
美 [ˈfrəʊz(ə)n]英 [ˈfrəʊz(ə)n]
  • adj.冰封的;冰冻(以储藏)的;(资产等被)冻结的;冷若冰霜的
  • v.freeze的过去分词
  • 网络冷冻;冰冻的;冷冻的



1.[ubn]冷冻的;冷藏的kept at a very low temperature in order to preserve it

2.[nubn]冻僵;极冷extremely cold

4.冻硬的so cold that it has become very hard

5.~ with/in sth吓呆;惊呆unable to move because of a strong emotion such as fear or horror


冻结Frozen):被冻结的敌人会被冰禁锢在原地,解冻前无法移动、攻击或施法。缠绕(Rooted):被缠绕的敌人仍然可以 …


凯文·席格斯_百度百科 ... Fifty Dead Men Walking 五十活死人 Frozen 冷冻 Air Bud 飞狗巴迪1 神犬也疯狂 ...


冰冻(frozen): -25%,山-0% +20%,骑摩机装+10%,山+50% 夜晚: -80% -33% 结论:防御优势明显;山地师对天时适应最 …


2012雅思词汇大全_百度文库 ... iced 冰镇的 frozen 冰冻的 raw 生的,未煮的 ...


2012高考英语大纲词汇全表 - 豆丁网 ... (experienced 有经验的) 107. (frozen 冷冻的) 121. (industrial adj. 工业的) 143. ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... frown 愁眉苦脸 frozen 冻结的 frugal 节约的 ...


郭子健_百度百科 ... 2010年 《打擂台》 Gallants 2010年 《为你钟情Frozen 2002年 《干柴烈火》 Dry Wood Fierce ...


电影搜索: 王小帅 ... 冬春的日子 / The Days 极度寒冷 / Frozen 二弟 / Drifters ...

In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated , and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before. 在接下来的几秒钟,时间仿佛凝固了,羞愧和恐惧穿透了我的内心,我从来没有这麽难受过。
As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared that the poor goose might be pecked out by those great swan bills. 像天鹅包围了冷冻的鹅,她害怕那个可怜的鹅可能被狂野那些伟大的天鹅的帐单。
Sobbing, he turned his head and vomited onto the frozen snow. Blood dripped from his face into the vomit. 他抽泣著,他转头吐在雪上。血从他的脸上滴在呕吐物上。
Sure, you could make frozen-yogurt pops or smoothies , but here are a few other ways to use it up. 当然,你可以用它做冰镇酸奶汽水或者果汁,但这里还有些其他的方法。
It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to limit frozen treats like ice cream to no more than once a week. 在夏天,吃冰淇淋很容易成为一种习惯,但是要努力限制冰的宴飨比如冰淇淋一周不能超过1次。
Siberia ! And he asked you to join him in that frozen wasteland and marry him there? 西伯利亚!他还要妳去跟著他,在那结冻的荒地,嫁给他?
He said the cold and silence of this frozen world seemed to increase a man's fear of death. 他说,这冰封的世界所带来的严寒和寂静增加了人们对死亡的恐惧。
The only working piece of equipment in my kitchen was a can crusher, because if it didn't come in a can, it came frozen in a box. 厨房里唯一的一样设备是一个易拉罐压扁机,因为他们要么是以罐装的形式运过来,要么就是以冷冻箱的形式运过来。
The next morning we got up in the dark as before, but the water was frozen, so we could not wash. 第二天早晨,我们和以往一样天黑就起床了,可是水都冻了冰,不能洗漱了。
A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors. 一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。
In the frozen liturgy of the stained glass, the natural light of the sun enabled man to enrich its beauty and offer it back to God. 彩色玻璃凝固的礼拜仪式里,太阳的自然光线是人能够丰富它的美丽,并回奉与上帝。
And having that option on the bench is good news for us at a time when Carlos Vela seems to have been completely frozen out by the manager. 替补席上有这样一个球员对我们来说是个好消息,特别是现在贝拉似乎已经被教练完全雪藏了。
That way, you can jump in and check your important messages, while your dedicated mail client is frozen trying to grab that huge file. 这样,你可以进去看看重要消息,当你专用的邮箱快满了时尝试把大的文件移走。
In 1855, British soldiers in Nova Scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds, using a puck i lead of a ball. 1855年,新斯科舍的英国士兵决定用一个橡胶圆盘而不是圆球,在冰冻的湖面和池塘上,以场地曲棍球的形式,进行一项运动。
Permafrost is basically dirt that's been permanently frozen for hundreds or thousands of years, much of it since the last ice age. 永久冻土层基本上是已经被持久冻结数百或数千年的泥土,其中大部分是自上一次冰河时期。
He looked out toward the frozen lake. Near the trees he saw a shining piece of metal. When it moved, Ben saw that it was a long gun. 他看向结了冰的湖里。在靠近树林的地圆,他看到了一片闪光的金属。当它挪动的时刻,本看浑了,当时一只蛇矛。
Cleaners froze a moment, shook his head, only with the pair of hands frozen stiff brush orange peel was erased again. 清洁工愣了一下,摇了摇头,只得用那双冻得发僵的手又把桔子皮扫得一干二净。
And I said, "Well, you know, it wouldn't hurt to have his DNA frozen. " And that's what we did. 我说:“你知道,把它的DNA冷冻保藏不会有所伤害。”那正是我们我们所做的。
The cells had been frozen and thawed out before being used, to simulate the conditions they would be kept in if stored for human patients. 干细胞在使用前都事先经过冰冻和解冻处理,以模拟用于人类目的的干细胞的存放条件。
I immediately ran back to our frozen meat area before he got a chance to ask me to pay for the laundry fee. 说完后我赶紧在他反应过来跟我要干洗费前一路小跑回去做冻肉了。
Do, pray, fly away with me, you sweet little Thumbelina, who saved my life when I lay frozen in the dark earthy cellar! 甜美的拇指小姑娘!当我在那阴暗的地洞里被冻得僵硬时,是你救了我的生命!
Actually the partially frozen chicken felt cold against my back but the rest of me was beginning to sweat as the hot air rushed by me. 而事实上当我在炎热中穿行的时候,除了冻鸡肉紧贴后背的那点地方感觉很凉之外,我周身的其余部分都开始出汗了。
With discoveries in methods to preserve food, almost every kind of food can be frozen and yet keep its original flavor. 发明食品保存方法之后,几乎每种食品都能冷冻,并且能保持原味。
If she is lucky, doctors will be able to extract at least a dozen healthy eggs that will be kept frozen until she is ready to use them. 如果幸运的话,医生将可能取出至少十二个健康卵子并进行冷冻直到她准备使用它们。
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. 冬天,农夫发现一条蛇冻僵了,他很可怜它,便把蛇放在自己怀里。
Even importing frozen fries was complicated by the fact that such an exotic item did not appear on India's schedule of tariffs and quotas. 并且,由于薯条这一舶来品并不在当时印度的关税及配额清单上,冷藏薯条的进口流程也非常复杂。
I was secretly pleased that New York appeared to be grieving along with me; that the city seemed as frozen as I felt. 纽约城看来和我的心一样冰冻了,它在和我一起哀伤,我居然暗自有些欢愉。
In October, an Italian court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican, which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds. 今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。
Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. 她褴褛的衣服和戴围巾并未御寒和她试图让她的脚裸接触空中解冻。
The tears that stood in her eyes as she raised them quickly to his face, were frozen by the expression it wore. 当她迅速抬起眼睛望着他的脸的时候,那张脸上表露出的神情使她眼中噙着的泪水凝结了。