
  • adj.崭新的
  • 网络全新的;新制的;暂新的



1.全新的;崭新的completely new


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... brand n. (商品的)名牌 brand-new a. 崭新的;全新的 prospect n. 前景 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... brand n. (商品的)名牌 brand-new a. 崭新的;全新的 prospect n. 前景 ...


电磁学英语词汇B-55... ... 烙铁 brander iron 新制的,崭新的,最新出品的 brand-new 柏兰特合金 Brant‘s metal ...


新编大学英语 第三册 单词_百度文库 ... awe 敬畏 brand-new 暂新的 confine 限制;监禁 ...


怎么样找一个网站的关键词语_百度知道 ... [shiny] 崭新 [brand-new] 非常新;簇新 [very hard] 崭劲把成绩提上去 ...


怎么样找一个网站的关键词语_百度知道 ... [shiny] 崭新 [brand-new] 非常新;簇新 [very hard] 崭劲把成绩提上去 ...

He was excited like a child might be excited before being told that his parents had decided to go out and buy him a brand new bicycle. 那时的他很兴奋,就像一个小孩从父母那里收到自己期望已久的全新自行车一样兴奋。
During the last few years, there have been a number of techniques to actually put in a brand new valve. 近几年出现了一系列能够置入新瓣的新技术。
A brand new hotel has opened up in the area which has got a bit of an edge as it splurges on to compete with us. 在该地区有一个新酒店开张因其不惜血本、投入大笔资与我们竞争并崭露头角。
This was one of the first and most spectacular data sets taken with Hubble's brand new wide-field Camera Three. 这是哈勃望远镜以其崭新“第三代广域照相机”取得的首批最为厉害的数据之一。
As well as since many practice is at-will, we might be dismissed for seeking for a brand brand brand new job. 而且也因为雇佣关系是可以随意终止的,你可能会因为找一份新工作而被开除。
There was a brand new wine bar that had opened not far from her house and she said she'd love to go there, so she did, on her own. 在她家不远处新开了一家酒吧,她说她很喜欢去那里,于是她就一个人去了。
The poker must not have been used, for it looked brand new. 这根拨火棒一定没人用过,因为它看上去像新的一样。
Here, have a look-tell me what you think of the winning combination of my photography skills and brand-new camera. 告诉我你对我的摄影技术和新照相机最佳组合的评价吧。
But the air quality will not be improved actually to a brand new level until next Friday, by the influence of a cold air current. 但空气质量真正的改善还要等到星期五借助一股冷空气才能使得天气涣然一新。
This is when insights & understanding come flooding into you causing you to see your life in a brand new light. 崭新的感知和领悟使你对生活产生了崭新的想法。
The system has a brand-new architecture that made it "a challenge to develop, " she said. 这项系统有着全新的设计,是“对升级的挑战”。她说。
It is built using cutting edge technology and a brand new platform and it has got to be delivered right now. 这款产品被要求使用最新的技术和运行平台,还得马上交付。
It's a brand-new park called "Secret Garden " which provides pet owners with a place in which to scatter remains. 这处叫做「秘密花园」的公园,可以让饲主将自己宠物的骨灰洒在园区内。
A brand-new pair of toe shoes presents itself to us as an enemy with a will of its own that must be tamed. 一双崭新的芭蕾舞鞋,像一个有着强烈的被驯服的敌人一样展示在我们面前。
For that reason, it has become common for folks to celebrate the first few minutes of a brand new year in the company of family and friends. 因为这个原因,在崭新一年中的头几分钟人们和家人、朋友在一起庆祝变得普遍起来。
A brand new Canary island is emerging from the sea as an underwater volcano bubbles to the surface. 随着海底火山冒向海平面,一个崭新的加那利岛正浮现出来。
Because you are our customer in a year round, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know our brand-new nylon velvet jacket. 由于你是我们常年客户中的一员,我们想趁此机会让你了解我们崭新的尼龙丝绒外套。
Even if the goods are all of a single brand, New Delhi is not ready to let foreigners sell groceries directly to its citizens. 即使所有商品都属于同一个品牌,新德里也不准备让外国企业直接向它的公民销售食品。
Back in June the company unveiled a brand new stylized 'g' icon with a blue background. 6月的时候,谷歌公司发布了一个崭新的蓝背景、风格化的“g”标识。
The technique of digital is now takeing illustration into a brand new land. Till now, Illustration is not the former one any more. 我们正从工业化时代走向信息化时代,插图的数字化也将其带入一个新的领域。
Or at least presentable. . . . . . So I washed the car, cleaned the inside, and was ready to show the world my brand new piece of junk! 至少是可以出去见世面的…。所以,我好好的洗车,把里面清洁干净,预备好了要向全世界展示我这新的破烂车子。
"With brand new birds, brand new superpowers and a whole galaxy to explore, the sky is no longer the limit. " . 全新的小鸟,全新的技能,探索整个宇宙星系,天空再也不是极限。
Wenzhou furniture market is ready to meet guests from all parts of the world in a brand new aspect and with first-rate service. 温州家具市场将以崭新的面貌、流的服务迎接来自五湖四海的宾客。
in Oxford, bought a brand-new copy for 35 pounds, dirtied it up a bit and tore off the paper cover, writing a fictitious name in the front. 于是这位较有钱的学生去了牛津的布拉克韦尔书店,花35英镑买了一本全新的,先是把书弄脏一点,然后撕去封面,在书面写了一个假名。
Brand new concept of packaging design is to make a good balance and get a maximum income, the starting point is still the packaging design. 品牌包装设计的新理念就是让两者之间很好的平衡达到最大的收益,起点依然是包装设计。
He wisely put most of it into a savings account, but he did spend some of it on computer games, a basketball and a brand new football. 他明智地放入一个储蓄账户的大部分,但他却花电脑游戏,篮球和一个全新的足球了一些。
To the point of giving you cash to entice you to drive away with a brand new car? 给你点现金吸引你驱走与一辆新车吗?。
So I invested a lot more time into the book, and I'd say that the majority of what I've written is brand new content. 所以我对这本书花了更多的时间,我可以说我已经写的大部分东西都是全新的内容。
We are delighted to invite you to take a look at our website and our brand new school in the heart of Beijing's San Yuan Qiao area. 我们很高兴能邀请您来看看我们的网站以及位于北京心脏地带在三元桥的我们崭新的新校园。
It was hard to find doctors at the brand-new, American-funded hospital in Fallujah who were prepared to talk about the problem. 在法鲁贾内一所崭新的美资医院里很难找到愿意提及这个问题的医生。