
美 [boʊθ]英 [bəʊθ]
  • pron.两者
  • adj.双方
  • adv.(与复数名词连用)两个;不仅…而且…;…和…都
  • 网络两者都;二者;两个都



1.(与复数名词连用)两个,两个都used with plural nouns to mean ‘the two’ or ‘the one as well as the other’

2.both… and…不仅…而且…;…和…都not only… but also…


英语反义词_百度文库 ... worse 更坏的 19. both 两者都 -- neither 两者都 23. ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Boolean Controller 布尔运算控制器 Both 二者;全部 Bottom View 底视图 ...


初三英语单词表_爱问知识人 ... adv.11.way (某个)方面;某)点 n.12.both 两个(都);两者(都) pron14.physics 物理;物理学 ...


中考英语必背单词_百度知道 ... boss n 领班;老板 both pron. 两者;双方 bottle n 瓶子 ...


七年级上册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... book 书 both 两个(人...)都 bottle 瓶 ...

To maximise your influence. Vote in Estonia. In 2004 it had both low turnout and a disproportionate number of seats. 扩大影响力投票给爱沙尼亚。在2004年,爱沙尼亚不但有极低的投票率,还有不成比例的议会席位。
To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. 对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上一个吸血鬼,既是充满甜蜜的幻想,又是深不可测的梦魇,危险的现实正步步逼近。
This is both a mental exercise and a body relaxing exercise, so hopefully you're ready to drift off at the end of it. 这既是一种脑力活动,同时也是一种身体放松活动,这对于渐渐入睡来说是非常有用的。
"We would like to see both grow significantly over the next three to five years, " she says. 她说:“我们希望看到,两所分校在未来3至5年都能显著成长。”
Police said they had found remains at both sites, including the head of what they believed was one of the bombers. 警方说,他们在上述两个地铁站都发现了爆炸残留物,其中包括他们认为是人弹袭击者之一的头颅。
It had been so strange, so out of both their characters. 这事情很奇怪,说来和两人的性格格格不入。
In retrospect, this special report will no doubt be proved to have been guilty of both over- and under shooting. 如果做一下回顾,这份特别报道无疑也有预测超前和落后之处。
One or both of a core layer and a cladding layer are made of a cured product of such a photosensitive resin composition. 以及光致产酸剂,其芯层和覆盖层中的一种或两种均由固化产物制备。
Whilst luring both players to Eastlands, mid-way through the season. may represent something of a challenge. 虽然是打算在赛季中途引进球员,这也可能代表了一种挑战。
He was a candidate for the office of mayor of New York City and governor of New York State, but failed in both of these attempts. 他还是纽约市市长和纽约州州长职位的候选人,但这两次努力都失败了。
But we both felt we were getting married somewhere which had so much history and atmosphere. 但我们俩都觉得,我们结婚的地方历史悠久而又充满了奇趣。
Mr Park seems to have fallen foul of both the two main causes of official paranoia: the internet and the financial crisis. 而朴大成似乎是因为撞在政府的2根软肋——因特网和经济危机上才导致纠纷缠身。
To maintain smooth communication of both lengthwise and transverse, ensure smooth implementation of every policy of the corporation. 保持纵向和横向沟通的顺畅,保证各项公司决策能够顺利的执行。
The only other available seat was next to a woman with both arms in casts, a black-and-blue-face, and a gloomy aura. 只见剩下唯一的空位旁边是个女人,双臂打了石膏,脸上一块青一块黑,笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。
He put the cigarette in his mouth and brought both hands up to his face, palming a lighter. 他放一支烟进了嘴里并把两只手都举起来,拿着打火机。
However, finding the maximum price at which Google's shares could be sold might harm both the company and its shareholders in the long run. 但从长远来看,为Google股票确定的最高售价可能会有损公司及其股东。
No doubt fireworks are expected come 20: 30CET on Saturday as both teams battle it out in this Serie A spectacular. 毫无疑问,周六时间20:30进行的比赛是值得期待,这两支球队的比赛将是本轮意甲的重头戏。
China's macro-control more than 20 years of reform and opening up the market accompanied by, both experience and a lesson. 中国的宏观调控与改革开放20多年来的市场化相伴随,其中既有经验,也有教训。
I can assure you, if both the woman and the man are over the age of 55, there are not a lot of children coming out of that marriage. 我可以向你保证,如果女人和男人年龄超过55岁,他们的婚姻中是不会再次孕育出很多爱的结晶了。
Who would have thought a year ago that both men would be laid low by an obscure form of debt securitisation? 一年前,有谁会料到这两人会被一种晦涩难懂的证券化债务产品打垮呢?
Do not talk when you are both angry. Make sure that you both calm down and then talk about the matter bothering the both of you. 当双方在气头上的时候不要去讨论,一定要等消了气冷静下来以后再去谈是什么事让你们那么不舒服。
The very first thing is to disengage and allow some time for both of you to simmer down and reflect . 第一件事就是放开并给彼此一些时间来平息和思考。
Its outstanding, recycling record and constant light weighting make it a very attractive and durable solution both for today and tomorrow. 其出色,回收记录和不断减重使它成为一个非常有吸引力和持久都为今天和明天的解决方案。
Both Israel and the U. S. see Mr. Abbas as the key to reviving the peace process and ending more than five years of bloodshed. 美国和以色列都把阿巴斯看作是恢复和平进程、以及结束5年多流血冲突的关键人物。
By July, when the formal announcement was made, both dealers were ready to put a brave face on the proceedings. 到了七月,当正式公告发布之时,两位经销商都还是硬着头皮参加了开幕式。
The court also held that there was a conflict of interest, since Deutsche was both advising the client and, in effect, betting against it. 法院同时认为,这其中还兼有利益冲突,因为事实上,德意志银行在为客户建议的同时,也在唱反调。
The only odd thing about this election is the fact that the Democratic candidates both seem more comfortable with God-talk than Mr McCain. 在谈及宗教话题时,两位民主党候选人似乎要比共和党人麦凯恩惬意得多,这可真称得上是奇事一桩。
Harold and Erica both sensed that this had been one of the most important interviews of their lives. 哈罗德和埃丽卡都心生一种同样的感觉,这是他们此生中最重要的面谈之一。
Many of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time . It is up to you to do what you please with both. 上天赐予我们每个人两样伟大的礼物:思想和时间。轮到你运用这两种礼物去做你愿意做的事情了。
When both husband and wife earn money, it's really easy to build a lifestyle around the combined income. 要知道当丈夫和妻子同时赚钱的时候,围绕这些收入形成一种生活方式是很容易得,花钱的地方也多。