
美 [baʊns]英 [baʊns]
  • n.弹跳;跳动;弹性;活力
  • v.弹跳;反射;拒付;解雇
  • adv.砰地;猛跳
  • 网络反弹;弹起;跳起

第三人称单数:bounces 现在分词:bouncing 过去式:bounced

bounce ball,cheque bounce


v. n.

离开表面move off surface

1.[i][t](使)弹起,弹跳;反射if sthbounces or youbounce it, it moves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this

上下移动move up and down

2.[i]~ (up and down) (on sth)(在…上)跳动,蹦to jump up and down on sth

4.[i][t]~ (sth) (up and down)(使)上下晃动to move up and down; to move sth up and down

5.[i]+ adv./prep.(朝某个方向)颠簸行进to move up and down in a particular direction

有活力地走动move with energy

6.[i]+ adv./prep.活泼兴奋地走,蹦蹦跳跳地去(到某处)to move somewhere in a lively and cheerful way


8.[t]~ ideas (off sb)/(around)(向某人)试探地透露(主意)to tell sb your ideas in order to find out what they think about them

使离开make sb leave

10.[t](informal)~ sb (from sth)解雇;开除;撵走;逐出to force sb to leave a job, team, place, etc.


be bouncing off the walls

精力充沛得待不住;激动得难以平静to be so full of energy or so excited that you cannot keep still


SAT2物理_百度文库 ... boiling 沸腾 bounce 反弹 bound charge 束缚电荷 ...


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... bookcase n 书架,书柜; bounce v 弹跳,(球)弹回; box n 盒子,箱; ...


学习_考试_成长_高效在线学习_光网教育网 ... box 盒子;箱子 bounce 弹起;重新恢复;退票 boots 靴子;猛踢 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... bough n. 树枝 bounce vi. 反跳,弹起;跳起 bound a. 一定的;有义务的 ...


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... bookcase n 书架,书柜; bounce v 弹跳,(球)弹回; box n 盒子,箱; ...


电影译名对照表 ... Boum,La IQ 半熟时 1981 Bounce 缘来是你 2000 Bound 大胆的爱小心的偷 1996 ...


关於当真爱来敲门(bounce)电影预告片的主题曲 [ 英文 ] 中翻英~~~当真爱来敲门!! [ 情感烦恼 ] 看到朋友都很幸福,真的很羡慕.…


考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... botany n. 植物学 bounce v. 弹起, 跳起; 反跳 bound v. / n. 跳, 跳跃 ...

