five minutes

  • 网络五分钟;等五分钟;分钟就好

five minutesfive minutes

five minutes


五分钟Five minutes)公司于2010年2月6日正式宣布,推出开心农场升级版《开心农场2》。 只偷你心,不偷你菜 虚拟商城 …


tank_新浪博客 ... 1. Fine( 好吧): 2. Five Minutes等五分钟): 3. Nothing( 没什么): ...


男生注意!这些话代表女生心口不一 _... ... ) Fine 算了 ) Five Minutes 5分钟就好 ) Nothing 没事 ...


雅思口语素材:口头语_新东方网 ... 1.Fine. 好吧。 2.Five minutes. 五分钟就好。 3.Nothing. 没什么。 ...


五分锺(Five minutes)」即将在12月9日於Facebook推出繁体中文版,提供完整的服务,让玩家的权益更有保障.《开心农.开心农 …


2、给我五分钟Five minutes):如果她正在化妆,这意味着一个半小时。假如是在帮做家务之前,她允许你再多看五分钟比 …

Had I come five minutes earlier, the moment would have passed away like a cloud, and it would never have entered her head again. 如果我早回来五分钟——那一煞那间就会像烟云一样,一掠而过,她的脑袋以后就永远不会出现寻死的念头。
They waited for four or five minutes, but nothing happened until there was an enormous splash and a shark landed in the boat. 他们等了四五分钟,但毫无动静,突然间,随着一阵水花四溅的巨响,一头鲨鱼降落船内。
Five minutes is all that I can spare for you. 五分钟是我能给你的最长时间了。
What I'm doing is trying to do is get with every girl in the whole universe in five minutes. 我在努力做的事情是:想办法和宇宙里每个女孩好好相处5分钟。
It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk here in five minutes. 既然你可以步行五分钟就能到这儿,坐出租车来真是愚蠢。
I waited five minutes. A postman walked past. Then the door of the shop opened, and the creature, Merrick , came out. 我等了五分钟,一个邮递员恰好经过,后来商店门开了,那个怪物——麦里克出来了。
'You can't believe how much you can get out in five minutes, ' she says. 她说,你不会相信5分钟内你能表达多少意思。
Morris set her parents up in an assisted-living residence five minutes from her home. 莫里斯把她的父母安顿在一家辅助生活居住房,离她家有五分钟的路程。
She resides with some of the world's best table tennis players and walks less than five minutes from her dorm to practice against them. 她和一些世界上最好的乒乓球手住在一起,只需不到五分钟就可以从宿舍走到训练场地和那些好手们一起练球。
Whether it's being able to get to the superstore in under five minutes, or seeing if I can run the length of the local cycle trail. 看看是我能否在5分钟内赶到超市,或能否跑完当地的自行车道。
You should get up about five minutes every hour to get out of your chair, get a drink, or just walk to the next cubicle. 你应该工作一个小时就站起来休息五分钟左右,去喝点水或者只是走到隔壁的格子间里。
How Five Minutes is going to spend the money and the company strategy in future are the most interesting questions. 五分钟将如何花这笔钱以及公司未来的发展策略则是最令人感兴趣的问题。
I'd had to earn my place in that lane by swimming 400 meters in less than five minutes. Now all Angela had to do was jump in. 我曾经以五分钟不到的时间游完四百米才赢得使用此道的权利,而现在安吉拉所要做的仅仅是纵身一跳。
I'd love to be in and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that, I'm sure. 出入也就五分钟的样子吧。不过我敢保证,整个过程不会令您失望的。
The first day they would take a hike, and it was, click, click, click, click. Five minutes later they were back in the boat. 行程第一天他们会走一小段路,喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓,拍个五分钟后就回到船上。
It runs in the background, and five minutes before that given time, it outputs on your terminal a reminder for you to leave. 它运行于后台,并将在给定时间之前的5分钟时,在终端中输出提醒您准备离开的信息。
Not a chance she'd be on the floor for more than five minutes before someone would be here to help her if she fell again. 如果她再次跌倒在地,五分钟之内一定会有人前来帮助她,不会让她一直躺在地板上。
Five minutes after screaming at me, the same coach, to his credit, walked round the touchline and apologised unreservedly. 在对我咆哮后的5分钟后,同一个教练为了保持他的尊严,又走了过来诚恳地向我道歉。
But 'I listened to Mr. Ma's speech for five minutes and decided on the spot that I was ready to invest in Alibaba. 但他听马云说了五分钟后,当场就决定要投资阿里巴巴。
Take a few minutes to silently gaze into each other's eyes, and then breathe in and out in unison for at least five minutes. 用几分钟静静地互相注视对方的眼睛,然后一起和谐地同步地呼吸至少五分钟。
Therefore , fellow practitioners decided to wait for her for five minutes . 于是,同修们决定在原地停留五分钟,等那位老师姊。
to tell Kyoko how much he loves her. After five minutes, Tsuna goes back to normal. 突然,他的神通,让他跑尖叫告诉恭子,他是多么爱她克服。
I let the boat like a huge white lotus stopped before the ship, I say I want to see five minutes. 我让船娘在一朵硕大的白色荷花前停下船,我说我想看五分钟。
Now, I'm gonna go over there, I'm gonna borrow some tee. . . if I don't get back in five minutes, maybe you'd better call the police. 现在,我要去那里,问他借点茶叶……如果5分钟内我回不来,你最好叫警察。
Not how much time, a minute. . . Five minutes. . . Or ten minutes, I just turned to god, looked around, and my mother had slipped away. 不知过了多少时间,一分钟……五分钟……还是十分钟,我才转过神来,向旁边看了看,母亲早已悄然离去。
Steve and I hauled trash for four solid hours without a break of any sort, except for about five minutes when we stopped to talk. 我和史蒂夫用卡车运送垃圾,整整干了四个小时,除了停下来说了五分钟的话之外,没有休息片刻。
He knew that his employer was going to call him on that phone in exactly five minutes. 他知道他老板五分钟内会打这个电话找他。
But if the satellite fell even five minutes later than estimated, some of it could have hit land, he said. 但是,若卫星迟于估算时间,甚至5分钟的时差,一些碎片可能会撞击地面,他补充道。
It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes. 既然你五分钟之内能走到那儿,你还乘出租车,真是太傻了。
Jeffrey Beaumont: See that clock on the wall? In five minutes you are not going to believe what I just told you. 杰弗里博蒙特:看到墙上的钟吗?五分钟后你将不会相信我所告诉你的。