
美 [ˈbɑt(ə)l]英 [ˈbɒt(ə)l]
  • n.酒;(细颈)瓶子;一瓶(的量);(婴儿)奶瓶
  • v.把(液体)装入瓶中;把(水果或蔬菜等)装入玻璃瓶储存
  • 网络装瓶;酒瓶;水壶

复数:bottles 现在分词:bottling 过去式:bottled

plastic bottle
wine bottle


n. v.

1.[c](细颈)瓶子a glass or plastic container, usually round with straight sides and a narrow neck, used especially for storing liquids

2.[c]一瓶(的量)the amount contained in a bottle

3.[sing](informal)酒alcoholic drink

4.[c][ususing](婴儿)奶瓶;奶瓶里的奶(非母乳)a bottle used to give milk to a baby; the milk from such a bottle (used instead of mother's milk)

5.[u](informal)勇气;信心courage or confidence, for example to do sth that is dangerous or unpleasant


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... cup( 茶杯) 15、 bottle( 瓶子) 16、 tin( 罐头) 17、 ...


成人学位英语考试大纲词汇表_A——B ... bother 打扰,麻烦 bottle 瓶子,装瓶 bottom 底,底部 ...


酒吧点酒不尴尬酒吧专业术语_猫如影_新浪博客 ... Blender: 电动搅拌法 Bottle酒瓶 Bucket: 酒桶 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲 - 豆丁网 ... bother vt. 烦扰,迷惑 n.麻烦 bottle n. 瓶,酒瓶;一瓶 bottom n. 底,底部,根基 ...


共同构建儿童日常英语单词库 ... nipple 奶嘴 bottle 奶瓶 crib/cot 婴儿床 ...


首页-广州单车道单车店-- 淘宝网 ... 水壶架 Bottles Cage 水壶 Bottle 把套 副把 Grip | Bar End ...

bottle的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... bottle n.瓶,小瓶,罐 bottle n.瓶,,装瓶 bottle 钢瓶 ...

