
美 [brif]英 [briːf]
  • adj.短时间的;短暂的;简洁的;简单的
  • n.任务简介;指示;(向出庭律师提供的)诉讼摘要;委托辩护
  • v.给(某人)指示;向(某人)介绍情况;向(出庭律师)提供诉讼摘要
  • 网络简短的;简报

比较级:briefer 最高级:briefest 复数:briefs 现在分词:briefing 过去式:briefed

brief talk,brief discussion,brief comment,brief review,brief account


1.短时间的;短暂的lasting only a short time; short

2.简洁的;简单的using few words

3.过短的;暴露身体的short and not covering much of the body


in brief

简言之;一言以蔽之in a few words, without details


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... brevity 短暂;简洁 brief 简短的 briefness 短暂;简洁 24. ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... graph n 图表;曲线图 brief adj 简洁的;扼要的 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯文利斯(阿根廷首都) △ ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... literary a. 文学(上)的 brief a. 短暂的,短时间的 glance n. 一瞥;扫视 ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... confident adj. 自信的;确信的 brief adj. 简短的;简要的 n.摘要;大纲 briefly adv. 简要地;短暂地 ...


1. 与创意夥伴一起成功的诠释并执行客户的简报(brief), 包括最初简报, 提案到执行完毕.2. 跟其他部门的同仁合作, 清楚的理解专 …


Shoes | China Exporters List (中国出口商名录) ... Address( 地址): Brief( 简介): Category( 类别): ...

Andhis knack for making big news out of his "fun" brief at a time ofrecession and war speaks to his political skill. 而他在经济衰退,战争频发的年代从“娱乐”工作干出大事业的本事亦证明了他的政治手腕。
The resume gibs a brief review of your work experience and education in a way that is factual and easy to read. 在简历中,你要实事求是地简单回顾一下你的工作经历和教育经历,要写得简洁明了,方便阅读。
In brief, he sacrificed a portion of his time to win his way into their good graces. All he wanted was peace and quiet. 总之,他牺牲了一部分的时间去讨她们的欢心,只是为了想过几天安静的生活。
A note is a kind of letter. Brief content is its characteristic. It is often used as a temporary inquiry, note, notice, and request, etc. 便条也是书信的一种形式。其特点在于内容简短,用于临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。
The money withheld from the employee's paycheck may be kept in the company's checking account for a brief time until the payment is due. 从雇员薪水中扣留的资金会在公司经常帐户保留较短的一段时间直到支付到期。
There was a brief pause in her intense monologue. He shyly took it as a cue for a conversation entry. 就在这短暂的停顿时刻,她丈夫胆怯地趁此开始谈话。
He could then hire a coach, and brief him or her to change the mindset of his direct subordinates on a one-to-one basis. 那么他就有可能聘请一位教练,要求教练以一对一的形式改变直接下属的思维方式。
As for what the men felt, that is far harder to say, since feelings can only be expressed during the moment of their brief existence. 至于的男人感到,难以说,因为感情只能被表达在他们短暂的时刻存在。
This article provides a brief historical overview of the major means used for vascular access since the start of chronic hemodialysis. 本文提供了一个简单的历史概况的主要手段用于血管通路开始以来维持性血液透析。
So when a friend called to ask if I would like to cycle home from Switzerland with him, my hesitation was brief. 所以,当一位朋友打电话问我,是否愿意和他一起从瑞士骑自行车回家,我稍微迟疑了一下就答应了。
Chan gave only a brief statement, saying that if Elaine Ng Yi-lei's child turned out to be his, he would act responsibly. 成龙只是发表了简短声明,说倘若吴绮莉怀有自己骨肉,他会负责任。
I'm going to give you a brief history, and tell you about the magnificent future of every child's favorite plaything. 关于风筝,我会给你们一个简要的历史,以及告诉你们神奇的未来这都是小孩最喜欢的风筝的事情。
In the early days of our confinement, before we were taken to Pyongyang, we were left for a very brief time with our belongings. 在我们被拘留的早期,即我们被带到平壤之前,我们与我们带的东西分开了一段时间。
In brief, a Mrs. Fred C. Graham missed her pet cat on the same day that she put a good deal of food down in her home deep-freeze unit. 简言之,有位弗雷德·C·格雷厄姆太太,把一大堆食品放进了家用冰柜,就在同一天,她的宠物猫失踪了。
IT TAKES only a brief visit to the Bank of Estonia's small basement museum to grasp what turbulent decades the Baltic states have endured. 要想体会波罗的海国家过去几十年的动荡历史,只需到爱沙尼亚银行小型地下博物馆里走一遭。
Such a scenario is consistent with the brief statements first officer Richard Cole of Salem, Ore. , made to reporters earlier inthe weekend. 这种叙述符合副机长科尔在周末早些时候对媒体记者发表的简短声明。
I was one of dozens of advisers for a supporting brief filed by those who challenged the law. 对这项法令提出挑战的人撰写了一份简报,我是十多位持支持态度的顾问之一。
Visitor: Hello! I would like to have a brief idea of the pavilion layout and orientation prior to my visiting, or to I would be lost. 参观者:你好,我想在参观前大致了解一下方位,以免迷路。
I know little about Shanghai security situation , would you mind giving me a brief account of it ? 我对上海的安全状况了解的很少,请你简要介绍一下好么?。
With just a slight mismatch between prices and incomes, a brief period with a slower increase in prices will improve affordability. 如果房价和收入之间仅有小幅的不匹配,那么短暂的房价上涨速度放慢就能提高居民置业的负担能力。
The book ends with a discussion of embryology and a brief anatomical description of the heart. 这本书结尾的胚胎进行讨论,并简要心脏解剖描述。
From the beginning this body's brief was to put human water consumption second to the rivers' environmental health. 从最开始这项计划的主要着眼点就是为了将河流环境卫生放到首要地位,人类的水资源需求靠后。
In brief (by his standards) media appearances, he let slip a few more details of his condition. 在一如既往的短暂媒体露面中,他透露了些许自己的身体状况。
Known as a Wolf-Rayet star, the central star is an extremely hot giant thought to be in a brief, pre-supernova stage of evolution. 被称为沃尔夫-拉叶型星,中央恒星是一颗极热的巨星,被认为处于短暂的前超新星阶段。
Aside from a brief respite of a year or two when he had a council flat, the London streets have been the only home he's known. 除了在公屋里呆过短暂的一两年外,伦敦的街巷已成为了他所知唯一的家。
He had had a short illness, there had been a brief time of acute suffering, then all was over. 他死于一次突发疾病,经历了短暂的痛苦后,人就这么离去了。
The vibrancy she radiated was part of her accolade-seeking act, fueled by the brief highs she got from her binges. 她散发出的活力是荣誉追求行为中的一部分,支持这个的是从表扬沉溺中欧冠获得的短暂兴奋…
In a brief, he wants to let the ball flow smoothly, he wants the ability the place that the ball spreads to most easily get a goal. 简单地说,他要让球流动得顺畅,他要能将球传到最容易得分的地方。
"60 years of the Republic of memory (ed. old thing)" Brief Introduction: 60 years, in the long course of history is just a transient moment. 《共和国记忆60年(编年纪事)》内容简介:60年,在历史的长河中只是短暂的一瞬。
Peeling out of the parking lot of the refuge facility Saturday afternoon, he made a brief announcement to the passengers in his minivan. 上周六下午离开避难所的停车场时,他简短地通知了坐在他的商务车上的乘客。