
美 [ɡrɪp]英 [ɡrɪp]
  • n.手柄;把手;紧握;了解
  • v.紧握;紧抓;使感兴趣;使激动
  • 网络握把;抓地力;控制

复数:grips 过去式:gripped 过去式:gript 过去式:gripping

firm grip,tight grip,loose grip


n. v.

紧握holding tightly

1.[c][ususing]~ (on sb/sth)紧握;紧抓an act of holding sb/sth tightly; a particular way of doing this


2.[sing]~ (on sb/sth)(对…的)控制,影响力control or power over sb/sth


3.[sing]~ (on sth)理解;了解an understanding of sth

不打滑moving without slipping

4.[u]不打滑;走得稳the ability of sth to move over a surface without slipping

物体部位part of object

5.[c]把手;手柄;握杆a part of sth that has a special surface so that it can be held without the hands slipping


come/get to grips with sth

开始理解并着手处理难题to begin to understand and deal with sth difficult

get/take a grip (on yourself)

使(自己)镇定下来;控制住(自己的)情绪to improve your behaviour or control your emotions after being afraid, upset or angry

in the grip of sth

处于不快却无法制止的境遇;受制于某事experiencing sth unpleasant that cannot be stopped

lose your grip (on sth)

失去(对…的)理解(或控制);驾驭不住to become unable to understand or control a situation


暗黑II代码对照表 - 帝睥流芒的日志 - 网易博客 ... CLUTCHES / 手爪 GRIP / 紧握 GRASP / 抓取 ...


枪械词汇解释[图文](全) - 军事贴图 - 华声论坛 ... Glass bead blast【 玻璃珠喷沙处理】 Grip握把】 Grip Safety【 握把保险 …


复合弓组装 - 弓箭之家的日志 - 网易博客 ... 7. Arrow Rest 箭台 9. Grip 把手 10. String 主弦 ...


拉力赛车的专业术语~_百度知道 ... Gravel trap 沙砾缓冲区 Grip 抓地力 Installation lap 赛前测试圈 ...


A BEAUTIFUL MIND_在线英语听力室 ... ) imaginary 虚构的 ) grip 掌握,控制 ) classified 机密的 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... grit( 咬紧); grip掌握,紧握); swag( 下沉,下垂); ...


抓住的英文怎么写_百度知道 ... catch hold of( 抓住,拥有) grip抓住,紧握) capture( 捕获,俘虏) ...


