where you are

  • 网络你在哪里;在有你的地方;你在的地方

where you arewhere you are

where you are


home... ... Let me know you're here for me 让我知道你在这里等我 Where you are 你在哪里 Is where I'll be 就是我将去的地方 ...


惠特尼·休斯顿的所... ... * Where you are 你在哪 * Where you are 在有你的地方 And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你! ...


★CNBLUE★Where you are歌词+翻译... ... bright 光芒 Where You Are 你在的地方 I'm drowning now 我现在如溺水一般 ...


翻译歌词 home _百度知道... ... Let me go home( 回家) where you are我虽然离你很遥远) I wanna come home( 我想回 …


Somewhere Within Temptation... ... living in agony cause i just do not know 苦苦追寻,只求真相 where you are 你在何处 ...


...让我们看见纪录片创作的真实元素中,对於创作者的身处何处where you are)和所属位置(location),也为我们看待来自 …


「你们是谁」(who you are)及「你们所在的地方」(where you are)是你们存在之核心深处的表达。热烈地爱你们的身体与 …

If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are. 心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。
The concept of discovering your potential is not a fixed concept. Potential in anything is always relative to where you are now. 去发现你的潜力不是说发现一个确定的东西,任何方面的潜力永远和你当时的水平相关。
You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now. 你开始感到不安,想知道一年或两年后自己身在何处。但是最让你惊慌的是你几乎不知道如今你身在何处。
Well, most likely, when you are moving on a circle, you are going to use the angle along the circle to tell you where you are. 当你在圆上移动的时候,最方便的就是通过角度来确定你在圆上的位置了。
In all, I'm very happy with you, with your work, and with where you are in the company. 总之,与你共事我很愉快,对你的工作很满意,公司有你我很开心。
That depends on how much you want to see. You should have a map in hand so shat you always know where you are. 那要看你要游览多少景点了。你应该带一张地图,这样你就可以随时知道你自己处于何方了。
This is not what I have observed to be true, but I can see that it certainly looks true to you, from where you are seeing things. 据我观察事实并非如此,可是你们却深信不疑,原因是你们看事情的角度和方法。
Timeboxing is the practice of setting a time limit for some bit of work, working until the time's up, and then assessing where you are. 时间定量是对某些工作设置完成期限的做法,在未到期限之前,一直从事这些工作,期限到时,就停止,然后评估您完成了多少。
You should also write a book. Your explanations are wonderful. Easy to understand and see where you are going. 你应该写一本书,你的解释太完美了,深入浅出。
It is suffice to say that you know where you are going, but do not yet know how you are going to get there. 关于这点我想说,你知道你要去哪里,但是你不知道你要如何才能到达那里。
Getting to the point where you are utterly exhausted is not good for you or for your kids. 要知道把你弄得筋疲力尽对你和孩子都没有什么好处的。
In my opinion, marriage is not important or not, married and unmarried is just a label, just like to ask people where you are? 在我看来,结婚与否并不重要,已婚和未婚只是一个标签,就像问问你是哪里的人?
How much of your day is spent thinking about things other than where you are and what you're doing, physically, at this moment? 有多少你的时间都花在了想这些事上而不是在这个当下你身处何处,正在着手何事?
Others advise using an egg-timer to set yourself 20-minute windows where you are allowed to do nothing but work. 还有人建议用煮蛋计时器,在窗户旁边设定20分钟,期间你只能在此工作。
What would have been a defining film for you in terms of where you are today? 对你今天的成就来说,哪部电影对你来说是奠基之作?
I've just got to let you know Because I wonder where you are And I wonder what you adore you somewhere feeling lonely? 我只是想让让你知道因为我不知道你在哪里我不知道你做什么你某处感到孤独?
It is not just a constant because how much you rotate depends on where you are. 这不是个常数,因为你的旋转依赖于你所处位置。
It is still hard even in London, where you are competing with banks that can pay double the salaries. But it is better than San Francisco. 就算是在伦敦也不容易,你得与能够提供双倍工资的银行竞争,不过总好过旧金山。
Moreover, because a mobile phone knows where you are, Google will be able to send you ads for a shop or restaurant only a few paces away. 此外,由于手机知道你在哪,谷歌还能给你发送距你咫尺之遥的商店或餐馆广告。
No matter where you are, turning just a bit off the main drag can yield a better meal for your money. 不管你在哪儿,稍稍远离一点主要干道,这能让你的钱买到更好吃的饭菜。
"Lizzy, " cried her mother, "remember where you are, and do not run on in the wild manner that you are suffered to do at home. " 她有母亲连忙嚷道:“丽萃,别忘了你在作客,家里让你撒野惯了,你可不能到人家这里来胡闹。”
I guess empty would be the best way to describe it. . . A feeling of loneliness, no matter where you are. 我猜空将是最好的方式来描述它…一个孤独的感觉,无论你在哪里。
To provide you with some more HOME confirmation feelings your Angels tell you to just start walking as though you know where you are going. 为了给你更多能证实你回到【家】中的感觉,天使们告诉你只要你迈动脚步,你就好像知道了你要去哪里。
No matter where you are, don't forget how much I love you. 不管你在哪里,不要忘了我有多么爱你。
It has brought you to where you are today, standing at the door of opportunity to ascend and leave duality for all time. 它把你带到你今天所在的地方,站在提升和永远地抛下二元性的机会门口。
The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of the file names. 您试图用来保存文件的磁盘有文件名长度的限制。
Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbling idiot. 研究你在行的课题论点——至少不要像个结结巴巴的白痴。
No matter where you are, regardless of wind or rain, there is always someone thinking about you, feeling worried of you and missing you. 不管你在哪,不管是刮风还是下雨,总会有那么一个人在惦记你、担心你、挂念着你。
No matter where you are in the organization, ultimately your job is to help the top honcho move the company forward. 无论你处于一个团体的什么位置,你工作的最终目的是协助你的老板使公司向前发展。
To navigate around these files, you need some basic commands to tell you where you are, what is there with you, and how to move around. 为了要在附近航行这些文件,你需要一些基本的指令告诉你你是哪里,与你有什么,和该如何到处移动。