
美 [tʃuz]英 [tʃuːz]
  • v.选择;选取;挑选;决定
  • 网络选择性;选定

过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen 现在分词:choosing 第三人称单数:chooses

choose type,choose location,choose language,choose word,choose way
choose carefully,deliberately choose



1.[i][t]选择;挑选;选取to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available

2.[i][t]宁愿;情愿;决定to prefer or decide to do sth


卜字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 卜官,卜卦之人〖 diviner〗 选择choose〗 赐予;给予〖 bestowon;give〗 ...


字典中 索 字的解释 ... (3) 寻求;探索[ seek] (5) 挑选[ choose] (7) 求取,讨取[ demand;ask for] ...


如果数据库的优化器模式设置为选择性(CHOOSE),那么实际的优化器模式将和是否运行过analyze命令有关。 如果table已经被…


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... choice n. 选择 choose v. 选择,选定 Christmas n. 圣诞节 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... choke vt. 使窒息;塞满 choose vt. 选择,挑选;情愿 chop vt. 砍,劈;切细 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... chocolate 巧克力 choose 选择,挑选;情愿;决定 Christian n. 基督教的 ...


选字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 选区〖 precinct〗 选取choose〗 选任〖 designate〗 ...

Each is a completely valid way of modeling the system, but which we choose depends on which interactions are important. 这两种选择都是对系统建模的完全有效的方法,但是到底选择那一个,取决于那一种交互作用是重要的。
Whichever group that you choose to listen to, it is always good to get the solid facts and information from both sides of the argument. 两者组您所选择的听,它始终是很好的获得了坚实的事实和资料,从双方的论据。
Arrange other parts of the picture area in such a way as to complement what you choose to be the center of interest. 安排图片上的其它部分作为你选择的兴趣中心点的补充。
But if it is more convenient for you to use this ship, we do not think it would cause any problem to choose it. 如果你认为用这条船会更方便的话,那么我们认为选择它不会有任何问题。
They might just choose to ask their employees to work overtime to make up the difference. 他们可能就是要求他们的员工加班已完成任务差额。
Writing regularly is a great way to track your thoughts in a more informal way; it helps clarify what you think about any topic you choose. 日志可以帮你你理清你所选择的任何一个话题的思路。
Passengers would then be able to choose (and pay more for) an airline that is less likely to leave them stranded for long. 然后乘客们可以选择不太可能让他们滞留太长时间的航空公司(要支付更多钱)。
I would not choose to be an ordinary person, and if I can do, I have the right to become an unusual person. 我是不会选择做一个普通人的,如果我能够做到的话,我有权成为一个不寻常的人。
One person who was in a meeting with him early in the crisis remembers his saying: "We have to choose to be calm. " 一位曾在危机之初与伯南克共同参加会议的人还记得伯南克的话:“我们必须选择保持平静。”
There's been a setback for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in regional elections a month before voters choose a new federal parliament. 距离人们投票选举下一届联邦议会一个月时间,德国总理安格拉·默克尔在地区性选举中遭遇挫败。
Your nest step will be to fill out your profile with as little or as much information as you choose to tell people about you. 您的燕窝步骤将是填写您的个人资料作为很少或尽可能多的信息您选择告诉人们你。
Note: If you do not choose to treat your nonresident spouse as a US resident, you may be able to use head of household filing status. 假如你不选择视你的海外配偶为居民,你仍可用一家之主身份报税。
The actual form of the page is entirely up to you, as is the data that you choose to include. 页面的实际形式完全取决您所选择的要包括的数据。
Usually they will target a film first, and set out to see that, but sometimes they will just go and choose when they get there. 通常他们会看中一部影片,然后确定要不要观看,但有时也会到了影院才决定看什么。
Please give me a correct answer so that I choose to leave or to stay ? 请你给我一个正确的答案好让我选择离开还是留下?。
Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out. 选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演出来
He has trained himself to choose correctly between the two freedoms: the freedom to do as he pleases, and the freedom to do what he must do. 他把自己训练得知道怎样在两种自由中作正确的选择:随心所欲的自由和非做不可的自由。
Maybe you already are, in which case you might be able to skip to the next step or choose a second candidate to try out. 或许你已经开始并跳到了下一步或者选择了第二个候选项。
The scabbard too, will save him and doom him, for a man who cannot be wounded is not a man that a woman can choose to love. 剑鞘也一样,挽救他,也毁灭他。因为没有哪个女人会选择爱上一个不会受伤的男人。
For a female to choose a blond male he must be able to deliver resources (mammoth), as his blond hair alone is not enough to turn her on. 女性选择能够给她提够一些食物(比如猛犸肉)的男人,因为仅仅靠他的棕色头发并不能激起她的性欲。
Holding a draft in front of him, Margaret asked Sean to choose "stroke" or "minor stroke" or leave out the detail. 玛格丽特将新闻稿的草稿放在马宏升面前,问他选择“中风”还是“小中风”,还是完全回避这个细节。
Please, you think I'm such a superficial person? ! You think I would choose a girlfriend base on looks? 拜托!你以为我是这肤浅的人吗?!你以为我选女朋友只会在乎外表?
I'd like to be able to tell you simply to choose one of the described techniques and ignore the others as inferior or less general. 我希望能够告诉您从所介绍的方法中仅选择一种,将其他方法作为次要选择或不常用的方法。
Instead, the TV experience is simply being enhanced by the web-enabled technologies - which you can choose to use or not use as you wish. 不同的是,看电视这种体验简单地因为这种网络技术而得到改善--你可以根据自己的感觉选择用还是不用。
If I can make you happy that I would choose to leave. . . As long as you know I really love you. . . But I in your eyes hell? 如果我的离开能让你幸福那我情愿选择离开……只要你心里明白我是真的爱过你……但我在你眼里到底算什么??
If I had late arrival, I would be able to get sleep. I would choose late arrival over study hall. 如果我有迟到,我能得到睡眠。我会选择在学生自修室的迟到。
You choose a specific form whenever you use wild shape, and that form has no effect on your game statistics or movement modes. 你在每次使用野性变身时决定你的外形,同时这个外形对你的游戏数据或行动模式没有影响。
Although George Washington helped to choose the site for the residence while he was president, he never lived at the famous house. 虽然乔治.华盛顿在担任总统时选择了白宫的所在地,但是他却从来没有住在这个有名的建筑物里。
You cannot indulge in your own weaknesses and let others choose events and opportunities for you to get what you want! 你不能沉陷于自己的弱势,让他人选择属于你得到的事件和机遇。
If a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. 如果有公司要提供一大笔钱给其中之一,这将很难做抉择。