鸣谢有关人员运动员前言介绍科学家教师1.握杆(Grip):完美挥杆的手势2.站位(Setup):体位决定结果3.上杆(Backswing):蓄势 …

Jack leaped to his feet and leveled his weapon. The man in the blue duster looked up fearfully, then let the weapon fall from his grip. 杰克翻身站起,平举手枪,穿着蓝色长罩衫的家伙满怀恐惧地看着他,把手中的武器抛在地上。
When Aziza first spotted Mariam in the morning, her eyes always sprang open, and she began mewling and squirming in her mother's grip. 每天早晨,当阿兹莎第一眼看到玛丽雅姆时,她总是眼前一亮,开始在她母亲的怀里扭动叫喊。
The young man released his grip on the gun, fell to his knees and began to cry. 那少年郎放开了枪,跪倒地上,哭将起来。
And David said, The Lord, who kept me safe from the grip of the lion and the bear, will be my saviour from the hands of this Philistine. 大卫又说、耶和华救我脱离狮子和熊的爪、也必救我脱离这非利士人的手。
Don't kill your action and follow-through by clamping down on your grip hand, trying to get more power. 不要让握杆的手受到压迫,进而阻碍到活动和出杆。
She was at the toilet that day. Her hands slipped while trying to grip her pants. 那一天,在厕所里,她提裤子时没提住,裤子突然滑了下去。
And, with a slim grip on power in Canberra, Australia's government mightn't welcome foreign ownership of a critical piece of infrastructure. 另外,澳大利亚现任政府权力不稳,可能不会欢迎外国人持有其基础设施中的一个关键部分。
The only hope of redressing this, now banks have wriggled out of Tarp's grip, is in reform legislation now making its way through Congress. 既然银行已经脱离了Tarp计划的控制,因此纠正这种局面的唯一希望,在于国会正在审议的改革立法。
Fannie secured the grip on her mother's hand and clutched her rag doll tightly. 范妮握紧妈妈的手,同时也紧紧抓住她的布娃娃。
stands not a hundred yards away, Luz shook my hand had--and it wasn't a fake "smile with a broken heart" sort of grip, either. 尽管希特勒就在不足一百码以外的看台上瞪着我们,卢茨紧紧握着我的手--而且还不是“内心沮丧、强额为笑”的那种虚情假意的握手。
He took a firm grip of my arm and marched me towards the door. 他紧紧抓着我的手臂,拉我往门口走。
She had one beautiful long mouth and a large grip on her front and rear, and she was particularly proud of them. 她有一个美丽的长嘴,在她的前面和后面的大抓地力,她特别为他们感到骄傲。
A hoot owl's mournful cry floated out of the encroaching darkness and Fannie tightened her grip on her mother's hand. 一声猫头鹰的哀鸣从漫涌而来的黑暗中浮出,范妮抓紧了妈妈的手。
They were a pair of mortally brave magistrates who tried to finally break the ancient grip of organized crime in Sicily. 他们是两位英勇至极的地方法官,曾试图彻底打击西西里岛存在已久的组织犯罪;
All this time, all this way, it has managed to avoid falling into the grip of the gravity field of any astronomical body. 在这漫长的旅途中,它躲过了所有天体的引力场。
The early critical theorists turned to art in an attempt to emancipate us from the grip of technology in modern industrialized society. 早期的理论家试图用一种艺术的手段将我们从现代工业化社会的束缚中解放出来。
The party's monopoly on political power does not give it a lock-grip over the economy; the currency is one case in point. 党对政治权力的垄断,并不意味着它能够牢牢把握经济;汇率就是一个很好的例子。
Prissy screamed at the top of her voice, more from fright than pain , and began to dance up and down, writhing to break Scarlett's grip. 百里茜尖着嗓子大叫起来,这与其说是因为疼痛,还不如说是出于害怕,同时扭着跳着,要挣脱思嘉的手。
Elvis Presley was losing his grip on the world's charts and there was something exciting and instantly memorable about this Beatles song. 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利在世界每周流行唱片榜上正失去地位,而甲壳虫乐队的这首歌中却有着令人激动让人立刻就能记住的东西。
Snape looked as though there was no blood left in him, his grip on Harry's robes slackened. 斯内普看上去已经失去了他所有的血液,握着哈利袍子的手松开了。
Chinese stocks extended their winning run to a fourth session yesterday as hopes of looser monetary policy continued to grip the market. 随着放松货币政策的希望继续主导市场,中国股市昨天连续第四个交易日上涨。
As the dark Ones lose their grip on things so the Light becomes more powerful never to be subdued again. 由于黑暗势力失去了他们对事情的掌控力,所以【光】比以往变得更加的辉煌而且无法再被【制服】。
As though he read her mind, Rhett's hand closed upon her arm in a grip that would leave a bruise, the rough grip of a careless stranger. 瑞德好像从她脸上看出了她的心思,他紧紧抓住她的胳臂,紧得胳臂都要发紫了,这只有一个放肆的陌生人才干得出来。
He continued to talk quietly and soothingly to the girl until her frightened grip on His arm was relaxed. 他继续柔声安慰那姑娘,她那因恐惧而紧抓住他的手终于放松了。
In a game like this, the money and properties are phony, but the competition and lust for power that can grip players can be very real. 在这类游戏中,金钱和财物都是假的,但比赛和权力欲可以支配参与者,却是十分真实。
All in all, it has maintained a grip on its adherents which perhapssurpasses that of any other religion, even Judaism. 总体而言,它对它的信徒的控制远远超过任何其他宗教,甚至是犹太教。
"You've got to get a grip. " she said. 她说道:“你需要控制。”
"Keeping your grip is the hardest part, " she said. "It's really easy to slide downward. " “用双腿夹住钢管保持住姿势是最难的,”她说,“很容易就会滑下来。”
Spill-proof and easy to hold with either hand, this practical mug is ideal for everyone who prefers a firmer more secure grip. 溢出证明和易于同任何一方面,这杯是理想的实际大家喜欢谁更坚定更安全的抓地力。
Mrs. Higginbotham divined from the grip on her arm as he helped her on, that he was not going to follow her. 希金波坦太太从他扶着她的胳膊帮她上车的握法感到马丁不打算跟她一起走。