for instance

  • na.例如
  • 网络比如;举例说;举例来说

for instancefor instance

for instance


大学英语四级常用词组 ... inquire for 询问(商店、地点等) for instance 例如,比如,举例说 instead of 代替;而不是… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... inquire for 询问(商店、地点等) for instance 例如,比如,举例说 instead of 代替;而不是… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... inquire for 询问(商店、地点等) for instance 例如,比如,举例说 instead of 代替;而不是… ...


for instance ... As an example;for example. 语源 n.例如,举例来说 for instance 例如以…为例 for instance ...


商务英语关键词 - 读书网| ... follow 遵循,采纳 for instance 例如,比如说 br the long run 从长计议或从长远观点看 ...


英语介词用法_百度知道 ... for good 永远, for instance 比方, for luck 祝福, ...


SFUSD 4th Grade Mandarin Flashcards ... 例如 for example 比方说 for example;for instance 如同 like,as ...

For instance, in 1960 she was commissioned by Life to follow Malcolm X, the leader of the Black Muslims, for a year. 比如1960年,她受《生活周刊》委托对当时黑色穆斯林领袖马尔科姆。艾克斯(1)进行一年的跟踪拍摄。
For instance, Ajax is often used in response to user input to modify parts of a page with new data fetched from the server. 例如,Ajax经常用于对用户输入作出响应,然后使用从服务器获得的新数据修改页面的部分内容。
For instance, try putting that journal on your nightstand where it's the last thing you see as you end the day. 比如,试着把你的日记放在床头,每天睡觉之前看到的最后一件东西就是它。
For instance, it's easy to come up with evolutionary explanations for our preferences after the fact, Conley said. Conley说,比如,人们很容易成为事后诸葛亮,对偏好提出进化论解释。
Germany, for instance, has long had a scheme that covers 60% of the gap between shorter hours and a full-time wage for up to six months. 例如,德国早已制定了一项计划:对六个月内全勤与缩短工时的薪水差额,政府给予60%的补贴。
The joint may be used to join a pair of structural components, for instance in an aerospace application. 例如在航天应用中,可以使用接头来接合一对结构组件。
For instance, Angelina Jolie is often seen sporting double-bridged or aviator semi-rimless sunglasses. 例如,安吉丽娜朱莉是常见运动双飞行员桥或半无框太阳镜。
A machine could, for instance, make a complete set of plates, dishes and bowls out of plastic, coloured and decorated to a design. 例如,新型浇模机可以用塑料制造出一整套盘子、碟子和碗,按照某种设计给它们上色、描花。
This would be a good time to get him to help us turn the screw a bit tighter on Iran, for instance. 比如说,这将是迫使普京帮助我们收紧在伊朗头上紧箍咒的大好机会。
In complex branching logic, it's possible to have two separate copies of these contexts; for instance, consider the flow shown in Figure 8. 在复杂的分支逻辑中,可以拥有这些上下文的两个独立副本,例如,考虑如图8所示的流。
For instance, Brazilian coffee is often transported by ocean vessels because these steamships are the cheapest method of transportation. 比如,巴西出口的咖啡经常用远洋货轮来运输,因为其费用最低。
If a language has no future tense, for instance, its speakers would simply not be able to grasp our notion of future time. 譬如,如果一种语言没有表示未来时态这一概念,说话人理所当然地,就无法抓住未来时间的这一理念。
For instance, if someone had not worked on, and prioritised the smallpox vaccine, all of us would probably all have had it. 比如说,如果没人研究出天花疫苗,它没有被优先处理,我们都将染上疾病。
In Wardak, for instance, a rocket landed in the general area of every polling centre. 比如在瓦尔达克,可以看见有火箭着陆在每个投票中心附近。
At birth, for instance, she was able to hear every sound of every language on Earth. 出生时,她能听地球上任何一种语言的声音。
There seemed to be less need for blankets, for instance, as more supplies get through, he said. 他说:更多的物资运抵后,看来这里不再急需毯子了。
Something the mass of our sun, for instance, could trap light if it shrank into a ball just one and a half miles across. 例如像我们太阳质量的物体,如果缩小到一点五英里大的一个球就能够锁住光线;
For instance, how much would your share of investment be in this venture? 例如您打算在合资企业中占有多少投资份额?
He found Franklin, for instance, trimming arc lamps in an Ipswich factory for a few shilling a week. 例如,他发现富兰克林在伊普斯威奇市的一家工厂里做装饰弧光灯的工作,一星期只赚几个先令。
For instance, Madison and Clark bump into an old friend, Peter, on the street, but Peter pretends not to see them and walks right past. 麦迪生和克拉克在街上撞见一位老朋友皮特,但皮特却假装没看见他们,向右走去。
Some of the polymer materials, for instance, insert genes into only a small percentage of cells and do not degrade in the body. 例如,一些多聚物材料只能将基因转入一小部分细胞,而且不能在人体内降解。
Take Michael Jordan, for instance, it's easy to see his grades and ignored him to make out on the pitch to pay the price of blood and sweat. 就拿迈克尔。乔丹来说吧,人们很容易看到他的成绩就而忽视了他为使自己出类拔萃而在球场上付出的血与汗的代价。
So for instance, they would give a 14-year-old kid -- they'd give him a whole, you know, roll of bills to hold. 例如,他们会告诉一个14岁的孩子,他们会给他一整把美金。
For instance, some people may try to prove by the Bible that dancing is permitted in church, as if in a disco. 例如,有些人可能试图用圣经证实是允许在教会跳舞的,好像在迪斯科舞厅一样。
For instance, such a "serendipity engine" could alert someone to the publication of a new book by one of their favourite authors. 例如,推出一款“好运引擎(serendipityengine)”,当用户喜欢的作家有新书出版时,可提醒其注意。
John Runman (Yap's Historical Society): Stone money is not used to ask for a wife, for instance. 约翰·罗夫曼(雅蒲岛历史协会):比如说,石头货币不用来作聘礼。
For instance, if I'm out on the road with a client. 例如,如果我和客户在外面谈生意时。
For instance, if a woman is ordering a double espresso, the thing to talk about is usually the first thing that comes to your mind. 例如,女士在点浓咖啡,要谈论的通常是你脑子里第一件想到的东西。
For instance, if he does not like greens, do not force him to eat them by lecturing about the goodness of greens. 比如说,他不喜欢绿色,就不要强迫他因为绿色食物的好处而吃生菜。
If you get into the office at 7am, for instance, you'll have at least an hour or two to work before most of your colleagues arrive. 比如,你早上七点进办公室,你就可以在你的同事来之前有一到两个小时来工作。