
美 [bæŋ]英 [bæŋ]
  • n.猛敲;突然的巨响;额前短发;刘海儿
  • v.猛敲;砸;(把…)砰地关上;猛摔
  • adv.正好;完全地
  • int.(表示枪声等巨响)砰
  • 网络猛击;前刘海;突然巨响

复数:bangs 现在分词:banging 过去式:banged

get bang,bang drum,Pan bang
loud bang


1.[i][t]猛敲;砸to hit sth in a way that makes a loud noise

2.[i][t](把…)砰地关上to close sth or to be closed with a loud noise

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.猛摔;砰地一扔to put sth somewhere suddenly and violently

4.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)碰撞;磕to hit sth, especially a part of the body, against sth by accident


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... band n. 乐队;带;波段 bang n. 巨响,枪声;猛击 banner n. 旗,旗帜,横幅 ...

福州十八中吧_百度贴吧 ... bang_ 5-26 CL_ 茉妍 5-22 ...


理发英语 - 文化流氓的日志 - 网易博客 ... 假辫子 coronet braid weitch 前刘海 bang 平头 flat top ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... band n. 乐队;带;波段 bang vi. 猛敲,猛撞 bank n. 银行,库;堤,岸 ...


BEC中级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... beetle n. 甲虫 bang n. 重击,巨响,活力 befall vt. 降临,遭遇 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... band n. 乐队;带;波段 bang n. 巨响,枪声;猛击 banner n. 旗,旗帜,横幅 ...


英语专四词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bandit n. 强盗 bang n. 重击,突然巨响 banister n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏 ...

and planets are made out of iron and silicon, and that didn't all come from the Big Bang. It had to come from somewhere else. 星球是由铁和硅组成,但这些都不是来自大爆炸。那么一定是来自其他地方。
To think about this question, recall the pillars on which our current understanding of the big bang is based. 要能够好好地思考这个问题,必须先回顾一下我们目前对宇宙的理解是建立在哪些基础之上。
On the other hand, they offer quite a bit of bang for the buck, so to speak, in terms of architectural code coverage. 而另一方面,就架构性代码覆盖率来讲,系统测试是一件极为划算的事情。
It is thought the Universe was as hot only a fraction of a second after the Big Bang. 而宇宙在大爆炸之后仅仅几分之一秒时的温度被认为正好是这次对撞的温度。
You know, it's going to be either or - stay at home and do it quietly, or go out with a big bang. 你知道,要不就在家里自己安静的过,要不就和一大群的出去过。
My Wall Street clients thought it was a cinch to bang out a few pages of drivel, and therefore paid accordingly. 我的华尔街客户认为这只是将几个网页挂上去,所以按此付了点钱。
I expect that by looking at just a few problems, the TA will be able to do a bang-up job with the grading. 我希望助教透过只仔细看一些问题,即能够很好地进行评分。
Above all, they were still trying to solve the biggest problems of all: what caused the very start of the Big Bang, the Singularity? 总之,他们仍然在努力解决这些最重要的问题:什么引起了宇宙大爆炸的最开端,“奇点”?
Only at the beginning of the universe, in the Big Bang, was there an environment where the forces must have been comparable in strength. 只有在宇宙的开始阶段,也就是在大爆炸时期,才存在那种极端环境使得两种相互作用有差不多可比拟的强度。
If it's up to him, Gossip Girl Season 6 will end with a bang. In a manner of speaking. 如果由他决定的话,《绯闻女孩》第六季会有一个惊煞天人的结尾,照他的说法。
During the final negotiations, his stature was such that he was able to force through dozens of clauses with a bang of his gavel. 在谈判的最后阶段,他的声望已经达到如此程度,以至于他可以一槌定音,敲定几十项条款。
He was complaining all the way on his way out. However, soon after he left, the family received a bang! 他一边走出去一边抱怨,结果他才出去不久,那户人家就砰!
Witnesses said the shooting focus on the back of the building, in addition to shot noise, at least two explosions heard a loud bang. 目击者说,枪击集中在大楼的后面,除了枪击声,至少还听到了两次爆炸的巨响。
The host: But one of the products I read about was the bang-free bomb or a bomb that wouldn't make so much of a noise when it exploded. 主持人:但是,我听说有种产品,是一种爆炸时不会发出巨大响声的炸弹。
Cosmologists speculate that the dark matter may be made of particles produced shortly after the Big Bang. 宇宙学家猜测暗物质可能由大爆炸后不久产生的粒子组成,这些粒子或许和普通的“重子物质”完全不同。
critical of him said, "Report list" is "nonsense Bang" , the information is inaccurate, attention to narrow, calculation error. 批判他的说,“胡润榜”是“胡说榜”,资料不准确、关注范围狭窄、计算方法错误。
In a new book, Hawking says that the Big Bang Theory of Creation did not rely on Divine Intervention. 在一本新书,霍金说,宇宙大爆炸理论的创新并没有对神的依赖干预。
Qualifying is where the big bang is as you need to be towards the front for you to have a good race. 排位赛是重头戏,你得尽量排在前面以期有场好比赛。
As the German city of Colberg, it was slap bang on the invasion route for a number of armies, including Napoleon's. 就如同德国的科尔伯格市,科沃布热格处在许多军队侵略路线上,遭到了轮番的轰炸。
The Planck observatory's job was to look at the age, contents and evolution of the cosmos by studying the heat left behind by the Big Bang. 普朗克天文台的任务是通过研究宇宙大爆炸(theBigBang)之后遗留的热量,去考察宇宙的年龄、容量与进化。
However, god as if blame you cut thick bang for your general under a curse, he in a flash intangible let you changed. 然而,上帝仿佛责怪你剪去厚刘海一般为你下了一道无形诅咒,他在一瞬间让你变了样。
"Gran Torino" (2008, Clint Eastwood): Few actors have taken themselves out with such a rueful bang. l《格兰·都灵》(2008年,克林特·伊斯特伍德):极少数男演员如此悔恨地把自己从电影中排除出去。
And that's why extending the high-end tax cuts is such a bad idea: it would deliver very little bang for a very large number of bucks. 这就是为什么扩展高收入端税收减免是如此糟糕的主意:用巨量的美元却砸不出来多少动静。
Theoretical models predict that blobs of gas began collapsing into massive stars within a few hundred million years of the big bang. 理论模型预测:大爆炸之后的几亿年之内,气团开始塌缩,形成巨型恒星;
You know how much I love that kid! -Monica bang! Monica bang! 你明知我有多爱他!摩妮卡,砰,摩妮卡,砰
Micky cried and said, he is but to cause left Yong Bang to take seriously, do not want to always be left Yong Bang press. 米琪哭着说,自己不过是想引起左永邦的重视,不想始终被左永邦压制。
With a bang, an orange-red flame across the sky, attempting to repel the enemy! 伴随着一声巨响,一道橘红色的火焰划破天际,击退了敌人的企图!
So far, the only signals detected are bursts of radiation from stars and a murmur of background noise left over from the big bang. 到目前为止唯一侦测到的讯号是行星辐射爆发,和宇宙大霹雳之后的背景低声杂音。
If it was the Big Bang we were going to pick up, it would sound like this. 如果我们所要获取的声音是宇宙大爆炸发出的,它听起来会像这样。
We were waltzing around the ballroom when the door flew open with a loud bang. 当门飞行了开放与大声的轰隆,我们在舞厅附近跳华尔兹。