
美 [boʊl]英 [bəʊl]
  • n.碗;一碗…;碗状物;【体】木球
  • v.【体】(板球中的)投球;【体】使…出局;使…退场;【体】玩滚木球
  • 网络钵;盆;一碗的容量

过去式:bowled 现在分词:bowling 第三人称单数:bowls

super bowl,plastic bowl,wooden bowl


n. v.


1.[c]碗;钵;盆a deep round dish with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid


2.[c]一碗,一钵,一盆(的量)the amount contained in a bowl


3.[c]物体的碗状部分the part of some objects that is shaped like a bowl


4.[c]露天圆形剧场a large round theatre without a roof, used for concerts, etc. outdoors

橄榄球比赛football game

7.[c](美式足球主要赛季后强队之间的)碗赛a game of American football played after the main season between the best teams

七年级英语单词表 ... size 大小;尺寸 bowl ;一碗的容量 juice 果汁;果汁饮料 ...

专升本英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bottom 底,底部 bowl 碗, box 箱,盒 2.包厢 v.拳击 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... bow n. 弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬 bowl n. 碗,钵;碗状物 box n. 箱,盒;包箱;拳击 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... bow n. 弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬 bowl n. 碗,钵;碗状物 box n. 箱,盒;包箱;拳击 ...

仁爱英语八年级下册单词 - 豆丁网 ... noodle 面条 bowl 碗, immediately 立即、马上 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... size 大小;尺寸 bowl 碗;一碗的容量 juice 果汁;果汁饮料 ...


全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)竞赛备考词汇表_ ... boat 小船;轮船 bowl 碗;木球;大酒杯 box 箱,盒子;包厢;一拳 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Bourclon 单调低音 Bowl 碗状体育场效果 BP bridge bypass 电桥旁路 ...

