
美 [ˈfɪltər]英 [ˈfɪltə(r)]
  • n.滤波器;过滤器;滤光器;滤声器
  • v.过滤;渗入;(用程序)筛选;缓行
  • 网络滤镜;滤光片

复数:filters 现在分词:filtering 过去式:filtered

filter information,filter water


n. v.

1.滤器;过滤器a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted


过滤器是Java EE平台中的标准技术,由于Acegi的认证策略是由过滤器驱动的,因此过滤器Filter)是Acegi的重要支撑技术 …


滤波器filter),是一种用来消除干扰杂讯的器件,将输入或输出经过过滤而得到纯净的直流电。对特定频率的频点或该频点以 …




VBA Excel的资料(2) - 昊天的日志 - 网易博客 ... File 档案 文件 Filter 筛选 筛选 Flowchart 流程图 流程图 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... battery, 电池 Filter滤光片,滤波器 laser alignment system, 激光准直系统 ...

Due to the alarm, the inmates from Psych Ward filter out into the dark yard. Michael peeks up as a herd of white jumpsuits draws near. 由于警报响起,犯人们慢慢从精神病区走出,来到漆黑的院子里。Michael从井下偷看,一队穿着白色病号服的犯人走到了附近。
A property bubble in Bulgaria seems to be on the verge of bursting, though this has still to filter through to the rest of the economy. 虽然保加利亚的资产泡沫仍将渗入该国经济的其他领域,但是它看似正处在破灭的边缘。
The Highpass resonance Q (known as Highpass Resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the filter's self-resonance is dampened. 高通共振品质(被称为高通共振品质因数)决定多少滤波器的自共振被抑制。
When a message is received by an MTA, a distributed blacklist filter is called to determine whether the message is a known spam. 当MTA收到一条消息时,会调用分布式黑名单过滤器来确定这条消息是否是已知的垃圾邮件。
When used in a parameterized filter , by default it returns the name of the computer on which the Merge Agent is running . 在参数化筛选器中使用该函数时,默认情况下,它会返回运行合并代理的计算机的名称。
The app, which costs 99 cents, applies a live filter over the camera, allowing you to see what you get before taking the photo. 这款价格为99美分的应用软件在相机上使用了即时滤镜,因此你能在拍照之前就看到效果。
The supplied-air respirator uses the same sort of filter cartridge found in an air-purifying respirator. 供气式呼吸器使用同样与过滤式呼吸器一样的过滤罐。
Such a combination of a filter bank with an MDCT is called a hybrid filter bank or a subband MDCT. 这样的改进的离散馀弦变换与滤波器阵列组合,被称作混合滤波器阵列或子带改进的离散馀弦变换。
By altering just a single residue to reverse its charge, the researchers were actually able to switch the selectivity of the filter. 通过只改变单个氨基酸残基来逆转其电性,研究人员实际上能够关闭过滤器。
It would not take long for word of that to filter back. So I made it clear to them that I was talking off the record. 那一类的话不要多久就会传回去,所以我明确地向他们表示,我的谈话是非正式的。
If most users do not fit into one of these scenarios, filter the list by Recurring Meeting Time Zone. 如果大多数用户不属于上述任何一种情况,请按定期会议时区筛选该列表。
At run time, the supplied method is called to determine whether the device filter evaluates to true. 在运行时,调用所提供的方法来确定设备筛选器的计算结果是否为true。
The text box at the bottom of this view allows you to search, filter, and color code the work items. 这个视图底端的测试盒可以允许您搜索,筛选,以及用颜色标码工作条目。
You can filter the process guidance by role to see details about which parts of the process apply to your role. 您可以按角色对过程指南进行筛选,以了解有关过程的哪些部分适用于您的角色的详细信息。
At the end of the paper, we provide some sample canned queries that will help users to filter the information needed out of these tables. 在本文的结尾,我们提供了一些固定的示例查询,将有助于用户从这些表中筛选出所需信息。
General Use: Use of a respirator* with a dust filter is recommended when exposure to metal fluorides is possible. 一般的使用:当有可能暴露于金属氟化物时,推荐使用带滤尘器的呼吸器。
The water filter is made of cast iron, cast steel, brass and stainless steel with small figure. It is indurate and easy to install. 本过滤器系列产品由铸铁、铸钢、黄铜、不锈钢等材质制成,具有体形小、安装方便、坚固耐用。
You can simple filter the articles out by voting into our system, with just a simple click of a mouse. 只要用鼠标简单一击,投票,你就能简单筛选信息了。
The pressure filtering belt of the belt pressure filter is not easy to deflect when running, and the extrusion shearing effect is better. 本实用新型的滤带不容易跑偏,并且挤压剪切效果更好。
The currently activated IP filter list has been deactivated because it has no Filters. At least one filter is required for activation. 由于没有筛选器,当前启动的IP筛选器列表已经停止。至少需要一个筛选器才能启动。
It's a matter of learning how to "filter" to see which shots you think would be best taken by you. 要学会“筛选”,抓住最有利于你的时机,这很重要。
In the Project Explorer, it is possible to display a text box that allows you to quickly filter out elements that do not interest you. 在ProjectExplorer中,现在已经可以通过一个文本框快速筛选您所不感兴趣的元素了。
The Law of Attraction does not qualify or filter your energies to determine whether or not they are of the Light or dark. “吸引力法则”不会“限制”或是“过滤”你的能量去确认你所感召的是“光明”还是“黑暗”。
There was something about the comfort of the filter and, you know, how much information was between us and the experience. 有种关于过滤的安慰。在我们和现实体验之间有太多的信息。
The country was just opening up to the outside world and new ideas were beginning to filter into the once-closed society. 那时的中国正对外开放,新思潮开始渗入到过去封闭的社会。
A Web resource can be configured to have no filters associated with it (default), a single filter (typical), or even a chain of filters. Web资源可以配置为没有过滤器与之关联(这是默认情况)、与单个过滤器关联(这是典型情况),甚至是与一个过滤器链相关联。
Therefore, if a query filter field is one of these types, and the associated table is large, the query can be very slow. 因此,如果查询筛选字段是这种类型中的一个,而相关的表格很大,那么查询的速度会非常慢。
With this dialog's options, you can decide whether you would like the filter settings to be applied to the log file or not. 有了对话框中的选项,您就可以决定是否对日志文件应用筛选规则设置了。
If it finds that it has, it does no further processing and transfers control to the next filter in the filter chain (see Step 4 below). 如果是的话,它将不再进一步进行处理,并将控制权传输给过滤器链中的下一个过滤器(参见下面的第4个步骤)。
Place in the machine and includes lubricating filter, Pressure regulator and a series of electro valves to drive the pneumatic devices. 置于机器内,包括润滑筛检程式,压力调节器和一系列的电磁阀驱动气动装置。