
美 [bʌntʃ]英 [bʌntʃ]
  • n.束;串;扎;大量
  • v.成皱褶
  • 网络群,伙;捆;一群

复数:bunches 现在分词:bunching 过去式:bunched

whole bunch


n. v.

1.[c]~ of sth串;束;扎a number of things of the same type which are growing or fastened together

2.[sing](informal)a ~ (of sth)大量;大批a large amount of sth; a large number of things or people

3.[sing](informal)群体a group of people

4.[pl](扎在头两侧的)发辫long hair that is divided in two and tied at each side of the head


the best/pick of the bunch

出类拔萃的人(或事物);精英;精品the best out of a group of people or things

考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... bundle 捆,包束 bunch n. (一)簇,,捆,串 bound bond 结合物,粘结剂,联结…

考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... bundle 捆,包束 bunch n. (一)簇,束,捆, bound bond 结合物,粘结剂,联结…


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... appropriate a. 适当的 424. bunch n. 群,伙;束,串 425. bundle n. 捆,包,束 ...

考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... bundle 捆,包束 bunch n. (一)簇,束,,串 bound bond 结合物,粘结剂,联结…


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... bullet n. 枪弹,子弹,弹丸 bunch n. 束,球,串;一群 bundle n. 捆…


普特英语听力_百度文库 ... budget n. 预算 bunch n. 群,伙;束,串 bundle n. 捆,包,束 ...


职称英语A级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... bump vt.&n. 撞,碰撞 bunch n. 一束,一串 buzz v. 发嗡嗡声 n.嗡嗡声;蜂鸣器 ...


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... bullet n. 枪弹,子弹,弹丸 bunch n. 束,球,串;一群 bundle n. 捆…

Going forward, you are going to see even more dynamic languages appear on . NET, and a bunch of cool new scenarios become enabled. 展望未来,你将看到更多的动态语言出现在.NET平台上,更多更酷的新使用情形将成为可能。
And here they was going to get a bunch of chickens out there, Korah thought, you know, to come around, impersonate this, the eagle. 然而,他们却在那里弄了一帮具有可拉思潮的鸡回来,模仿这鹰的做法。
At first there were just small groups of men, moving about six in a bunch with a 10-yard interval between them. 起初,只是几小群士兵,大约六人一组,组间距离10码左右。
It was great to read about a young man in the prose of a master. Hemingway showed me economy and how to pack a bunch into a little. 能在散文大师的作品里了解一个年轻男人的故事实在是太棒了。
The body of the method is typically made of a bunch of assert statements, but you can put whatever sanity-checking code in there. 这个方法中通常包含了一些断言,但是你也可以放任何检查性代码在里面。
You've been holding on to a bunch of extra pounds since the holidays, and you're ready to let it all go. 自从度假以来,你就额外多了几镑肉,而且,你也准备好要让他们远离你。
The world just drops out just a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts. 只是世界给你架上了许多规则,让你忘记了这些真相。
As you'll see in a moment, a bunch of temporary and dynamically created files are managed and monitored by the objects of the HTTP pipeline. 你即将看到,HTTP管道将管理和监视一大批临时动态创建的文件。
Man! That band, they used to be great but now they're just a bunch of sell-outs, and their music sounds like everyone else's on the radio. 那个乐队过去很棒,但现在完全是为了钱,他们的音乐和电台里播出的其他人的音乐听上去没什么不同。
I said, "I've got to talk to a bunch of nice people. " 我说“我打算去对一群好人演讲。”
"Right away, " said the princess, reaching up for a bunch. “这就来。”王妃说着,伸出手去摘一串葡萄。
It was, you guessed it, a bunch of wrapper functions written in Expect. 你可以想象,它是一串在Expect中写的封装好的函数。
It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么?
A bunch of entangled if-else statements are trying to capture the business logic that has been identified for the application. 一堆互相缠绕的if-else语句正试图捕获已经为应用程序标识的业务逻辑。
Needless to say, Korean TV dramas are nothing but a bunch of rubbishes. 韩国电视剧就不用多说了,地道的垃圾。
But that's just a bunch of whales in a group imitating each other. That's not like the mass media pop culture humans have, right? 但仅仅是一群鲸在互相模仿,与人类时下大众媒体的流行文化风牛马不相及,是吧?
For Sarah Palin and her pals, man-made global warming is nothing but a "bunch of snake oil science" . 对莎拉•佩林(SarahPalin)及其同党来说,由人类导致的全球变暖不过是些“江湖科学”。
Now many years have passed but the image of myself with a beggar's pole trying to fend off a bunch of barking dogs still haunts me. 现在许多年过去了,但是一个情景却一直萦绕脑海,我拿着一个乞丐的棍子努力的赶走一群狂叫的狗。
Around the back is a yard, mostly dirt, and a greasy bunch that used to be a garage. 屋后面是个院子,大部分地方是泥土地面,还有一扎油腻腻的木版,是过去的车库。
The equity market now is a bunch of co-located computers strung together by a bunch of wires, everyone trying to race to zero. 现在的股票市场是一组被一堆线串联在一起、协同放置的计算机,每个人都在设法追求极速交易。
Hey, I never said I'm good with cars. To me, everything under the hood of my car is just a bunch of thingamajigs. 汽车引擎盖下面的东西你是一窍不通啊?我才不信。噢,说到修车,我这辆
And for that reason I told her at her departure that she should pick a bunch of roses to grace her boudoir. 她临别时,我告诉她说,采一束玫瑰装点你的闺房吧,芳香四溢。
In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. 在其中的一个洞穴里他发现了一个帆布袋子,里面有一堆已经变硬的泥球。
While the frog was at ease and spat a bunch of the tiger's hair out of his mouth. 而青蛙却轻松得很,并从嘴里吐出一把虎毛。
When she came near heR desk she was overjoyed to see a new bunch of flowers theRe. She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones. 当她走近办公桌时,看到桌上放了一束新的鲜花,真让她喜出望外。她很快就把这束新花换下了旧的插进了瓶里。
The young man enters the office, walks towards the girl, with a bunch of roses in his hands. 那个年轻人走进办公室,走向那女孩,手里拿着一束玫瑰
If I'm down on the basketball court with a bunch of male classmates, I subconsciously run through a checklist: I'm a guy, so are they. 倘若我同一群男同学在篮球场上,我潜意识地产生这些念头:我是个小伙子,他们也是。
Flowers embedded a bunch of gold-like bud, thin, long, like an artist carving out dedicated, emitting a strong aroma bursts. 花中嵌着一束黄金般的蓓蕾,细细的,长长的,像是艺术家专门雕刻出来的,散发出阵阵浓郁的芳香。
The ball was rarely passed to me, but I learned a bunch of new techniques and I learned to love basketball much more. 球很少传给我,但是我还是学会了一些新技术,我也越来越喜欢打篮球了。
There was a bunch of grapes next to him, said Professor McGonagall. We think he was trying to sneak up here to visit Potter. 他身边还有一串葡萄,麦格教授说道,我们猜他是想溜到这里来看波特。