
美 [ˈfaɪn(ə)l]英 ['faɪn(ə)l]
  • n.决赛;期终考试;大学毕业考试;期终结业考试
  • adj.最终的;最后的;(指结果)最终的;决定性的
  • 网络总决赛;终极的


final exam,final decision,final step,final result,final examination


1.[obn]最终的;最后的being or happening at the end of a series of events, actions, statements, etc.

2.[obn](指结果)最终的,最后的being the result of a particular process

3.决定性的;不可改变的;最终的that cannot be argued with or changed


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... tie vt 与……打成平局;系;扎 △ final adj 最终的;最后的 dive vi 潜水 ...


打高尔夫球有哪些专业术语? - 高尔夫百科 ... FACE: 球杆面 FINAL: 决赛 FINISH: 打完最后一洞 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... tie vt 与……打成平局;系;扎 △ final adj 最终的;最后的 dive vi 潜水 ...


篮球术语_百度百科 ... semi-final 准决赛 final 总决赛 schedule 赛程 ...


热门 ◆五个字母的英文单词◆ - 豆丁网 ... fifty num. 五十,五十个 final a. 最终的,决定性的 first num. 第一a.第一的,最先的 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... film n. 电影;影片;胶卷 final a. 最后的;终极的 fine a . 细的;晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的 ...

But astronomers don't know how that gas makes it through a final hurdle, migrating the last dozens or hundreds of light years to be eaten. 但天文学家并不清楚气体怎么穿越最后的屏障,迁移几十乃至数百光年被吞噬。
During one of his final EVA's on the surface of Mars, Steve the Cat unveiled a special plaque commemorating his historic voyage to Mars. . . 在他的最后长荣的对火星表面的,史蒂夫猫推出了特别纪念牌匾的历史性航程火星…
Both of these countries have eliminated their backlogs and have systems that deliver final decisions for economic applicants within a year. 这两个国家都已经消除了文件积压,并使系统在一年之内就可以给经济类申请人发出决定函。
Supporters of a high-speed rail link to the north said the semi-final weekend highlighted the limited capacity of the current rail network. 一些支持建设连接北部高铁的人们称,周末的比赛突显了现在铁路网运能的不足。
and Mary is still at the office. Sighing as she answers her final email for the night, she thinks back over the day. 当她回完了晚上的最后一封邮件时,她长吁了一口气,开始回想一天的工作。
A project is defined as a configuration and a group of files that produce a program or final binary file or files. 项目被定义为生成程序或最终二进制文件的配置和一组文件。
If you could find such a thing, that would be the universal final good or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings. 如果你可以找到这样的事,它绝对是普世的终极大善,或是全人类最后的目标。
We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. 我们是来奉献出土地的一部分给那些为使这个国家生存而献身的人们做最后安息之所。
As the man on the gate said, winter, spring, autumn or summer, you never get out of Wycombe less than 45 minutes after the final whistle. 就像门旁那个男子所说的:冬天、春天、秋天或者夏天,在终场哨后你永远休想在45分钟之内离开威科姆球场。
Visits vendors for process and final delivery inspection. Up to 3 days in the "field" traveling a week. 适应出差的要求,每周不超过3天到工厂检查生产情况。
It's strange to look back on my years of terror now that the final chapter of my brilliant cinematic journey is culminating. 回首多年来我的累累恶迹,如今我辉煌的电影旅程的最后一章居然就要结束了。
Lampard is delighted to see his former West Ham and current Chelsea team-mate Joe Cole earn a place in the final squad of 23. 兰帕德对于他前西汉姆联队现切尔西队的队友乔·科尔能在最后的23人名单中有一席之地。
So there was no question of whether you'd find the right fuel at your final destination. 所以呢,到终点能不能补充到合适的燃料,这一点根本不是问题。
Spain's Cesc Fabregas says that he has no intention of letting Sunday's Euro 2008 final against Germany slip through his hands. 西班牙的法布雷加斯说,他绝无意让周日的2008年欧锦赛决赛对德国的溜过他的手。
But, you know, it was a shame he wasn't mentioned in the final cut, but I think most people know what he's up to. 不过在最后大结局的时候纳威完全没出现的确还蛮丢脸的,但是我相信很多人也知道纳威最后去做什么了。
I shall be compensating you with 40% of the total funds while 60% will be mine on final conclusion of this project. 该计划做最终定论之后,除了我保留的60%,我将向你方支付总金额的40%作为补偿。
Between a male and a female, there is laden with a great deal of changes. A little change could change the final direction. 男女之间的交往,充满了变数,一个小小的变化,就可能改变最终选择的方向。
The final test will take place in a week. Its result will determine each candidate's luck-admitted or otherwise. 复试是在一个星期后举行。录取与否都取决于此。这时将决定一个人终生的事业。
The derby is always special for the players and the fans, and the fact that it's a semi-final adds to that. 对球迷而球队来说德比总是很特殊的,特别这次还是在半决赛里。
The committee spent hours trying to hammer out the final points of the agenda before finally reaching agreement. 这个委员会在最后达成协议前,花了数小时制订出议事日程的最后要点。
A year later and Gerrard was at it again, helping Liverpool seal an FA Cup final triumph at the expense of West Ham in Cardiff. 一年后,杰拉德再度卷土重来,他帮助利物浦在加迪夫战胜西汉姆赢得足总杯最终的冠军。
Heading into the final shot, "I was much more nervous than I wanted to be, " he said. 他说,打到最后一枪时,“我自己也不想这么紧张。”
But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared. 可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。
The audience were on the edge of their seats as the heavyweights soloed it out in the final round. 重量级拳击手战到最后一个回合时,观众们都坐到了座位的边缘上,直到他们顽强拼搏到胜负分明。
Money is not always the bottom line: It can be a scoreboard, not the final score. 钱不永远是底线:它是一个记分板,而且不是最后的分数。
The concept of an equilibrium is very useful. It allows us to focus on the final outcome rather than on the process that leads up to it. 均衡概念是非常有用的,因为它让我们把注意力集中于最后结果,而不是集中于那些达到结果的过程。
Therefore the final piece of advice is to plan ahead, because you can take a business with you. 因此,最后一条建议是提前规划,因为你可能会连企业一起“带走”。
Never can forget that final kissing goodbye, Did not know also has the person to replace. 永远忘并不了那最后的吻别,不知道以后是否还有人来代替。答应我好好的照顾你自己。
Prior to the final Lakers possession, it was never a question of whether he would get a good shot off, only if it was going in. 在湖人进行最后一攻之前,不用怀疑科比是否会投出漂亮的一球,你只需要看球进不进就行了。
The few can no longer dictate the course of mankind, and the path is opening up for the final stages of duality, as you know it. 少数人不能够在对整个人类发号施令了,并且道路在打开,为了二元世界的最后阶梯,这是你们都知道的了。