最美好的周末之一。
Give a man a fish and you feed him a day, teach a man to fish, and you get rid of him on the weekends. 给人一条鱼他可以吃一天,教人如何打渔你可以一个星期不用管他。授人以鱼不如授人以渔
I spent many weekends in the library doing my history reading, and a good book to read was an important part of my Saturday "relaxation" . 很多周末我都是在图书馆里阅读有关历史的书籍,读一本好书则是我星期六“放松”的一项重要内容。
Not to mention spending hours of your free time at the weekends trying to keep everything going. 更不要说你为了努力保持一切运转,在周末所花费的数个小时的业余时间。
He promised he would have more energy to do yardwork on weekends and took brown-bag lunches to work for a while to save money. 他承诺将在周末花更多的精力整理花园,并在一段时期内上班自带午餐以节约开支。
Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push one's biological clock further out of whack. 试图在周末补觉有可能只会进一步打乱自己的生物钟。
Gone would be the long weekends back in my hometown where I don't even bother checking my email or anything else. 每个周末回我的家乡去,我在那里没有收发电子邮件和别的什么麻烦。
On average, the children stayed awake for 48 minutes after they went to bed, and slept about a half-hour longer on weekdays than weekends. 他们在上床后还要保持平均48分钟的清醒,在平时比周末要多睡半个小时。
Except for a few top-level hospitals that are open 7 days a week, most hospitals usually close on the weekends or operate for half days. 以往除几家三级医院实行无假日门诊外,大部分医院在周六、日都实行半日制门诊或不开诊。
For the first year, it was great. I knew everyone in town. I spent weekends doing yard work or hanging out with the neighborhood guys. 第一年生活顺心顺意,我认识小镇上的每一个人,周末就在家整理院子或者是跟邻居那帮哥们一起出去厮混。