
美 [ˈbɑtəm]英 [ˈbɒtəm]
  • n.底部;水底;底面;臀部
  • v.达到…的底;给…上底;给(椅子)装面;给…打地基
  • adj.底部的;最后的;尽头的
  • 网络下装;下摆;底层

复数:bottoms 现在分词:bottoming 过去式:bottomed

hit bottom,see bottom,reach bottom,touch bottom,come bottom
double bottom


底部lowest part

1.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)底部;最下部the lowest part of sth

2.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)(朝下的)底,底面the part of sth that faces downwards and is not usually seen

容器of container

3.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)(容器内的)底the lowest surface on the inside of a container

河;池of river/pool

4.[sing](湖、河、游泳池等的)底;水底the ground below the water in a lake, river, swimming pool, etc.

尾端end of sth

5.[sing]the ~ (of sth)…尽头the part of sth that is furthest from you, your house, etc.

最末位置lowest position

6.[sing]~ (of sth)(班级、名单等的)最末位置;排名最后的人(或团队等)the lowest position in a class, on a list, etc.; a person, team, etc. that is in this position


8.[c][usupl]套装的裙(或裤)the lower part of a set of clothes that consists of two pieces


10.有…底的having the type of bottom mentioned


at bottom

归根结底;本质上;实际上used to say what sb/sth is really like

be/lie at the bottom of sth

是某事的根源(或起因、导火线)to be the original cause of sth, especially sth unpleasant

the bottom drops/falls out (of sth)

(某行业)产品滞销;销量暴跌people stop buying or using the products of a particular industry

bottoms up!

干杯used to express good wishes when drinking alcohol, or to tell sb to finish their drink

get to the bottom of sth

找到起因;挖出祸根to find out the real cause of sth, especially sth unpleasant


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bottle n. 瓶子 bottom n. 底部;底 bounce v. 弹起,蹦,上下 晃动 ...


韩国东大门代购--服装网站 ... TOP 上衣 BOTTOM 下装 SHOES&BAG 鞋包类 ...


服装外贸英语词汇大全_外贸术语_eBay外贸门户 ... heavy fabric 厚重面料 bottom 下摆,[粤]衫脚 bottom hem 下摆卷边 ...


底字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 底册〖 boundcopyofdocumentkeptonfile〗 底层〖 groundfloor;bottom〗 底粪〖 basefertilizer〗 ...


女人的性敏感部位在哪里?_爱问知识人 ... (palms 掌心) (bottom 臀部) (perineum 会阴) ...


英文字谜_林克妈妈_新浪博客 ... (rubber n. 橡胶) (bottom n. 屁股) (touch someone with your lips 用嘴唇碰某人) ...

