
  • n.数据盒存取站;化学文摘社;加拿大航空与空间学会
  • 网络条件接收系统(Conditional Access System);中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences);通信自动化系统(Communication Automation System)



条件接收系统(Conditional Access System)

...目管理系统(PMS)、用户管理系统(SMS)、前端条件接收系统CAS)、电子节目指南系统(EPG)、复用加扰处理系 …

中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences)

中国科学院(CAS)提交给国务院的一份报告中,专家们敦促相关方面进行反思:是否应把重点放在大规模基础设施投资、尤其 …

通信自动化系统(Communication Automation System)

通信自动化系统CAS)、安全防范自动化系统(SAS)、楼宇自动化系统(BAS)、楼宇自动化控制系统(BA)、通信自 …

复杂适应系统(complex adaptive system)

复杂适应系统(CAS)理论的基本思想可以概述如下:“我们把系统中的成员称为具有适应性的主体(Adaptive Agent),简称为主体 …

随路信令(Channel Associated Signaling)

随路信令CAS)模式,N为1~30;在公共信道信令(CCS)模式,N为1~31,而在无帧模式时,N为32。2 时钟合成器在 …

代码访问安全性(Code Access Security)

代码访问安全性代码访问安全性 (CAS) 是公共语言运行库 (CLR) 的一种功能,它基于代码的标识执行安全性。作为一名开发人 …

美国化学文摘社(Chemical Abstract Service)

美国化学文摘社CAS)中国代表处-iGroup亚太资讯集团(中国)广州分公司-招聘启事【请教】关于旋光和cas号的迷惑 如何 …

When I first started listening to the CA music produced by Monk, some of the best-sounding CAs seemed to me to be examples of the Gnarl. 当我第一次开始聆听Monk生成的CA音乐时,一些最好听的CA对我来说就像是Gnarl的例子。
During the year, the CAS continued to send its permanent staff and members overseas for mountain rescue and disaster management training. 年内又继续派出职员和队员往海外接受攀山抢救及灾难管理训练。
Such a strong sense of social responsibility is what draws many of the CAS-ASPIRE scientists to the work. 正是如此强烈的社会责任感让科学家们不远千里,来到青少年身边,从事这项科普工作。
Even with a few failed CAS operations, this approach is still likely to be faster than being rescheduled because of lock contention. 即使有少量失败的CAS操作,这种方法仍然会比由于锁争用造成的重新调度快得多。
ION will be one of the "best" CAS institutions in biological science, in terms of the average quality of the scientific output. 就一般科研成果而言,神经所将成为中科院生物科学领域中最好的院所之一。
The information comes in the form of a certificate, which is counter-signed by third parties known as certificate authorities (CAs). 该信息以证书的形式出现,由通常叫证书认证机构(CA)的第三方批准的。
But CAS did not disclose the total budget for the project. 但是中科院没有披露该项目的总预算。
With a cry, Ma Chao set his spear and rode over toward Cas Cao as if to slay him. 随着一声喊叫,马超放好他的长矛并纵马向曹操冲去,像是要杀死他一样。
Certification authorities (CAs ) are the central component of the public key infrastructure ( PKI ) of an organization . 证书颁发机构(CA)是某组织公钥基础结构(PKI)的中心组件。
The user is redirected to the CAS login URL over an HTTPS connection, passing the name of the requested service as a parameter. 用户被重定向到CAS登录URL,采用的是HTTPS连接,他请求的服务的名称作为参数传递。
Then, when process is called, it finds matches of the regular expression in the document text that it gets from the CAS. 然后,当调用process时,它在从CAS收到的文档文本中寻找与正则表达式匹配的地方。
Notice that I did not use the most recent integer returned from the gets and the cas failed with a value of EXISTS being returned. 注意,我并未使用gets最近返回的整型值,并且cas命令返回EXISTS值以示失败。
At the very least, CAs may be subject to stricter vetting (and perhaps auditing) to be included on approved lists. 至少,证书认证机构(CA)或许会对包括在内的认可目录遭到更严格的审查(和可能查账)。
But what happens if just one of these CAs is tricked into issuing a fraudulent certificate? 但是如果有一个CA签发了一个错误认证,那会发生什么事呢?
Each compound is identified by an UPAC-based name, the CAS registry number, its empirical formula and structure. 每种化合物被基于UPAC的名字,CAS登记数目,它的经验公式和架构鑑定。
CAS-ASPIRE is designed to give children a sense of the 'scientific spirit' and imbue them with enthusiasm for the field. 而老科学家科普演讲团目的在于培养孩子们“科学精神”,并激发他们对科学的热情。
Can CAS develop R&D managers with the skills and training for managing interdisciplinary teams in an increasingly international environment? 在日益国际化的环境中,中科院能否培养出具有管理多学科团队的技巧和素养的研发管理人员?
Section, you ll find a link to currently valid certificates for the major CAs, which you can place in this file as necessary. 部分,您会找到几个主要认证中心的当前有效证书的链接,您可以将它作为必需内容放在这个文件中。
All the example CAs in this article start with a single black cell, so it's natural to consider this cell as the origin. 本文中所有示例CA都以一个黑色细胞开始,因此自然就以这个细胞为原点。
Therefore, all CAs provide for certificate revocation; basically the CA is stating that the certificate should no longer be trusted. 因此,所有CA都提供证书撤消机制;也就是说,CA声明这个证书不再可信了。
A dog has no use for fancy cas. . . Or big homes or designer clothes. 狗狗用不着豪华轿车,或一间大房子,或量身定做的衣服。
Driving security of vehicle can be improved greatly by applying technique of video image processing into CAS (Vehicle Collision System). 视频图像处理技术应用于汽车防撞系统,可以极大提高车辆的安全驾驶性能。
Now, Thread B (and a lucky thread this is) got into action, was able to complete CAS, and finished by pushing 30 into the stack. 现在,线程B获得了时间片(它很幸运),它能够完成CAS,把30压入堆栈后结束。
LOS-CAS has become one of the honest professional service agencies for going abroad and overseas study in the customers' hearts. 中科公司,已经成为客户心中最具诚信的专业出国、留学机构之一。
Otherwise, anyone with a certificate from one of those CAs could connect. 否则,具有那些CA之一颁发的证书的任何人都能建立连接。
Perspective: CEA is associated with a higher risk of restenosis compared with carotid artery stenting (CAS). 前景:颈动脉内膜剥离术比颈动脉支架有较高的再狭窄风险。
cased; cas. ing; cas. es; To put into or cover with a case; encase. 把…装箱放进一个容器或盖上一个盖;把…装进箱子
How should CAS set priorities related to its stakeholders, and develop an organizational structure that fits diverse needs? 中科院如何在其利益相关者之间确定优先权,并且开发出满足各种各样要求的组织结构。
abstract: Objective: Analysis the difference between carotid atherosclerosis(CAS) and femoral atherosclerosis(FAS). 目的:比较颈动脉粥样硬化与股动脉粥样硬化的异同点。
A CAS operation includes three operands -- a memory location (V), the expected old value (A), and a new value (B). CAS操作包含三个操作数——内存位置(V)、预期原值(A)和新值(B)。