
美 [strit]英 [striːt]
  • n.街道;大街;(尤指城市里)街头民意
  • adj.街头的
  • 网络马路;街区;街式


cross street,clear street
busy street,street lamp,same street,narrow street,quiet street


1.[c]大街;街道a public road in a city or town that has houses and buildings on one side or both sides

2.[sing](尤指城市里)街头民意the ideas and opinions of ordinary people, especially people who live in cities, which are considered important


(out) on the streets/street

无家可归;流落街头;在外面大街上without a home; outside, not in a house or other building

on/walking the streets

做妓女;靠卖淫为生working as a prostitute

streets ahead (of sb/sth)

(比某人或事物)好得多,先进得多much better or more advanced than sb/sth else

the streets are paved with gold

(表示在某地挣钱容易)遍地都是黄金used to say that it seems easy to make money in a place

(right) up your street

(正)适合你;(正)和你对口very suitable for you because it is sth that you know a lot about or are very interested in


商业发票在线打印_货运工具_eBay外贸门户 ... 传真/ Fax 街道/ Street 运送公司/ Shipping CO. ...


马字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 马笼头,马勒〖 bridle〗 马路〖 road;avenue;street〗 马骡〖 mule〗 ...


Guangzhou International ... 街 Street 大街 Street 东 East ...


街_百度百科 ... 10. 街谈巷议[ street gossip] 11. 街头[ street] 12. 街头巷尾[ streets and lanes;street corners and alleys] ...


我的单词:越背越过瘾 ... story n. 故事,小说,传说 street n. 街,街道;行车道 strong a. 强壮的;擅长的 ...


新概念英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... greet 致候,问安 street 街,街区 sweet 甜的 ...


同问街式street),泳池花式(pool),半管道式(half pipe),平地自由花式(freestyle flatland),下山速 分享到: 2012-0…

But I've been able to see my favorite soap, ''Shortland Street. '' 但我能看到我喜爱的肥皂剧《肖特兰街》。
The daughter of a couple across the street turned out to have been hidden by Polish peasant neighbors. 街对面一对夫妻的女儿就是被他们曾经的波兰邻居,一户农民隐藏起来的。
As I was walking down the street, I found that there was no one in this world. 当我走在街上时,我发现这个世界上已经没有任何人了。
Mr Madoff was himself a big name, having been a chairman of the Nasdaq exchange, and his investors regarded him as a Wall Street insider. 马多夫自己就是个名人——他曾任纳斯达克(Nasdaq)证交所主席,他的投资者将他视为华尔街的内部人士。
on Wall Street, where year-end bonuses are measured in 'bucks' (millions) and flying private is often considered a basic human need. 在华尔街,年终分红以百万美元计,乘坐私人飞机通常被视为人的基本需要,节俭只是个相对的概念。
The perpetrators then were, at least, identifiable and containable and had been tracked down to Sidney Street in the East End. 至少当时警察还可以掌控那些罪犯,可以辨认他们的身份,最后追查他们至自伦敦东区。
Wall Street can be expected to push hard for loopholes in the reform bill as the conference hammers it out, Barr said. 巴尔表示,在协商敲定议案最终版时,华尔街肯定会极力从中寻找漏洞。
Even his way of walking down the street could be recognized . 甚至他在街上走路的姿态也能被认出来。
It was too much for him and he took off down the street, squalling like a scalded cat. 这可叫它吃不消,它沿着街一溜烟跑了,号得像一只烫伤的猫。
Shelton glanced at him; he wore his hat rather far back on his head, his eyes haunted the street in front. 谢尔顿对他瞟了一眼;他把帽子压在后脑勺上,眼光在前面的街道上扫来扫去。
Hollywood producers are trying to lure back consumers lost to TV and the Web by investing in 3D movies, the Wall Street Journal reported. 据《华尔街日报》报道,好莱坞制作方希望通过投资立体电影(3D)来和电视和互联网展开竞争,挽回不断流失的消费者。
China is seen as the rising rival and an unfair competitor and is one of the few foreign-policy topics with great relevance on Main Street. 中国被看做是崛起的敌手、不公平竞争对象,也是为数不多的在大街小巷里谈论的外交话题之一。
Europe's leaders are now trying to disown their years of realpolitik, and instead make the cry of the Arab street their own. 欧洲的领导人正试图和自己多年的现实政治主义划清界限,转而为阿拉伯街头的暴行潸然泪下。
He said he bought it in a street market. 他说是从街边集市买的
And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street. 她还说如果你邀请我去吃饭,让我告诉她在街对面的的餐馆里等你呢。
When he became famous he had people stopping him in the street and asking him for his autograph. 他出名后,人们把他堵到街上,要他亲笔签名。
The view was that an open process with clear rules was more likely to produce a fair result, not one that favored Wall Street types. 人们的传统观点是,公开的过程和清晰的规则有助于带来公正的结果,而不是偏向于华尔街的结果。
There's a drunkard standing out on the street corner, and a cop passes by and says, "What do you think you're doing? " 一个醉汉站在马路拐角。一人警察走过,问他:“你这是在干什么?”
The most bustling street in the metropolis seems to have fallen asleep, with few people wandering about and stores all closed up. 在大都市最繁华的街道,似乎有几个人徘徊,商店全部封闭起来,似乎是睡着了。
As the cries from the street arise against him, they only move him to a quiet smile as he shakes more loosely his hair about his face. 当他听到街上有反对他的呼喊声时,只是平静地微微一笑,同时把头发摆动得更松散些以遮盖他的脸部。
They will be on fourth street again with you, in two small stakes and was not one to let you draw more expensive. 他们会在第四道街上再次加注你,用两个小赌注而不是一个让你的抽牌变得更加昂贵。
Not to mention all the Wall Street banking analysis and a few thousand investors breathing down your neck. 除此之外,华尔街的那帮银行分析和数以千计的投资者会将你盯得死死的。
When he turned back to the counter that enabled him to serve people in the street, there was a young, tough-looking man standing there. 当他回到柜台跟前以便招呼街道上来注的顾客时,一个看上去不好惹的年轻人正好站在对面。
Simon said he would rather beg in the street than get money in such a dishonest way. 西蒙说与其用这种欺骗的方法赚钱,他宁可沿街乞讨。
Millie Jakobsen, for instance, sat in her house across the street and watched everything that went by, all day long. 例如,米莉.雅各布森就整天坐在街对面她自己的房子里,看着外面发生的一切。
You don't have to worry about Nichol Street for at least a week. 你至少一个星期不用担心尼克罗帮了。
We walked down the street for some coffee and I filled him in on my trip. 我们沿着街道找了家咖啡店,我把这几天发生的事情告诉了他。
After that, I did not go back there. But I had some great Chinese breakfasts and Thai and Italian dinners out on the street! 之后,我没有回到那里,而是在街上吃了一些伟大的中国早餐,泰国和意大利晚餐!
A little girl was crying her heart out in a corner of the street, for she had lost her mother. 一个小女孩在马路边拐角处号啕大哭,因为她找不到妈妈了。
Joining us now is editor of the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Culture Blog, Christopher John Farley. Good to see you. 现在加入谈话的是来自《华尔街》杂志“地下酒吧文化博客”的编辑克里斯托弗·约翰·法利,你好。