
美 [braɪb]英 [braɪb]
  • n.贿赂;诱惑物
  • v.行贿;用贿赂引诱;向…行贿;用贿赂影响
  • 网络贿赂史;赃物

复数:bribes 现在分词:bribing 过去式:bribed




《Friends》词... ... violations n. 违反, 违背, 妨碍, 侵害, [体]违例, 强奸 bribes n. 贿赂 warning n. 警告, 预告, 通知, 预兆 ...


努南(John Noonan, Jr):《贿赂史》(Bribes),加州大学出版社,1987。皮普斯:《皮普斯日记》(The Diary of Samuel …


Nikita 尼基塔 第二季 第三集... ... minister: 部长 bribes: 赃物 efficient: 效率 ...

Previous reports about his case, which did not name Ms Liu or the French bank, said he had taken the bribes in 1997. 此前关于徐放鸣案件的报告称,他在1997年收受了贿赂,但并未点出刘敏或巴黎银行的名字。
Li said that she was in a romantic relationship with Wu Xiaohua and that the items she had received were gifts and not bribes. 李敏在辩护中说,她与吴晓华是恋人关系,她接受的这些物品属于礼物,而非贿赂。
But it is often more mundane, as officials demand bribes even to deliver routine public services. 但由于官员要求贿赂,甚至赠送日常公共设施,贪污其实是很寻常的。
In its rush to build stores, he said, the company had paid bribes to obtain permits in virtually every corner of the country. 他表示,在匆忙建造商场的过程中,这家公司依靠行贿手段获得了在墨西哥几乎每个角落的施工许可。
Kan Specialty Material spokesman said the company never offered bribes to Mr. Qiu or to the Economic Observer. 凯恩公司的一个新闻发言人声称公司从未向仇先生及《经济观察报》提供贿赂。
The state government, he says, kept red tape to a minimum, did not ask for bribes, and does not interfere much now. 他还说,当地政府把繁文缛节维持在最低限度,既没要求贿赂,目前的干涉也不太多。
A former colleague told me that the general manager of our business unit quited. In fact, he was fired. The direct reason is seeking bribes. 一位以前的同事告诉我我们的事业部老总辞职了。实际上,是被炒鱿鱼了。因为索贿。
do not consider hospitals, public and private nature of the unified form of non-national staff accepting bribes. 不考虑医院的公、私性质,统一构成非国家工作人员受贿罪。
This crowd is often supplementing its earnings with 'gray' income, which can include kickbacks, bribes and the like. 这一群体往往用“灰色”收入来中饱私囊,包括回扣、受贿等手段。
Yet by competing to see who could give the biggest bribes, the winning states reduced the value of those investments to the United States. 可是竞相争取项目落户的过程中,谁的行贿数额最大就在那里投资,中标的州反而削弱了在美国投资的价值。
In less than a week, she discovered that the company had paid bribes to win contracts. 不到一周,发现该机构为获得合同行贿。
One Gulf businessman told your correspondent that he gave up on a deal in Iraq after nine different officials came to ask him for bribes. 一位波斯商人说他放弃了一单生意,因为五个不同的伊拉克政府工作人员向其索取贿赂!
It is just conceivable that she paid bribes to the Abwehr (the German military intelligence) early in the war to let a cousin escape. 可以想像,在战争初期,她为了帮助表兄逃亡而对德国军事情报组织“防御(Abwehr)”实行贿赂。
That law makes it a crime for Americans and companies traded on United States markets to pay bribes in return for business. 该法将美国企业及在美国市场从事商业贸易的企业以换取业务为目的而进行贿赂的行为定为一项罪行。
The bad news was that this supply route is also fraught with pitfalls, from arduous delays to bribes and extortion. 坏消息是这条补给线路同样充满了陷阱,包括艰难运输造成的延误以及贿赂、勒索等。
Their ambitions sometimes tempt them to turn a blind eye or to accept bribes, which lowers the morale of the ordinary cop. 他们的野心诱使他们有时候睁一只眼闭一只眼,或接受贿赂,从而降低士气的普通巡警。
Its decision to carry on with business as usual may have been helped by Mr Hu's admission in court this week that he took bribes. 力拓继续照常与中国做生意的决定,可能因为本周胡士泰当庭承认受贿而变得更加容易。
Mr. Ghafar said he routinely paid bribes to the police who threatened to hinder his passage through Kabul, sometimes several in a day. 他向警察支付贿赂如同例行公事,否则他们会阻碍他穿过喀布尔,有时一天里会遇上几宗这样的事情。
The company had in fact already reported to the police that it was being forced to pay out bribes, as news reports about the trial revealed. 该公司事实上已经向警方报告了情况,那就是他们被迫行贿,这与一些媒体报道的法庭事实相符。
The category of payments he would like to legalise are "harassment bribes" , made by a person to get things to which he is legally entitled. 他愿意使之合法化的付款种类是“骚扰贿赂”,即某人使用合法权利获得某物。
In one of the most famous cases, police say former World Cup referee Lu Jun - known as the 'Golden Whistle' - took bribes and fixed matches. 在其中一桩最知名的案件中,警方说前世界杯裁判“金哨”陆俊受贿及黑哨执法。
I may be poor, but I can't accept his lies, his cheating, his bribes and all the rest of it. 我虽贫穷,可我不能忍受他的谎言、他的欺诈行为、他的贿赂和其他种种劣行。
As for those protected jobs, bribes distort the market by adding to the cost of a product without adding to its value. 至于那些保障就业机会的,贿赂通过增加产品成本而不是提高其价值而扭曲了市场。
They told her that she must choose one of them for a sweetheart, and each began pressing his suit and offering her bribes. 他们对她说,她必须在他们中间挑出一个爱人,他们便都整衣作态,争献殷勤。
Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members waved fistfuls of money in the air, alleging that they had been offered bribes to abstain. 反对党成员在空中挥舞着整捆的钞票,声称这是用来贿赂他们去投弃权票的。
But his sons did not walk in his ways. They turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice. 他儿子不行他的道,贪图财利,收受贿赂,屈枉正直。
We do not offer, promise, grant, accept, tolerate, knowingly benefit from or demand any bribes or other improper advantages. 我们不提供、承诺、给予、接受、容忍、有意收受或要求任何贿赂或其他不适当的利益。
Chen and his wife Wu Shu-chen are charged with embezzling NT$104m in public funds and accepting bribes of about $9m in a land purchase deal. 陈水扁和妻子吴淑珍被控挪用公款1.04亿新台币,购地收受贿赂900万美元。
Mr. Farani said he had refused to pay the bribes demanded by the judge in the case, who in turn had refused to settle his case. 法拉尼先生表示他拒绝为这个案子支付法官要求的贿赂,因此法官也拒绝解决他的案件。
The bribes, he said, bought zoning approvals, reductions in environmental impact fees and the allegiance of neighborhood leaders. 奇切罗说,利用行贿手段不但可以买到分区批准指标,减少环境影响方面的支出,而且还能与社区领导者拉近关系。