The moment you relax or take your attention away from keeping it submerged, the ball will bounce back up and splash water in your face. 一旦你放松或一不留神那么球就会向上弹起将水溅在你的脸上。
A bounce back in office values in London has prompted fears of a new bubble. 伦敦写字楼价格突然上涨,让人们担心,是不是会引发新一轮的经济泡沫。
It's a bit like trying to work out the street plan of a city by shouting loudly and listening to the sounds that bounce off the walls. 这好比试图找出一个大声大声,听声音的跳出了墙壁城市街道计划位。
Lisa's outdoor bounce and freckled good nature had become somewhat butch; her hair, like her mother's, turned gray early. 丽莎的运动活力和带着晒斑的肤色看起来都变得有点男人婆。她的头发象她母亲一样开始早白了。
Tell the children not to bounce up and down on the bed. 告诉孩子们别在床上蹦跳。
In specular reflection, light rays bounce off the surface of an object at the same relative angle that they approached it. 在镜面反射中个,光线从物体表面反弹回的反射角与入射角相同。
All that suggests the euro will retain its status as a funding currency for carry trades, reducing any chance of a bounce. 这一切都说明,欧元将继续保持套利交易融资货币的地位,这就减少了它可能存在的反弹机会。
This causes the ball to accelerate slightly at the beginning of the animation, then decelerate after its first bounce. 这个促使小球在动画开始逐渐加速的,使那时减速之后小球的第一次弹跳。
Every time there is an EU summit and an announcement of a new deal to solve the crisis, markets bounce for a few days. 每当欧盟(EU)召开峰会和宣布新的危机解决方案时,市场就会出现几天的反弹。
You want to bounce back quickly. Get out of that rut. The quicker the better. 但你应该尽快振作起来,跳出那消沉的生活,越快越好。
Ever notice how some people just seem to be able to be content and bounce back no matter what the circumstances? 你有没有注意到,总有这样一些人,无论在什么情况下,似乎特别能够满足并苦中求乐?
Economists suggest some of the expected increase in economic growth is a bounce off the bottom. 经济学家们认为经济增长的一些预期增加是谷底反弹。
Mr. Romney said his defeat hurt his standing in the party, but he said he would nonetheless seek a role helping Republicans bounce back. 罗姆尼说,大选失利影响力他在党内的地位,但他说,他仍会承担某种角色,帮助共和党挽回局势。
Visitors to Stubblebine's offices at Arlington, Virginia, are told of him repeatedly walking at walls - only to bounce painfully off them. 在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿,参观斯塔布尔宾的办公室的人们都被告知,斯塔布尔宾多次试图在四壁上行走——结果只是痛苦地被墙壁弹了回来。
But 2008, we do think the bottom will be readily apparent to most buyers out there and you could see a significant bounce back in demand. 但是2008,我们真的认为底线将会很明显对于大部分买家在外面,并且你能够看到一个在需求方面重要的反弹。
It has appreciated 3. 4% since, including a bit of an upward bounce in the past few days. 此后,人民币兑美元累计升值了3.4%,这一幅度包括人民币在过去几天的些许升值。
It was a rare slip up from a man voted our player of the season last term - and Gerrard has no doubts that Reina will bounce back quickly. 上赛季我们评选出的最佳球员很少有这样的表现,杰队毫不怀疑雷纳会快速做出回应的。
People are just a mirror for you to bounce yourself off of, you know? 对你而言,众人只不过是面镜子,折射出的却是你自己,你知道吗?
Among the current assignments will be one or two projects that may bounce back to you and need to be redone. 在现有的任务将是一个或两个项目,可能退回给你,需要重做。
This leopard skirt has not been used yet, the day is cool, there have been with the long dress, but this is suit bounce at sea. 这条豹纹裙还没穿过,这天很凉爽,本来搭配的还有长裙,但在海上蹦蹦跳跳这样正合适。
The bond between Torres and Anfield was cemented with the creation of his own song, to which thousands of Kopites bounce in unison. 托雷斯与安菲尔德的血肉联系还在于球迷为托雷斯创作的托雷斯之歌,现在安菲尔德都有数千球迷有节奏齐唱托雷斯之歌。
Unlike any other form of exercise, HoloHealth Bounce? acts simultaneously on every single cell, muscle and organ in the body. 不同于其他任何运动方式,全息健康蹦可以对人体的每一个细胞、肌肉和器官同时产生效力。
President Obama may be experiencing a temporary bounce with his own personal ratings, but much of his agenda remain hugely unpopular. 奥巴马总统在支持率上可能暂获反弹,但他的大部分议程还是不受欢迎的。
"I don't think the bounce back in auto production in and of itself is going to mean that much, " said Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家哈祖斯(JanHatzius)说,我认为,汽车生产的复苏本身并没有太大的意义。
How much damage can a famous brand take and still bounce back? 一个著名品牌能够经受多大的危机,之后仍能东山再起呢?
Also, you can modify the objects in other ways, the next example scales the ball so that it looks squashed at the bottom of each bounce. 另外,你也可以用不同的方式改变对象,接下来的例子能够缩放球体以致于它看上去像在每次弹跳的低端被压扁了一样。
They think the economy will bounce back to its old self, almost as if nothing had happened. 他们认为经济将反弹到它的原始水平,就好像什么都没发生过。
Over the long-run, if and when we do bounce out of this recession, municipals may prove to be an excellent long-term investment. 直到最后,假如到时候我们摆脱这次的经济衰退,地方政府债券也许会证明它是一种优秀的长期投资。
Witnesses Sean Spencer - Perkins said the plane hit the ground after the bounce, the last out in a fields. 目击者肖恩·斯潘塞-帕金斯说,飞机撞到地面后弹起,最后掉在一块田里。
The aim of the game is to bounce the ball up the court and shoot the ball into the net. 比赛的目标将弹起法院的球和射击球入网。