
美 [ˈbɔrdər]英 [ˈbɔː(r)də(r)]
  • n.边界;边疆;国界;镶边
  • v.和…毗邻;与…接壤;沿…的边;环绕…
  • 网络边框;边缘;边境

复数:borders 现在分词:bordering 过去式:bordered

cross border,seal border,close border,establish border
southern border,open border,northern border,eastern border,Common border


n. v.

1.国界;边界;边疆;边界地区the line that divides two countries or areas; the land near this line

2.镶边;包边a strip around the edge of sth such as a picture or a piece of cloth


边框(border)边距(margin)和间隙(padding)属性的CSS解决未知高度垂直居中的问题 网页美工制作规范 带白边的黑字 css CSS …


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... borax 硼砂; 月石 border 边; 边界 botany 植物学 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... boot n. 长统靴;靴 border n. 边缘;边境,国 界 bored a. (对人,事)厌倦 的, 烦闷的 ...


字典中 鄙 字的解释 ... (3) 采邑;小邑[ city;small city] (5) 边邑;边境[ border] (7) 郊野;郊外[ outer suburbs;outskirts] ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... boot n. 靴子 border n. 边界,国界 bored adj. 无聊的 ...


2013考研英语核心词汇_百度文库 ... boom 低沉有回响的声音 border 边界,边境,边沿 bore 钻孔,挖(通道) ...


CSS 边框属性 (border) 用来设定一个元素的边线。CSS 间隙属性 (padding) 是用来设置元素内容到元素边框的距离。

Others say the rights of those waiting in line to immigrate legally should also be respected, and that the border needs to be secure. 还有一些人说,那些合法来到美国的移民的权益也应该受到尊重,并应该强化边境安全。
US President George W. Bush said he would deploy more border agents and add jails to battle illegal immigration from Mexico. 美国总统布什日前表示,他将动用更多的边境警力,并且增设监狱以严厉打击从墨西哥非法移民的行为。
For me, as if life has come to a border. At the border, I also blind ignorance and the practice of confrontation. 对我来说,好像已经走到了生命的某个边界。在这个边界之前,我又盲目无知与实践对抗。
Gets the thickness, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window being resized. 获取在正调整大小的窗口周围的大小调整边框的上边缘和下边缘的粗细(以像素为单位)。
And although Glasgow's Muslims suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border. 尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。
Ornamentals can be used to mark the border of a property or to provide privacy from neighbors. 观赏植物可以用来标记房屋的边界,或者为邻里之间提供隐私空间。
The real Border Collie -- in my opinion however -- is not determined by his looks, but by what's inside his head. 然而,在我眼中,真正的边境牧羊犬并不是取决于它的外貌,而是取决于它的头脑。
Genscher read it, looked at me, and said: "The border crossing in the Berlin Wall has been opened. " 根舍读完后看着我说:“柏林墙边界检查站已经开放。”
He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" . 他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。
Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon. 西布伦必在沿海地带居住,他必成为船只停泊的港口,他的边界必伸到西顿。
All that was backed by an offer of renewed European help to oversee security at Rafah, Gaza's border crossing into Egypt. 这些以延长欧洲对加沙加境进入埃及的拉法的海外安全帮助为条件。
When he was a boy, the Murrow family moved across the country. They settled in the western state of Washington, near the border with Canada. 在他还是一个小孩时,莫罗家在全国各地迁移,最后他们定居在西部的华盛顿州,那里与加拿大交界。
Even as he left the border city to return to work in Damascus, Abdullah said he saw lines of tank-carrying lorries steaming south. 他说在他准备离开这个边境城市回到大马士革工作的时候,他仍然看到了成群结队的卡车朝南进发。
The Malaysia-Indonesia maritime border row was one of the numerous border disputes in the region. 马来西亚与印尼的海上边界纠纷只是本地区数不清的边界纠纷之一。
"since the Long March person" has not been all previous dynasties the border area war's tragedy, the Tang Dynasty is not exceptional. “万里长征人未还”是历代以来边疆战争的悲剧,唐代也不例外。
It was the shadow of a man, who must have been standing on the border of the clump of shrubbery, a few paces in the rear of Cosette. 那影子好象是立在树丛边,在珂赛特的背后,离她只有几步远。
It was as if around 25km north of the Jordan border there was an invisible military zone that had been put up. 就好像在离约旦边境25公里的地方,一个无形的军事区正在建立起来。
There seems to be no room for compromise in the border dispute between the two countries. 两国的边界争端看来没有调和的余地。
He said Fatah is ready to take control of the border. 阿巴斯说,法塔赫已经准备好接手边界的控制权。
In this photograph, taken with my macro lens, my student is trying to reproduce the complicated marks at the border of one of the stripes. 在这张用我的微距镜头拍下的照片中,我的学生试图复制其中一条条带边界的复杂的痕迹。
Game, the player to control the bottom of the skateboards, always small bomb to the top of the ball, breaking all box can cross the border. 游戏中,玩家控制下方的滑板,始终让小球弹向上方,击破所有的方块即可过关。
And if you extend the demilitarized zone dividing the two Koreas into the sea, Yeonpyeong is only 2 miles south of that border line. 如果将非军事区分成两部分,延坪岛距离中心线只有2英里以南。
China seems to be behind the revival of plans for a port near the Russian border with access to the Sea of Japan. 在朝鲜靠近俄罗斯边境修建港口的计划又被重提,中国似乎是该计划的幕后推手,以取得进入日本海的通道。
Turkey has no diplomatic ties with Armenia and refuses to open its border with the landlocked ex-Soviet republic. 土耳其与亚美尼亚没有外交关系,并拒绝开放他们与内陆前苏联共和国的边境。
But there is no major cross-border movement of activists or funds, which are often locally generated, she said. 但有没有重大的跨国界流动和积极分子或资金,往往是当地产生的,她说。
The military clash took place in the disputed maritime border area in the Yellow Sea along the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. 这场军事冲突系发生在朝鲜半岛西岸黄海上的争议海界区。
It fell over one side of her dress and caught the white border of a petticoat, just visible as she stood at ease. 灯光铺洒在她裙子的一边,她随意站着时,恰好能看见露出的衬裙白边。
President Assad did not mention a timetable, and he did not clarify on which side of the border the troops would remain after the pullback. 阿萨德并没有提出时间表,也没有说明部队将撤离到边界的哪一边。
As for a piece of land located at the outer flank of the border section, the land tax bracket shall be the higher one (the higher tax rate). 对于土地等级划分边界路段外侧的土地,按高一级的土地纳税等级(高一级的税额标准)确定。
Investigators say they are asking customs officials to look out for smugglers trying to carry the booty across the border. 调查人员说,他们已要求海关人员注意试图携带这些战利品越过边界的走私者。