Yes, I'd like an iced tea and I'm also ready to order. I'll just have a bowl of soup and a salad. 是的,我喜欢喝冰茶,我也想好点什么菜了。我要一碗汤和一份沙拉。
I mean, even when he proposes now, he is always going to be that guy who was meant to do it during the Super Bowl. 我意思是说,就算他现在再次求婚,他永远也是那个在SuperBowl用低劣手法去干此等事情的家伙。
First I put a lump of butter into a frying pan and light the GAS; then while the butter's melting I break three eggs into a bowl, like this. 首先,我把一大块黄油放到平底锅里,点燃煤气;然后在黄油逐渐融化的时候,我往碗里打三个鸡蛋,就像这样。
In front of her rested a table, on which there was a bowl of rice with three chopsticks inserted in it. 在她面前摆在一张桌子,上面摆放一碗大米,里面插着三根筷子。
Bring a bowl full of ice cubes to bed or slices of her favorite fruit. 带满满一碗冰块或者她最喜欢的水果片到床上。
Imagining that they were putting M&Ms into a bowl made no difference in how much candy people ate. 想像他们正在把M&小姐放入在吃中被不重要的一个碗。
And of course, if Molly held the wine bowl in her hand, she risked warming it up. 当然,如果手握着酒杯杯身,她的手温可能会使酒升温。
Then the Little Wee Bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge-bowl, but the porridge was all gone! 然后小小熊看了他的,麦片粥碗里有汤匙,但是麦片粥都不见了!
My friends sprayed me with champagne, as if I'd won the Super Bowl. 朋友向我身上喷洒香槟酒,像是我赢得美国橄榄球超级杯大赛(SuperBowl)。
The two people on the outside reached into a bowl and took a piece of fruit, and then all three people held out a closed fist. 其中站在两边的人伸手从碗中拿出一片水果,然后所有三个人同时伸出攥着的手。
Mr. ZHU: (Through Translator) His great-grandfather told him he'd see a eunuch coming out of the Empress Dowager's room carrying a bowl. 朱诚如先生:启光的曾祖父告诉他,他看见一个太监拿着一个碗从慈禧太后的房间中走出。
When ready to use the cream, transfer to a bowl and stir gently until it has a creamy consistency. 当你使用它的时候,倒进碗里,轻轻搅拌至顺滑即可。
Making sure that the soup is at a bare simmer, carefully break the eggs into a bowl and tip into the soup. 确保汤正处于炖煮状态,小心将鸡蛋打破到碗里,缓缓倒入汤中。
Everybody in the crowd pushed forward to see their King. A beggar also came forward with his bowl. There was lots of rice in it. 人群一拥而上,希望一睹他们国王的样子。一个手持破碗的乞丐也涌了上来,碗里头还有不少米
I held a bit of the hearty earth in my hand to form a hard clump and added it to the bowl. 我用手捧起一点肥沃的土壤,并使其成为硬实的一整块,把它放进碗里。
She went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with warm water and a little antiseptic to bathe his wounds. 她走进厨房,倒了一钵热水,加上消毒剂,准备给他洗涤伤口。
The outer area of "Big Bowl Park" has been developed into park land, making it a good place for recreational activities. 大碗公园内的「碗边」绿草如茵,也是生态休閒活动的好地方。
And you know Tehran is like this. It's like a bowl. It's surrounded by mountains, so there's no draught here. 你知道,德黑兰就像是个大碗,群山围绕四周,所以这里通风不好。
" Day back to Tokyo, a Japanese bowl touch the reporter Lu made the action and said " the nuclear radiation to pass you. 当天回到东京后,钵吕做出触碰一名日本记者的动作,并说“把核辐射传给你”。
That family members, sitting together, sharing the screen chocolate, as in the dark of night, like the bowl of fire lit up my heart. 那一家人,围坐在一起,分享巧克力的画面,在那样黑暗的夜晚,像一盆火,照亮我的心。是啊!
"Please calm the old lady down, " he said to me in a conciliatory tone. "I'll take this lamp and this bowl and leave. " “请让老妇人冷静下来,”他以一种安抚的语调对我说。“我拿了这个台灯和这个碗,就走。”
This arrangement is often described as a bowl of spaghetti, or worms in a bucket, all intertwined with each other. 这个安排经常被描述作为一个碗意粉或者蠕虫在桶,所有交错互相。
Before he arrived at the basket of steamed buns, the lame girl could hardly wait for him, and dotted and went one away with her own bowl. 跛女子在他未到馍筐之前,就早已经迫不及待地端着自己的饭碗一瘸一跛地离开了。
Sift the flour. Pour the flour into a large bowl or on a work surface. Mold the flour in a mound shape with a hole in the center. 将面粉过筛,将面粉倒入一个大碗或者面板,将面粉堆成一个中间有洞的土堆形。(如上图)
The total time to prepare one bowl comes in at close to a week. 一碗牛肉面就需要差不多一个星期的烹制时间。
and on the table stood a china bowl which had been hers, filled with a great bunch of her favourite violets. 她的肖像就挂在床边的墙上,桌上摆着她曾用过的瓷钵,里面装着她心爱的紫罗兰花。
Things like letting me dip my fingers in the sugar bowl, which was always sitting on her table or the coffee she let me sip from her cup. 比如那只总是放在桌上的糖碗,她曾经让我把手指伸进去蘸着吃,她还把自己的咖啡给我喝。
A passenger surnamed Guo said he saw a pit on one of the aircraft wings the size of a bowl when he got off the plane. 150余名乘客晚点近6小时。一名郭姓乘客表示,他在下飞机时看到机翼上有一个碗口大小的凹洞。
If I did not you, and if I eat no meat bowl, Sichuan food, the dish did not put hemp, pot is not hot. 我要是没有你,还有如我吃饭,碗里没有肉,四川人吃饭,菜里没放麻,火锅一点也不辣。
Some crappy Secret Santa thing, a bowl of punch, and a box of Archway cookies and they call it a holiday bash? 只不过一些蹩脚的秘圣诞老人啦,一大杯果酒啦,和一盒阿克唯饼干啦,他们就叫这是节日庆典了?