by and large

  • na.总的说来
  • 网络大体上;总的来说;基本上

by and largeby and large

by and large


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by and by 不久以后,将来 by and large 总的来说,大体上 by oneself 单独;独自,自行 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by and by 不久以后,将来 by and large 总的来说,大体上 by oneself 单独;独自,自行 ...


考博英语词汇 ... by no means 决不,一点,也不 by and large 大体上;基本上;总的说来 by for 更加...得多;尤其;最... ...


考博英语词汇 ... by no means 决不,一点,也不 by and large 大体上;基本上;总的说来 by for 更加...得多;尤其;最... ...


英语四六级短语 - 豆丁网 ... by and by 不久,马上 by and large 大体而言 by common consent 公认 ...


总结一些英语写作常用副词(六级)_百度知道 ... 最后 eventually 一般来说 by and large 于是 accordingly ...


by的用法_爱问知识人 ... and by 不久以后;不一会儿 by and large 全盘;总的来说 standing by the window 站在窗户旁边 ...


介词的固定搭配_百度文库 ... by and by 不久,不一会儿 by and large 一般说来,大体上 by chance 偶然地 ...

The truth of the matter is that by and large, the answer has very little to do with the competency of banks' management. 事实的真相是,总体而言,答案与银行的管理能力几乎无关。
It was bit of a gamble on him at the time but, by and large, most people say that Jeremie did very well during his time at the Club. 当时对他来说这是场赌博。但是最终大体来说,多数人认为杰勒米在俱乐部效力期间表现不错。
Networking is one of those areas where the average consumer is, by and large, just as confused as ever. 总的来说,联网是让普通消费者总是糊里糊涂的领域之一。
Despite the fact that the organizing element for the garden is water, the plants by and large are drought-tolerant. 除了流水是花园里重要组成因素这个事实外,总的来说,那些植物都是耐旱的。
Although there was an occasional classic French, or a semblance of Italian, by and large it was a gastronomic desert. 虽然偶尔也有不错的法国菜餐馆,或勉强算是意大利菜的餐馆,但这里基本上还是一个美食荒漠。
"We will see what happens over the next two or three months but by and large that will be the major element of our business, " he told MUTV. “在未来两三个月内我们会拭目以待,但是大体上来讲,(这三个人的交易)是我们(夏天转会中)的主要元素。”他告诉MUTV。
Yet this point isn't even controversial -- by and large, commentators aren't even aware that fear-of-China syndrome might be in error. 然而这一点甚至还不是一个争议问题。因为总的来说,评论家们甚至还没意识到,中国恐惧症是错误的。
you and everyone else on your flight are screened the same way, and by and large, the system is a lot safer than it was before. 你和其他人在你的飞行上被审查相同的方法,而且大体而言,系统是很多更安全地比较它以前。
By and large, though, the myriad maps of a new global order are turning out to be as ephemeral as the couturiers' spring collections. 不过总体而言,纷繁多样的全球新秩序版图,最终也会如同时装设计师的春季系列一般,只是昙花一现。
The match business, it averred , by and large had "not suffered from the general business depression" . 它充满信心的表示,火柴业,总的来说“没有受到大萧条的任何影响”。
By and large Japan remains a "one-shot society" : those who fail to get a good job upon graduation can be frozen out for life. 总的来说,日本社会仍然留存着“一次定终生”的思想,那些毕业之后不能马上找到好工作的人,也许就没有翻身的机会了。
By and large, their local suppliers are the only medium-sized South Korean companies to have thrived in recent years. 总体来说,这些财阀的本地供应商都是近年来兴盛起来的中型韩国企业。
By and large the relocation seems to have been beneficial. 总的说来,这些迁移似乎是有益的。
After all, Western takeovers can be brutal, too, and a buyer is by and large entitled to do as it pleases. 毕竟西方的并购也会很残酷,而且买家基本上有权做他想做的。
There's much further to go. Despite years of effort, law-enforcement and intelligence agencies' databases are not, by and large, linked. 这些可能需要在未来才能实现,虽然需要数年的努力,通过大量的链接,执法和智能代理数据库则不需要。
The contemporary art world by and large distrusts beauty at least as much as it distrusts craft. 当代艺术界对美的不信任,至少与对手工艺品的不信任程度大致相当。
By August 2010 the Parkinsonian symptoms had become tiresome but my quest for a "normal" existence had been, by and large, successful. 到2010年8月,帕金森症状已经很明显了,但是总体上生活还算正常。
The Arab resolution condemning Israeli settlements by and large reflects the opinion of the world as well as the United States. 这份谴责以色列定居点的阿拉伯决议总体来说反映了国际舆论以及美国的看法。
But it's what I feel to be true about the part -- and by and large, I think it's the same instinct that George has responded to. 但对于这部分我感觉应该是对的——而大体上,我认为乔治的本能反映也会和我一样。
By and large , the British working class is better off today than it was a generation ago . 总的来说,英国劳动阶层现在比他们的前辈富裕多了。
By and large, Europe has been looking at China almost exclusively from an economic standpoint, although that might be changing. 总的来说,欧洲几乎都是从经济的视角来看中国,不过这也可能正在发生变化。
In short, teams unable to make any changes after their retrospectives are, by and large, wasting their time by even doing a retrospective. 简而言之,如果一个团队不能好好利用这些经验教训的话,做任何回顾基本上都只是浪费时间而已。
But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected! 但总体说来,我们的河山还是像那些一无所知的孩子所期望的那样辉煌、壮阔、气势磅礴!
The following decade continued to stimulate and, by and large, please the critics. 随后的十年,他继续玩刺激,并且总的来讲,很讨评论家们的欢心。
But by and large, try to rememberDebian: Ubuntu changes benefit Ubuntu and a few others. 但是总的来说,不要忘了Debian:Ubuntu的改进惠及Ubuntu和一些小的发行版。
This goes to the body through the cells and it is considered, by and large, no more than a treatment, not a diet or drink. 这是变成通过细胞而进入身体,基本上被认为是治疗而不是食物或者饮料。
By and large, the animals that had been drinking water were the first to give out during the treadmill test. 总的来说,在测试中只饮食水的老鼠是第一批垮掉的。
By and large , the university librarians are low in quality, out of date in professional knowledge and lack of compound talent. 当前高校图书馆人员的整体素质偏低,专业知识老化,复合型人才缺乏。
By and large, these warnings have turned out to be wide of the mark. 总的来说,这些警告已被证明是杞人忧天。
Regulations are not, by and large, deterrents to corruption, but a source of it. 总的来说,许可证条例不但没有遏制腐败,反而成了腐败的根源。