


No one would have complained that China had not followed its creeping barrage of fireworks with a helicopter. 假如中国主办方没有出动直升机跟踪拍摄徐徐延伸的焰火齐放,没有人会提出抱怨。
Fireworks lit up the sky over the National Mall in Washington Saturday night-just one of many big Independence Day celebrations nationwide. 周日在华盛顿的国家广场上空,烟花绽放,而这只是全国大肆庆祝独立日的方式之一。
But she uses it to sort laundry, notice cars and people, and on the Fourth of July, to "see all the fireworks, " she said. 但是她使用人工视网膜装置来把要洗的衣服分类,留意车辆和人们,还能在7月4日国庆日时“看见所有的烟火”。
The CPSC says the best way to avoid injury is to leave the fireworks up to the professionals. (消费品安全委员会)说生产的烟火达到专业要求是避免受伤的最佳方法。
Don't you think setting fireworks is better than shooting guns into the air? 你不认为放焰火比往天上打枪更好吗?
Police said the fire was triggered by fireworks that 'accidentally sparked off the external wall of the buildings, ' Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,警方说,火灾系燃放烟花爆竹不慎引起楼面外墙着火引发的。
If you witnessed a burning object hit the ground it may have been a damaged aircraft, fireworks, UFO, or other unknown object. 如果你亲眼目睹燃烧的物体砸在地面上,它可能已被损坏的飞机,烟花爆竹,飞碟,或其他不明物体。
She said she was inspired when she saw early morning fireworks kicking off the marathon the year before. 她说前年看到启动马拉松比赛的清晨礼花大受鼓舞。
People came from all directions to see me play, they point from fireworks, they wear my uniform, they shout at me: "BEAT LA" . 人们从四面八方赶来看我打球,他们点起焰火,他们穿着我的队服,他们对着我喊:“BEATLA”。
In the darkness of the night, if he sharpened it, it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water. 在黑黑的夜里,要是他在擦它,就迸出几许火星来,礼花般散落在水中。
I am relieved, as fireworks can not always be hung in the sky, as long as had been brilliant, why did not persist in this day of fireworks? 我释然,就像烟花不可能永远挂在天际,只要曾经灿烂过,又何必执着于没有烟花的日子呢?
While most preparations seem to have lagged, the big finale fireworks display got off to a four-day head start. 虽然大多数准备工作都没有按时完工了,但是最后的烟火表演倒是提前四天准备完毕。
There is usually a public holiday for the event with lots of barbecues, celebrations of every kind and fireworks. 通常有一个国定假日,这一天人们在一起野餐,以各种各样的方式庆祝,还会燃放烟火。
Wow, how much did those fireworks contribute to Beijing's smog! 哇塞,烟火给北京带来了太多的浓雾!
Colorful, large and small fireworks sparkling reflection in the lake, as if the fish are also in their homeland fireworks it! 花花绿绿,大大小小的烟花倒映在波光粼粼的湖面上,仿佛鱼儿们也在它们的家园里放烟花呢!
I'm certainly not trying to say presentations should be basically a circus show with fireworks. 我尝试不去说报告应该是一个没有烟火的马戏表演。
A spark from the fireworks had remained within, the trunk had caught fire, and was now nothing but ashes. 烟火的一颗火星落了下来,点起了一把火,箱子已经烧成灰烬了。
Fireworks on the bank of Thames in London, the course was just 15 minutes, afterward, the crowd scattered gently. 在伦敦泰晤士河岸燃放焰火的过程只有15分钟,之后,人潮平缓散却。
Never attempt to make your own devices and do not purchase or use any kits that are advertised for making fireworks. 千万不可尝试自制设备,不要购买或使用被大肆宣传用来制作烟花的工具。
This did not seem to bother Beijing residents, who say the Lunar New Year is their traditional time to celebrate with fireworks. 尽管如此,北京市民似乎并没有受到影响,他们说,阴历新年才是他们用焰火欢庆的传统日子。
No doubt fireworks are expected come 20: 30CET on Saturday as both teams battle it out in this Serie A spectacular. 毫无疑问,周六时间20:30进行的比赛是值得期待,这两支球队的比赛将是本轮意甲的重头戏。
"We have been seeing fireworks for the past two weeks. I have to say this is quite a surprise, " she said. 虽然近两周以来一直在看焰火的燃放,但我还是不得不说,这种规模的燃放让我吃惊。
It's not Fireworks Night yet - but a spectacular explosion HAS lit up the night sky after a giant comet smashed into the Sun. 这不是夜晚绚烂的烟花,其实是一个肉眼可以看到的巨大的彗星撞向太阳的瞬间,光亮点燃了整个夜晚。
iReporter Rice said he was watching fireworks nearby when he noticed that fireworks were being set off near the buildings. 民间记者Rice说,在观看烟花时,他发现也有人在起火建筑物旁边燃放。
Wang said he was not involved with planning the fireworks display and only lit the fuse for the pyrotechnics after Xu handed him a torch. 王世荣认为,自己并未参与整个策划过程,点燃引线用的火炬是徐威递给他的。
If it is too dark to see what you are doing, use a flashlight rather than pulling the fireworks closer to see the ignition point. 如果天太黑,你看不清楚自己在做什么,那就用一个手电筒照着,而不是把火头移得很近,来找燃火点。
Fireworks shows are popular around the world . But if I do not end program right now , there will be fireworks for my producer. 放烟火在全世界都很流行。但如果我现在不立刻结束节目,他们会朝我的制作人放烟火。
The children are setting fireworks off in the garden. 孩子们在花园里燃放烟火。
Lifting of the ban have been six or seven years now, and the whole society's attitude to the fireworks, there has been a subtle change. 如今解禁已经六七年了,全社会对烟花爆竹的态度,又有了微妙变化。
You belong to me, I want you to accompany me to see cherry blossoms fall for, watching fireworks and prosperity. 你是属于我的,我要你陪我看樱花落尽,看烟火繁荣。