come along

  • na.进步;同意;一道来;请过来
  • 网络出现;进展;快点

第三人称单数:comes along 现在分词:coming along 过去式:came along

come alongcome along

come along


初二英语英语(下册)重点词组与句型_英语网 ... complain about 抱怨 come along 出现,发生 come true 实现,达到 ...


The First Americans教案 ... 2. come across: 偶然遇到或找到 3. come along: 进展;前进 5. come back: 再现记忆 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... come over 过来 come along 走吧,过来,快点 come and go 来来去去 ...

冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... come v. 来 come along ;随同 come down 下来;落 ...


高中英语常用短语必记_百度文库 ... come up 上来,走进 come along 发生,进步 come back 回来 ...


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... home from work 下班回(到)家 come along 一起来 come back 回来 ...


初中短语_百度文库 ... go without 没有 come along 一道来; come in 进来; ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 478 elevator 电梯 或 飞机升降舵 483 come along 走吧 484 get along 相处 ...

it's gonna lose in the long run; and eventually start developing avoidance behavior that if it kills something, the wolves come along. . . 它在长期僵持中会失败,并最终开始发展出躲避行为,即如果它杀死猎物,狼群就会蜂拥而至…
I'm not saying greed is good; I'm just saying astrological opportunities like this don't come along all that often. 我不是鼓励贪婪,我只是想说这种星象出现的机会真的不多。
In fact, you might combine the two and go on a short trip to see a friend, or to ask one to come along with you on a quick trip. 事实上,你可能结合了上述两种是短期停留,去看望一个朋友,或要求一来与你一起在短途旅行。
"Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. " “到这儿来!”彼得又喊道。“你那样会摔下去的,爷爷可是叮嘱过我不能让你摔下山崖。”
Chocolate did not always come along with dad's trip to Zhengzhou and the connection between the two ceased when I was in primary school. 巧克力并不总是伴随的爸爸的郑州之行而来,而巧克力和郑州之间的联系也在我上小学的时候中止。
So why on earth should theory come along and say Well there's sort of a problem with communication? 那么,为什么理论非要同时存在并强调,交流方面出了一些问题?
You know, there are several stages to go, so he will not be able to see me for a long time if he does not come along with me. 你知道,我要连着参加好几站的比赛。如果他不陪我来,他就要好长一段时间见不到自己的太太了,呵呵。
But the tinsmith happened to come along, and he made me a new head out of tin. 但是这个铁皮匠跑来看见了,他替我装了一个外面包着铁皮的新的头。
"Let her come along, " Mulan's father said to his wife. "She can at least help fill the tobacco for your water pipe. " 木兰的父亲向太太说:“让她也来吧,至少她可以侍候你,装装水烟袋呀。”
He saw the stone and said, "The night will be very dark. Some neighbor will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone. " 他看见了石头说:“晚上会很黑的,某些邻居将会在天黑路过,就会被石头拌倒。”
The Celtics guard was able to secure the tough ticket, but he said he's disappointed that his family won't be able to come along. 虽然这位凯尔特人的后卫订到了令人难以置信的入场券,但是他却说他很遗憾他的家人不能一起来。
You know, dramatic, comedic, whatever it is. Sometimes things come along at the perfect time and it's sort of fate. 你知道,爱情剧、喜剧,无论是什么,有时候事情总是在命中注定的完美时刻发生。
It seems to have forgotten the power of the media, and the responsibilities that must come along with that power. 媒体工作者似乎已经忘掉媒体的力量,也忘记了伴随这份力量而来应有的责任感;
If everyone at work is going out on Friday evening then ask anyone who may not know if they want to come along as well. 如果每个人只是星期五晚上才出去,那么问任何你能不认识的人是否愿意也一同前往。
The wagon turned and crawled out the entrance road and back the way it had come, along the river. 马车调了头,慢慢地从来的入口徐徐出去,上了来时沿河的那条路。
Maybe you are looking for her to come along. but you know nothing about her. 也许你寻找她来陪伴,但你对她却一无所知。
What is happening now could mark one of those sea changes in public policy that seem to come along once in every generation. 今日之事,不过是每代人都会经历一次的公共政策变化罢了。
A day or two into my very first trip to London, my friend Patricia invited me to come along with her to do the dinner shopping. 尤记得我第一次伦敦之行的某一天,朋友派翠西亚邀我一同去购买晚餐食材。
You won't need to go alone if you don't want to - a partner will gladly come along and add quite a bit of sparkle to the trip. 您不需要单独去,如果你不想-合作伙伴会很高兴一起去,并添加相当多的火花位行程。
now , if he should appear on the scene with a few friends , he could say that he had been urged to come along. 现在如果他和几个朋友一起在戏院露面,他可以说是他的朋友怂恿他来的。
Come along then and bring this receipt with you. And I am afraid we've gonna have to charge you 20 for that. 那到时候来吧,把这张发票带上。恐怕这一次我们得收您20块钱。
Michael and I are going on a date tonight. Why don't you come along? We'll bring Michael's friend Ted and make it a double-date ! 迈克尔和我晚上去约会,你不如一起来啊!我们把迈克尔的朋友泰德带上,两对一起约。
Jim whispered and said he was feeling powerful sick and told me to come along. 吉姆悄悄儿说他觉得挺不对劲儿,叫我跟着他走。
"Grrr! " the wolf growled angrily. "Nobody gives me the cold shoulder. Now, come along. " And he began dragging her across the ice. 大狼怒火中烧,咆哮:「从来没人会这麽冷淡地对我,来吧,给我走。」他拖着她穿过冰原。
Maybe Mr. Cross had put that last ad in as a test and might come along later to see if he'd been found out. 也许克罗斯先生登最后那则广告是为了试探一下,然后再过来看看是否已被发现。
'You need't be frightened now, ' said the old woman, still holding her tight. 'Come along with me. ' “您现在不用害怕,”老太婆仍旧紧握着她的手,说道,“跟我来。”
One of two things will happen. Some incredibly imaginative, intelligent person will come along or planet Earth will take care of it for us. 那时有两件事可能发生:某个超乎想象智慧绝伦的人出现,或者地球自会料理。
He then revealed he had a recently deceased 33-year-old woman chilled in a mortuary and was waiting for a suitable match to come along. 然后他透露他有个最近死去的33岁的女人冷藏在太平间,等着一个合适的配对到来。
Todd: The right opportunity for you would come along soon. You know, music is transnational. 托德:你一定会有机会的。你知道,音乐是超越国界的。
The happiest people do not need to have all the best thing on earth, And only need to make the most of the things to come along your life. 最快乐的人并没有需要拥有世上所有最好的事,而只需要令到大部份的事能沿着自己的人生而来。