both of us

  • 网络我们两个;我们两个都;我们两都

both of usboth of us

both of us


... Conor Maynard - Vegas Girl: 阳光男声新单曲 B.o.B + Taylor Swift - Both of us我们两个 Misha B - Home Run: 新歌推 …


八年级英语总复习(知识点)--cindy_510的博客 ... in the same way 用同样的方式 both of us 我们两个都 look the same 看起来 …


英语新目标八下翻译 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 4. ...和...都.. as well as 5.我们两都 both of us 6.看起来不同 look different ...


two of us . both of us... ... boht of us, 我们两个,“我们”的人数正好是2人 both of us 我们俩 two of us 我们中的两个 ...


网校资源_初中英语_八年级_教案... ... both ( 两者 ) 都 … both of us 我们俩都 …… either girl (两个中)任意一个女孩 ...


2012 - Corn Ho ... Thanks to Existenism | 存在 Both of us连体婴 I planted my green garden| 种草地 ...


HAF - 香港亚洲电影投资会 ... 23. The Cloud 云 24. Both of Us 不是一个人住 15. Marilene & Mali 马丽莲和马力 ...


澳门小旅行, 米雅爹娘都玩得很心虚, 因为年初才刚从新加坡回来, 过两周去澳门又请假了一天(both of us),为了玩请假实在是太 …

Soon, 'between efforts by both of us, we were able to get her to calm down, ' Ms. Hall says. 霍尔太太说,在两人的共同努力下,他们很快就能让她安静下来。
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? " Both of us laughed and tried to clear the air a bit. 我说:“怎么了?哑巴了吗?”接着我俩都笑了,试着想化解不愉快的气氛。关于说我肤浅一事。
'What a bit of luck, meeting you! ' observed the barge-woman, thoughtfully. 'A regular piece of good fortune for both of us! ' “遇上你,真幸运啊!”船娘若有所思地说。“咱俩确实都交上好运啦!”
Both of us had a habit of sneezing in bright sunlight and of drawing ketchup out of its bottle with a knife. 同一个后臼齿上都有条裂缝;我们都会在阳光下打喷嚏;都喜欢用餐刀挑出番茄酱;
What do you say, let me make it up to both of us, and I'll buy you lunch? Or tea. How about tea, if it's teatime? 那你怎么说,就让我来补救一下呗,我来买单我们的午饭?或者下午茶也行啊。下午茶好不?如何这时候喝茶合适的话。
We stood there for a while, my dad and me, him staring at my headstone and me staring at him, and both of us feeling pretty bad. 我们在那里站了一会儿,只有我和爸爸。他盯着我的墓碑,我盯着他,两个人都感到非常痛苦。
I asked you to let me go once since it's good for both of us, but you wanted me to stay . . . 我曾经向你要求过让我离开,因为这样对彼此都有好处,但你依然想把我留下。
We being women were crying, both of us, one woman with a baby in her arms and another hanging on her skirt. 我们做女人的,都哭起来,两人都哭了,其中一个怀里抱着婴儿,裙边还有一个婴儿倚着。
Bad lots, both of us. . . selfish and shrewd, but a able to look things in the eyes and call them by their right names. 我们俩都是坏蛋…自私而又精明,但能够正视现实,敢说真话。
With both of us pulling, the seam of his pocket rips and he starts yelling at me to stop, but I won't. 我们两个人这么撕扯着,他的口袋被扯开了线。他开始向我大吼,让我住手。
Take a good Syrian friend of mine. I invited him to a Chinese restaurant in Damascus a few years back. It was an experience for both of us. 拿我一个叙利亚的好朋友为例,我几年前曾在大马士革请他到一家中餐馆吃饭,那段经历对我俩都很难忘。
It's pretty clear that the question of our inevitable Sorting is weighing heavily on both of us. 这是非常清楚的,问题是我们的必然排序称重我们都严重。
Save the positive energy and use it. A good fight, fight for what I want. I will win eventually, yes, I know, you know, and both of us know. 储存乐观的能量,并利用它。一场伟大的战役,为了我的将来而战。我最后将赢得胜利,是的,我知道,你知道,我们彼此都知道。
If I may say so, it seems to me that the situation has tremendous opportunities for both of us. 不知我是否可以这么说,在我看来,形势对我们双方都极为有利。
client : : " fair to both of us ! i could have done that myself . what do you think i hired a lawyer for ? " 当事人:对我们双方都公平!这个我自己都能做到。你以为我扉个律师是干嘛的?
You know what? Why don't we go sit by the fire where both of us will be a little more comfortable? 你知道么?为什么我们不到火炉那边坐下呢,这样我们都会觉得舒服一些。
when David and I walked down the aisle five years ago, it was the second time for both of us. Our first marriage had ended in divorce . 五年前当我和大卫走过这个通道时,我们都已经是第二次经过那里了。我们第一场婚姻都以离婚告终。
MS WONG: I' m terribly sorry to ask you to come here early, but I have a proposal that could benefit both of us. 黄女士:非常抱歉要求你提前来这里,不过我有个提议,对双方会都有利。
Both of us were able to describe the guns in horrifying detail, but the two policemen who stayed to make the report that would be much help. 对于那两支手枪我们俩都能够以令人可怕的细节详细加描绘,但留下来作案情报的两位警察却认为对这破案不会有多大帮助。
We see, "I just feel like I'm not going to have fun if it's not the both of us. " 这里说,“我只是觉得如果不是我们两人一起经历的事,都不会让我开心。”
We went down and both of us bailed, letting the bike crash into a cement planter in the centre of the wide hall. 我们下去,而且我们两个都保释,在宽的门厅中心中让脚踏车坠毁进去一个水泥种植者。
I can only trust you if both of us work together to establish a technology and business framework for that trust. 只有当我们在为那种信任建立技术和业务框架的过程中协同工作,我才能够信任您。
We often had different opinions, yet our discussions helped both of us learn more about what we were trying to perform. 我们常常会有不同的看法,但我们的讨论有助于我们俩学习更多关于我们曾试图去做的。
Sitting there, I suddenly felt that the best gift I could give Grandpa would be to give voice to the testimony inside both of us. 我坐在那里,突然感到我能给爷爷的最好礼物是说出我们之间的承诺。
"Both of us would've liked him to have stayed on the Knicks, " Teng said, "just to have something in New York to cheer for. " “我们两人都很想让他留在尼克斯队,”腾礼仁说,“只是为了能在纽约庆祝点什么。”
And both of us , probably , if I can imagine the bee's point of view, thought we were calling the shots . 我们两者,也许,如果我能从蜜蜂的角度去想象,认为我们正在发号施令。
Here are two people sadly in need of a third to thaw the ice between them; and you are the very one we should both of us choose. 这里有两个人急需一个第三者来融解他们之间的冰块呢。你正是我们俩都会选择的人。
The way we each reacted when this happened was very different for both of us, and yet in a way the same. 当愤怒发生时,每次的应对之策都不尽相同,但在某种程度上它又是相同的。
After 27 years of marriage, both of us understand the unspoken subtext to our exchange. It goes like this. 我俩结婚已27年,这种时候我们都知道对方的弦外之音。我们的实际意思是这样的。
Don't get so wound up about this, I'm not good enough for you. That's good for both of us. 别太难过了,我配不上你,。对我们都有好处。