A classic pear shape is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom of the face. The jaw and chin tend to be more rounded than square. 典型的梨形脸是头顶部窄、脸底部宽。下颚和下巴往往要比正方形更远。
The heat exchange with the reservoir is good and the temperature difference is only small between the bottom and top of the reservoir. 热储内部的热交换良好,热储顶部和底部的温度差极小。
Because most companies choose to adjust prices to compete, the impact is usually seen on the bottom line. 由于多数企业选择调整价格来进行竞争,其影响通常表现在利润上。
Many are "either trying to figure out what's going on or trying to time the very bottom of the market. " 许多人“或者极力想下一步将怎样或者试图计时市场的最低点。”
World Bank head said the people at the bottom of the economic continue to suffer the worst. 世界银行行长说,在经济阶梯底层的人们依然在最困难的时期。
Next, click the Protocol Data tab and select Browser near the bottom of the workspace, as shown in Figure 20. 下一步,点击ProtocolData键并选择工作区底部附近的Browser,如图20所示。
For a time surface and subsurface currents are in opposite directions ; flow is seaward at the surface and landward near the bottom. 有一个时期表层和次表层的水流方向相反表层水流向外海方向流动靠近底层的水流则向陆地方向流动。
There was an incredible energy between us but I knew we were racing against the bottom of my bank account. 我们都对未来充满无限信心,但我知道,这是一场与我即将见底的银行存款之间赛跑。
With your weight mainly on your heels see how the skin on the bottom of your foot, near the mound of your toes is free to open more. 你的重量主要放在脚跟处察看你的脚底的皮肤如何伸展,靠近脚趾的脚球处是自由并伸展的更多。
At the bottom are the "equity investors" who get nothing if people default on their mortgage payments and the money runs out. 位于最底端的是那些所谓的“股本投资者”(equityinvestors)[7]。一旦按揭借款人出现违约,这些人便一无所获。
You can do this by selecting the bottom path point with the Direct Selection Tool (A) and drag the point upwards. 你可以做到这一点,选择底部的路径点,与直接选择工具(a)和拖曳点向上。
Titanic's battered stern, captured here in profile, bears witness to the extreme trauma inflicted upon it as it corkscrewed to the bottom. 泰坦尼克号饱经沧桑的船尾被困在这里,可以见证当底部受创后它所经历的极大痛苦。
"We continue to expect economic activity to bottom out, then to turn up later this year, " he said. 他表示:“我们继续预计,经济活动将触底,然后会在今年晚些时候回升。”
The position of the element's top border edge is the same as it would have been if the element had a non-zero bottom border. 如果该元素底部边框宽度非零,那么这个元素顶部边框区域的位置将正常显示。
From the bottom of his heart, he said. 他在心底说。
So we said the person starts at the bottom of the ladder and we ask this person to gradually climb up. 也就是说人,从梯子底部开始,让这个人,慢慢爬高。
"The bottom has fallen out for the unskilled manufacturing worker, " says Andy Levin, the state's director of workforce development. “没有技术的制造业工人遇到了最糟糕的情况,”州人力开发主任安迪·利文说。
However, a vertical line sitting perpendicular to the top and bottom of the canvas has more of a tendency to convey a sense of height. 然而,与画布顶端和底端垂直的竖线往往更适于传递高度之感。
I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience: "This work is terrible! " 我曾经赫然写着在约一个敏感的个人经验的书写底部:!
But a stronger impact could have sent both subs and their crews to the bottom and possibly dispersed plutonium into surrounding waters. 但更强烈的冲击可能会把潜艇和船员一起送到海底,并且把钚混进周围的海水里。
This consensus is consistent with another consensus, that the nadir for share prices in March was "the" bottom. 上述共识与另外一项共识一致,即股市3月份的低点是“真正的”底部。
Oil the metal cups in the popover pan and place a tiny bit of butter in the bottom of each cup from the bits you cut up. 给泡芙烤盘的金属杯涂点油,在每只杯底放一小点你刚才切好的黄油块。
As you can see from Figure 2, WSDL addresses the bottom two layers of what IBM has identified as the Web Services Description Stack. 正如您能从图2中看到的那样,WSDL致力于IBM定为Web服务描述堆栈的底下两层。
These posts appeared to be new, easily putting other posts by personal landlords in the bottom. 由此,房东个人出租的信息被源源不断的“新”信息快速“埋没”下去。
Mind will be a comfort to feel the release, I feel warmth rising from the bottom of my heart, so full of confidence, Footloose? 是否会感到心灵得到了一种快慰的释放,觉得一股暖流从心底升起,于是充满信心,浑身是劲?
ever notice the disclaimer at the bottom of every advertisement, commercial, or label? 有没有注意过那些瓶瓶罐罐上的广告或标签下面的“特别提示”?
He remembered the fountain at the bottom of the hill where he went with his mother to fetch water, holding on to her trousers. 他记得在水池底部山与母亲走到哪里去找水,抱着她的裤子。
At the bottom end of the range, the difference would be barely noticeable. 在范围的底层,这种区别很难被注意到。
The sight is protected from misting by a filter of silica gel, which dries the air as it enters an inlet at the bottom of the sight. 一个硅胶过滤器用来保护瞄准具不受潮气的侵蚀,过滤器干燥从瞄准具底部的开口进入的空气。
You were my real love, I never knew love till there was you, from the bottom of my broken heart. 在我破碎的心灵深处,我深切的知道如果没有遇到你,我不会懂得爱,是你让我看到了爱的真蒂。