be able to

  • v.能够
  • 网络会;有能力做某事;强调有能力

be able tobe able to

be able to


字典中 克 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ be competent] (4) 能够[ can;be able to] (6) 攻下;战胜;打败[ defeat;overcome;capture] ...

大学英语四级常用词组 ... on a large/small scale 大/小规模地 be able to 能, abound in 盛产,富于,充满 ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... 2 fall in love with 爱上 4 be able to 有能力做某事 6 in the future 未来 ...


打印文章 ... for 表示原因 be able to 强调有能力 ability 能力 ...


人教版八下英语短语_百度知道 ... go skating 去滑冰 11. be able to 能,会 12. on vacation 度假 13. ...


新概念英语第二册学习笔记 ... ☆because of 由于 ☆be able to 的主语一般都是人,表示有能力去做 ☆get sth. into 把...弄进 ...

They do have tools to try to ward off deflation, and should use them. However, they may not be able to live up to expectations. 他们有工具试图抵御通缩,也确实应该使用它们。
We are very proud to be able to provide art education to so many children here in Beijing, who come from all over the world. 我们为身处北京及来自全世界各地的孩子们提供专业的艺术教育,为此,我们深感自豪。
You slowly stand up and get closer to the door. You start to be able to understand what is being said inside. 你缓慢的站起来并靠近那扇门,开始明白里面的人在谈论些什么了。
the reason I'm calling is because Ms. Collins will not be able to call you back until next week. 我打电话是要告诉你,科林斯女士要到下周才能给你回电话。
If the Group is only be able to exercise significant influence over the joint venture, such joint venture is accounted for as an associate. 倘本集团只能对合营企业行使重大影响力,则该合营企业会列为联营公司。
He said he should be able to finish the project in five weeks. 他说五个星期之后他就能完成这个项目了。
Be honoured to help you very much. What you have to need to be able to look for me to serve as interpreter at any time. 很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。
or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. 或者,如果它是崇高的,就用切身的经历来体会它,在我下一次远游时,也可以作出一个真实的报道。
Then a visiting nurse told Lee about a hospital in Ann Arbor that might be able to help Tom. 接着有位访问护士告诉李说,安埃泊有家医院也许对汤姆有帮助。
Any matter, anybody, can become, do not not be able to pass with it. Regardless of difficult, we must learn to leave to draw back. 任何事,任何人,都会成为过去、不要跟它过不去。无论多难,我们都要学会抽身而退。
Every movie role I take scares the hell out of me and I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it. 每一个我扮演的角色都让我纠结痛苦,我不知道能否做得到。
You used to be able to rent or buy a tuxedo and rest easy in the knowledge that you were prepared for any formal business or social event. 你过去可以或租或买一套tuxedo(无燕尾晚宴礼服),然后就长舒一口气,认为自己准备好出席任何正式的生意或社交活动了。
Finally, be skeptical of any hair expert who claims to be able to determine thecause of your hair loss simply by analyzing your strands. 最后,对声称能共通过对发丝的分析得出脱发原因的头发专家保持警惕。
Good players have to be able to adapt to any type of football. 优秀的球员不得不适应任何类型的足球。
He saw that he would not be able to run with the ball, so he signalled for a fair catch. 他见自己无法带球向前跑,便举手示意“合法接球”。
This is the first known life form that seems to be able to swap out one of life's fundamental building blocks with another element. 这是首个已知的生命形态,其看似能替换构成出生命的基本要素。
We request you to be able to undertake for both the design and site coordination works. 我们请求您能为设计和站点协调工作承担。
Vargas hopes to be able to promote legislation to approve such an early age as he came to the United States, immigrants can become citizens. 巴尔加斯希望,借此能推动立法,批准像他这样自幼来到美国的外来移民能够成为公民。
A manager might be able to answer the three sponsor questions and get rewarded with a project, but sometimes that won't close the deal. 管理人员可能能够回答出资人所提的三个问题,并且有可能因此而获得某个项目,但有时却不见得能够谈成这笔交易。
He offers this as a special case of the idea that geeks seem to be able to find each other across national, language and cultural barriers. 他提出了这个特例是想说黑客似乎能够彼此跨越国家、语言和文化障碍。
One will not be able to carry their non-ascending spouse, child, mother, father or friend into such a community. 一个人将不能携带他们的无提升配偶,小孩,母亲,父亲或朋友进入这类团体。
Drift-II is more ambitious. If it works, it will be able to track such a recoiling nucleus through a device filled with gas. 而Drift-II的目标更加远大,如果可能,它可以在充满某种气体的装置中跟踪碰撞后的原子核。
Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。
While riding comfortably on this glorious being, the man thought, "Suppose people ask me where I was. I must be able to tell everything. " 此人舒服地骑在尊贵的象王背上,心里想:“如果人们问我去哪儿了,我要一字不漏地告诉他们。”
But of course, if I ever qualify, I might be able to do everything one day. Book the villa, change the currency, fly the plane. . . 不过,当然,如果有一天我具备了资格,我或许就能在一天内做完所有事情。
France and Belgium may be able to stand behind Dexia but supporting entire banking systems is beyond the capacity of many sovereigns. 然而,法国和比利时也许会支持德夏银行,但支持整个银行系统超出了很多国家的能力。
My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly. 我的大脑有能力应对,而信息也很干净的储存了起来。
If Paul Moller has his way, people soon will be able to buy the world's first flying car, known as the Skycar. 如果保罗•穆勒有招儿的话,人们很快就可以购买世界上第一辆飞车即“天车”了。
Brewers yeast will cause the dog to give off an odor that fleas do not like but you will not be able to detect. 酿酒酵母会引起狗给过一种气味,跳蚤不喜欢,但你将无法侦测到。
He thought he might be able to change that, on the basis of work he had carried out previously, trying to design a vaccine against nicotine. 他认为基于之前为设计一种尼古丁疫苗而开展的研究,他将改变这一状况。