
美 [fɔr]英 [fɔː(r)]
  • num.
  • n.四个人(或事物)的一组;得四分的一击;四人赛艇的全体成员




Alonso, who has won four races so far this season, said he liked the Shanghai International Circuit. 阿隆索在本赛季已经赢得了四个分站赛冠军,并表示他非常喜欢上海国际赛车场。
The mind is one of the four lower bodies and must come under your dominion in order for you to master self. 头脑是四个下级机关之一,一定要来统治,以便为你在你的掌握自我。
Easy to ride, this punchy four-stroke single has a full five speed gearbox to keep you ahead of the traffic, wherever you're going. 易搭、本贴四冲程单已全部提前五速变速箱把你的交通你要去哪里。
Speed's gamble of being the first to stop for dry tyres backfired and he needed four pit stops in total on his way to 12th place. 斯毕德第一个进站换上干胎的赌博算是输了,在拿到第12名之前,他总共进了四次站。
Brazil is at the heart of BG's ambitious growth strategy for the next decade and is one of the company's four "main centres" of investment. 巴西是BG未来10年雄心勃勃的增长战略的核心,也是该公司4个“主要”投资中心之一。
Four centuries after his death, King Henry IV of France is being laid to rest. Or at least his head is. 在归西后400年,法王亨利四世终于得以安息,至少他的头颅是这样的。
The money she saves can be spent on providing extra food and clothing for her four children. 她可以将节省下来的钱用来为四个孩子添加食物和衣服。
It had taken four years for the complaint to be judged, and a further two before his appeal was rejected. 这花了整整四年申述才被审理,以及另外两年直到该参议员的上诉被驳回。
He said he could live with the reduced pay, which amounted to 85 percent of his previous wages for a four-day week. 他说薪酬减少他一样可以生活下去,四天制工作的薪水只有他之前的85%。
How much is three plus four? Three plus four is seven. 三加四等于多少?三
I returned to Connecticut with my two sons and found a chicken coop that had been converted into four apartments. 我与我的两个儿子回到康乃狄克,发现原来的鸡舍都已经改建成四栋公寓。
Instead, an employee, amused at the bank's Nineteen Eighty-Four management style, set up a fake e-mail address and sent the page to me. 美林的某位员工,觉得该行的1984式管理风格(NineteenEighty-Fourmanagementstyle)很好笑,于是编了一个电子邮件地址,结果却把该内容发给了我。
Four centuries, two centuries, and one-and-a-half centuries: 2009 offers a fine excuse to celebrate two of the great iconoclasts of history. 四百年,二百年,一百五十年:2009年,我们有足够的理由去纪念历史上这两座伟大的里程碑。
Indeed, an order for the general retreat of the Northern Armies southward was already at least four days overdue. 老实说,让北方各集团军向南方退却的命令至少已经迟误了四天。
But an incoming government would then have to map out a credible plan to slash the deficit over the next four- or five-year parliament. 新任的政府不得不提出一个可靠的提案在未来四到五年的削减议会财政赤字。
Citizens are not allowed to attend a cinema or theatre nor ride in a public streetcar within at least four hours after eating garlic. 市民在吃大蒜之后,至少四个小时内不准去影院、剧场,也不准乘坐公交有轨电车。
Soon all four were huddled on top of the car's battered roof, trying to hold on as the water swept over them, rising higher and higher. 很快四个人一起挤在已经扁了的车顶上,当水涌过来时,她们竭力保持平衡,一点点往高处挪。
Legend tells us that Eve took a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden as a memento of the wonderful time she had spent there. 传说告诉我们,从除夕了伊甸园作为美好的时光,她花了有四叶三叶草纪念品。
It is investing at a rate of $35 billion a year, and has plans for at least four huge new coastal steel plants. 它正在以三百五十亿元的比率投资年,而且至少有关于的计划四个极大的新海岸的钢植物。
He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity. 他必偿还羊羔四倍。因为他行这事,没有怜恤的心。
The Bills did not disclose terms of Wang's contract but local media reported it was a four-year deal. 比尔未披露与王凯合约的细节,但当地媒体报导称双方签约四年。
he was a slave on board the brig creole , of richmond , bound to new orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others. 他与一百零四名其它黑奴一起关在里士满的“克里奥”号双桅帆船上,运往奴隶大市场新奥尔良州。
Found a "four pieces of jade. " Color can also be, seems to be a male. 发现一只“四块玉”。颜色还可以,好像是个公的。
Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing a full-length, form-fitting Jacobs dress and four-inch platform shoes. 这时候,她穿着一件几乎长至脚踝、紧身的雅各布斯连衣裙,脚上是一双厚4英寸的松糕鞋。
Pacemakers used to have but a single lead, going to one of the heart's four chambers. 以往的起搏器通常只有一根导线接入心脏四个房室中的一个。
At least six people have been killed in Deraa since the unrest began on Friday; Syrian forces shot dead four on Friday and one on Sunday. 自上周五动荡爆发以来,德拉已经至少有六人死亡。叙利亚军队上周五开枪打死四人,周日打死一人。
No one pair of eyes is sufficiently reliable when a few words may make a four million dollar difference. 在相差几个词就相差几百万美元的时候,没有哪双眼睛是绝对可靠的。
Capote's account of two criminals and the four people they murdered in Kansas was extravagantly publicized before it ever came out. 卡波特这本关于两个凶手在堪萨斯城谋杀四人的记载,书还没有出版,就被宣传得天花乱坠。
Reporter: He had the address built on a remote river island four years ago. It is one of the least accessible parts of Bangladesh. 记者:这所学校是莫斯塔法博士在四年前建立的,坐落在一处鲜为人知的偏僻江心岛上。
Rather than an image of four generations of smiling Romani, there was just a pink smudge on the screen. 屏幕上出现的是模糊的粉红色,而不是微笑着四世同堂的罗马尼亚人。