
美 [britʃ]英 [briːtʃ]
  • v.违反;违背;在…上打开缺口
  • n.突破口;破坏;缺口;(对法规等的)违背
  • 网络破裂;裂口;违约

复数:breaches 现在分词:breaching 过去式:breached

heal breach,breach agreement


n. v.

1.[c][u]~ of sth(对法规等的)违背,违犯a failure to do sth that must be done by law

2.[c][u]~ of sth破坏;辜负an action that breaks an agreement to behave in a particular way

3.[c](关系)中断,终止a break in a relationship between people or countries

4.[c]突破口;缺口;窟窿an opening that is created during a military attack or by strong winds or seas


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... brazen ? adj. 厚颜无耻的 breach ? v. 使破裂, 破坏 breezeway ? n. 有屋顶的通路 ...


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土地词典_翻译家( ... branch village 分支乡村 breach 违反 breach of contract 违约 ...


2012年考研英语大纲新增词汇列表_百度文库 ... bowel n. 肠 a.内部 breach v. 毁坏,泄密 n.缺口? briefcase n. 公文包 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... brawl v. 争吵 breach n. 破裂 breakdown n. 崩溃,倒塌;失败 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... blow 打击 breach 突破,突破口 breakthrough 突破 ...


博士英语词汇经典 - 豆丁网 ... bran 糠, 麸 362 breach 违背, 破坏, 破裂, 裂口 breakdown 崩溃, 衰弱, 细目分类 364 ...


最新实用英汉国际金融词典 - MBA智库文档 ... boom in enterprise 企业景气 breach 违约 boom period 景气时期 ...

If the person who trades has no idea that the information was provided in breach of a duty, then he may not be liable for insider trading. 如果利用内幕信息进行交易的人并不知道向他透露这一信息是违法的,那他也有可能不被判处内幕交易罪。
which after disclosure becomes part of the public domain otherwise than through a breach of this Agreement by the receiving party. 泄露成为公有领域的一部分以后的信息,除了泄密方破坏这个协议之外。
She said it was a Qantas pilot who observed the breach and alerted air traffic controllers. 她说,当时是澳州航空的飞行员发现了这个问题并且向空管人员做了汇报。
Although he is allowed to travel, Viennese prosecutors continue to investigate him for suspected breach of trust and deception of investors. 尽管他获准旅行,然而维也纳的检察官却在继续就其涉嫌破坏信用和欺骗投资者的行为对他展开调查。
It would be a breach of duty for the guard to leave before his replacement comes. 在警卫的接手人来到之前,他的离开是失职。
On settling the matter privately she waived her right to file a suit against his breach of the contract. 通过私下解决,她放弃了对他提起违约之诉的权利。
Lying messengers were to be dispatched into every quarter of the city with apologies for your breach of engagement. 撒谎的信使被派遣到这座城市的每个角落,为你的违背诺言进行辩解。
Connie had stood and looked, it was a breach in the pure seclusion of the wood. It let in the world. But she didn't tell Clifford. 康妮站在那儿远眺着。这几是与世界隔绝的树林中的一个开口。从这开口咱使可与世相通。但是她并不告诉克利福。
You agree to notify Cleverlearn immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. 如发现任何非法使用您的帐号或帐号出现安全漏洞的情况,您必须立即通知Cleverlearn。
McCain was traveling in France and said the breach incidents require an apology and a full investigation. McCain在法国旅游时称此次事件需要道歉和全面的调查。
Before stepping into the breach, he took cues from watching other stores struggle with the sudden surge in business. 在选择这一突破点之前,他仔细观察了其他商店应对突发的生意激增是如何努力应付的。
Ever since her breach of her mother' s command and the subsequent breakup of the bulk of their brood, she was even more careful. 自从蜂后违背母亲的命令,随后大部分蜜蜂分裂以来,她就更加小心了。
The bodys breach of and transcendence over the conventions of the theatrical genre is energized by the rebellious nature of Bashu culture. 而身体对“程式”的超越精神则来源于巴蜀文化的反叛性格。
Most of the victims appear to be Afghan civilians and security guards. NATO officials said the attacker did not breach the airport defenses. 受害者多数是阿富汗平民和守卫人员。北约官员说,攻击者未能突破机场的防护设施。
If he disapproved of Timmy, as he had of me, the breach between us would be complete. 如果他不喜欢蒂米,就像他当初反对我一样,那我们之间的裂缝就大得没法填补了。
No waiver of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other breach of such or any other provision. 一方一次或多次放弃追究另一方违反本协议中的某些条款,不应被解释为进一步或继续放弃追究另一方违反任何其他条款的行为。
HSBC said the euro's next upside target is $1. 4720, a breach of which should propel the unit to its highest in nearly a year. 汇丰称,欧元下一个上行目标为1.4720美元,若突破该水准,应驱使欧元升至接近一年的最高位。
No waiver of any breach shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 对任一违约行为放弃行使权利不应当被认为是对其后发的所有违约行为均放弃追究。
At this point it does not appear that this is the result of any breach of Microsoft's corporate network or internal security. 这一点是不会导致微软公共网络或内部安全上出现任何漏洞的。
a breach by Payor of any of its representations, warranties, covenants or undertakings under this Note (each, an "Event of Default" ). 付款人违反了其在该本票中所做的任何声明、保证、承诺或者担保(统称“违约事项”)。
He refused to disclose what had been told him, on the ground that it would be a breach of confidence. 他拒绝透露别人告诉他的事情,因为这是一种背信行为。
Then, once it is in place, it is partly flooded and allowed to sink to the riverbed around the breach, making a tight seal. 一旦到位,就向拱坝内灌水使它沉到裂口周围的河床上,然后做好密封,彻底堵严缝隙。
separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of this Article. 独立的国际协议,并不能确定发生了违反本条。
But he said the failures that led to a potentially catastrophic breach in security must be addressed immediately. 但是他说,导致潜在灾难的安全体系漏洞必须立刻解决。
McCain was traveling in France and said the brege(breach) incidents required an apology and a full investigation. 麦凯恩当时正在法国旅行,他说偷窥事件需要道歉和进行全面的调查。
For we all knew, that when the boat came nearer the shore, she would be DASH'd in a thousand pieces by the breach of the sea. 因为,我们知道,小艇一靠近海岸,马上就会被海浪撞得粉碎。
Describe and give the date of every act or omission that you claim is a breach of the agreement. 描述并给出您指称的每一违反协议的作为或不作为的发生日期。
No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be considered or held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 对于任何违反本协议的责任豁免将不被考虑或被认为是豁免其他或往后的任何违约行为。
Any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligations under the contract shall be considered as a substantial breach. 一方当事人不履行本合同的全部或任何部门义务均应被视为是根本违约。
As the story gained impetus last night, Wenger said: 'We will investigate to see if there has been a breach of the regulations. “他没有入选比赛的资格,”这个故事在昨晚得到进一步推动。温格说:“我们将调查,看看是否这是一次违章”。