How much mineral water is there in that bottle? 瓶子里有多少矿泉水?
Even now it is not too late for a minister with a bit of bottle to abolish this sports subsidy racket. 即便现在,如果一个稍有勇气的部长可以站出来结束这场体育补贴的闹剧也不算晚。
A simple solution would be to always leave the bottle inverted, but I'm way too OCD for that. 一个简单的解决方法是经常将瓶子倒过来,但是这样的话我会有强迫症的。
Oh, and she pulled a few stunts like smuggling a bottle of wine into a nightclub to enjoy a cheap night out with her friends. 此外,她还冒过几次小险,比如把一瓶葡萄酒偷偷带进夜店,没花多少钱就和朋友们一起狂欢了一晚。
The species trapped by the outer walls sees a deep well with a raised mound in the center, like the bottom of a wine bottle. 被外墙抓住的粒子看到的是一个深井,中间就像酒瓶的底一样有个突起的底座。
At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk. 在这个时候,婴儿能够喝上多达一瓶64磅的牛奶。
"Thank you, " the old man said. The waiter took the bottle back inside the cafe. He sat down at the table with his colleague again. “谢谢你,”老人说.年轻侍者把酒瓶拿回餐厅柜台里,又坐在桌旁和同事在一起.。
The pangolin hurried tells an old man, only then the kind of seven colors of the spectrum bottle gourd, can eliminate these two spirits. 穿山甲急忙去告诉一个老汉,只有种出七色葫芦,才能消灭这两个妖精。
The utility model relates to a combined easy opening bottle cap which can be easy to be opened and is formed by combining two closed caps. 本实用新型涉及一种容易开启并且由两种合盖组合而成的组合易开瓶盖。
"We previously used a soap bottle with a 1g pump, which was small and unreliable and did not dispense all the product, " he said. “我们以前使用的肥皂瓶与一克泵,这是小的和不可靠的,并没有免除所有产品,”他说。
She said he was wearing a diaper, shirt, and was wrapped in a blanket and had a bottle with him. 她说他当时穿了一个尿布、衬衫,被包裹在毯子里,有个瓶子也被裹在里面。
He smirked as he decanted a bottle of wine and ate a piece of chocolate from her candy box. 他一边倒着一瓶酒,吃着从少女的糖盒中拿出的一块巧克力,一边得意地笑着。
She did not drink it after she noticed the seal on the bottle was broken. 她发现瓶子的标签已经撕掉就没有喝。
How much is the bottle of orange, please? 请问这瓶桔汁多少钱?
That bottle of Argentine red that I delicately wrapped in a sweater? There was something better I could have put it in. 那瓶我小心包在毛衣里的阿根廷红酒,我应该在里面包更好的酒。
No, "replied the new salesman. " He actually came in for a bottle of aspirin for his wife's migraine. 不,“刚来的销售员回答,”事实上他的妻子偏头痛,他是为她买瓶阿斯匹林的。
It began as a joke, putting home-made salad dressing in an old wine bottle, tying it with a ribbon and giving it to friends. 这始于一个玩笑,他将自家制作的沙拉酱装在一个旧酒瓶里再系上一个蝴蝶结送给自己的朋友们。
If you've ever tried to save an unfinished bottle in the fridge for a few days, you learned this lesson the hard way. 如果你曾试图将没喝完的葡萄酒在冰箱里保存几天,就会得到这个惨痛的教训。
Nitric acid is not stable, easy to see light decomposition, should be in brown bottle in the shadows to avoid light preservation. 硝酸不稳定,易见光分解,应在棕色瓶中于阴暗处避光保存。
Joanna sat down beside him on the green bank and shared her crusts and her bottle with him. 乔安娜在路边绿草如茵的土坎上挨着老头儿坐下来,和他一起吃干面包片,喝啤酒。
The lawsuit is trying to put the genie back in the bottle. Oracle的这次诉讼正在试图将精灵放回瓶中。
L'Oreal Kids is safe to use. With its soft bottle, it's easy to hold. It's fun to shampoo! 欧莱雅儿童系列利用安全,瓶身柔软,轻易抓握,是一款有趣的喷鼻波!
Just poke some holes around the bottom of the empty container and bury it in the ground up to the bottle neck. 在空罐子底下扎几个洞,把它埋到土里,齐瓶颈深,靠近植物。
I'm sorry to tell you that your medicine bottle (cosmetic bottle) was broken by accident . I sincerely apologize for that. 非常抱歉,服务员在为您清理房间时,不小心打碎了你的药瓶(化妆品瓶子)。
Couples who share a bottle of wine at least once a week enjoy marital life far more than those who steer clear of alcohol, they claim. 他们声称,那些每周至少共同享用一瓶美酒的夫妻婚姻生活远比那些不喝酒的伴侣幸福。
Growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny $15. 00 bottle. "What I mean, " said Tim, "is I'd like to see something really cheap. " 服务员生气了,拿给他一小瓶15美元的,“我的意思是”蒂姆说,“我想看看真正便宜的东西。”
Both of us had a habit of sneezing in bright sunlight and of drawing ketchup out of its bottle with a knife. 同一个后臼齿上都有条裂缝;我们都会在阳光下打喷嚏;都喜欢用餐刀挑出番茄酱;
Without a word I seized the bottle by the neck and hit him over the head with it as hard as I could. 我二话没说,一把攥住瓶颈,使出全身气力,狠狠地砸在他的头上。
The light weight material used to manufacture the bottle makes it easy to carry but is hard to break. 重量轻的材料用于制造瓶子更容易进行,但很难打破。
In Australia it's very rare to see someone over the age of 30 drinking heavy spirits or more than 1 bottle of beer. 所以,在澳洲非常罕见30岁以上的人喝烈性酒或者喝超过一瓶啤酒。这和中国的酒文化有所不同。