world of warcraft

  • 网络魔兽世界;魔兽纪元;魔兽争霸

world of warcraftworld of warcraft

world of warcraft


魔兽世界(World OF Warcraft)是一款网络游戏,于2004年年中在北美公开测试,2004年11月开始在美国发行。2005年初韩国和 …


  Blizzard 在《魔兽纪元World of WarCraft)》的游戏官方网站上新增了一个名为:「魔兽争霸历史(History of Warcraft)」 …


魔兽争霸 (World Of Warcraft) · 1600×900 @ 30fps- Fixed crash when initiating loop recording- Fixed periodic stutter for som...


我的魔兽世界World of warCraft) 1387 Hits, 0 Replies.日志数:164 评论数:63 引用数:1 标签数:250 分类数:5 附件数…


这一辑发布的壁纸为游戏魔兽系列,有魔兽世界(World of Warcraft),魔兽争霸(Warcraft)和DOTA召唤师卡尔,美杜莎,矮人火 …


魔兽世界欧服客户端》(World of Warcraft)3.2[安装包] 《Adobe After Effects CS5快速入门教程》(QuickStart.Adobe.After.Effe…

The system is set up to mimic that of an MMORPG, with a similar feel as Runecast or World of Warcraft. 该系统的构成承袭了多人在线角色扮演的游戏,和Runecast及魔兽世界的感觉相类似。
The brother of the guy making this video just had his World of Warcraft account cancelled by his mother. 制作这视频的家伙的哥哥的魔兽世界账号刚刚被他妈妈给注销了。
About 30 minutes later I get out of bed and find him in the computer room play World of Warcraft. 30分钟以后,我下了床发现他在电脑室打魔兽。
In either case, World of Warcraft has no "crafting failures" that cause you to waste raw materials, thus leaving you empty-handed. 无论如何,魔兽世界里没有“制作失败”这个设定来让你浪费了原材料而两手空空。
She said: "He was addicted to World of Warcraft but played other games now and then. " 她说:“他对魔兽世界非常上瘾,有时也玩别的游戏。他越来越上瘾,最后我终于受不了了。”
"It is similar to (World of) Warcraft, but the game adds more Chinese elements into it so I feel more connected to it, " he said. “这个游戏与《魔兽》很相似,但加入了更多的中国元素,让我感觉比较亲近。”他说。
This individual came from a family that was unfortunately breaking up, and World of Warcraft was his way to escape that. 他来自于一个不幸破裂的家庭,魔兽世界便成为他逃离现实的途径。
Class compositions will continue to be a part of the strategy and gameplay of a class-based game like World of Warcraft. 职业组成会继续成为策略及诸如魔兽世界这种基于职业的游戏的一部分。
like sort of a waste of time to play World of Warcraft with your son. But you're actually interacting with each other. 跟儿子一起玩《星际争霸》看起来有点浪费时间,但是这时候你们确实在互动。
It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell your personal World of Warcraft account(s). 它已经到了我们的注意,你想卖掉你的魔兽账户(等)的个人世界。
Eurogamer: World of Warcraft expanded Blizzard's audience hugely by moving into a new area for the company - MMOs. 魔兽世界使暴雪在网游这个受众面极广的市场中开创出了一片新天地。
Before we start, let me preface this by letting you know that I've only recently started writing Addons for World of Warcraft. 在开始前,作为开端,我想要使你知道我仅在最近才开始撰写魔兽世界插件。
even at this early stage , world of warcraft seems to possess a great deal of depth while , at the same time , seeming very accessible. 尽管还在测试阶段,魔兽世界已经显示了它惊人的游戏深度和易上手的特性。
World of Warcraft has now grown into a social phenomenon unlike any other. 魔兽世界已经成为一种独特的社会现象。
Thank you for your understanding in this matter and respecting our position and all statutes within the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. 感谢您在这件事情上以及魔兽使用中关系到我们位置和各种条例中对我们的理解。
She likes to draw, play World of Warcraft, and now, she's the only fourteen-year-old girl who understands the U. S. economic crisis. 她喜欢画画,玩魔兽世界,而且她现在是唯一懂美国经济危机的14岁女生。
In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, players will be able to take a much more detailed look at the blood elf way of life. 在魔兽世界:燃烧远征中,玩家可以更为仔细的观察血精灵的生活方式。
The victor of each individual tournament will bag one of the biggest World of Warcraft trophies, a Spectral Tiger Loot card! 胜利者每个赛事将袋一个最大的魔兽世界奖杯,频谱虎抢劫卡!
Due to the depth and magnitude of the World of Warcraft beta, we expect the beta test to last at least this long. 由于魔兽世界游戏的深度和巨大数据量,我们预计测试至少会有2~3个月。
Every night, playing World Of Warcraft with my colleagues is the only fun of my life. 每晚,和同事一起玩是我生命中唯一的乐趣。
Currently it is the only planned hero class to be introduced in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. 现在来讲是唯一一个被计划在魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒中推出的英雄职业。
As you can imagine, some unsupervised employees would sooner fill their day playing World of Warcraft than actually working. 可以想象,有些没人监督的员工可能马上会整天沉溺于玩魔兽世界而不是真正的工作。
The administration eventually relented and gave approval for the company to offer World of Warcraft. 新闻出版总署最终放宽了要求,批准网易运营《魔兽世界》。
In World of Warcraft, the best-known example is Leeroy Jenkins. It's hilarious to watch--though not so much if you're the victim. 在《魔兽世界》中,一个著名的例子就是LeeroyJenkins,他所做的事情看上去非常搞笑——当然,如果你是受害者肯定不会这么认为。
One of my friends, a school drop-out and champion World of Warcraft player, was talent spotted whilst playing by a Japanese technology firm. 我的一个好友,一个中途退学的《魔兽世界》骨灰玩家,游戏期间他的不凡天赋被一家日本技术公司发现。
As stated in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, Blizzard reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis. 如同魔兽世界适用条款中规定的一样,暴雪保留对每件争端的评估权。
Please stay tuned to the European World of Warcraft community site for an announcement regarding the upcoming release date for the game. 请关注欧洲魔兽世界官方网站以获知发行日期的公告。
The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft by the Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. 以上的这些行为被暴雪支持工作人员认为是不适合魔兽世界游戏的行为。
Our forums are being redesigned and will not be a part of Battle. net once World of Warcraft goes live. 我们的论坛将会重新设计,而且当魔兽世界开始运行时将不再属于目前战网的一部分。
Games like World of Warcraft might be set in fantasy lands, but they offer real benefits. 《魔兽世界》等游戏的背景也许只是虚幻的,但却确实能够为玩游戏的人带来实际的益处。