
美 [leɡ]英 [leɡ]
  • n.腿;裤腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿;(桌椅等的)腿
  • v.〈口〉走;跑;卖力;用腿抵住运河隧洞壁推船通过
  • 网络脚;腿部;支柱

复数:legs 过去式:legged 现在分词:legging

right leg,left leg,hind leg,front leg,wooden leg
break leg,give leg,swing leg,get leg,lose leg


n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c]腿one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body


2.[c][u](尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉the leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten

裤子of trousers/pants

3.[c]裤腿the part of a pair of trousers/pants that covers the leg

桌椅of table/chair

4.[c](桌椅等的)腿one of the long thin parts on the bottom of a table, chair, etc. that support it


5.有…腿的having the number or type of legs mentioned


break a leg!

(表示良好祝愿)祝你好运!used to wish sb good luck

get your leg over

性交to have sex

have legs

(新闻报道等)会长期受到关注if you say that a news story, etc.has legs , you mean that people will continue to be interested in it for a long time

not have a leg to stand on

无法证实;无法解释(理由);站不住脚to be in a position where you are unable to prove sth or explain why sth is reasonable

初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... ear 耳朵 422 leg 423 hand 手 424 ...

起动战士xp机体修改_百度知道 ... Hand=== 拳头 Leg== SubW=== 翅膀 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... head n. 头,头部 leg n. 腿,腿部 mouth n. 嘴 ...


仁爱英语七年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... hand 手 leg 腿;腿脚;支柱 foot 脚 ...


仁爱英语七年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... hand 手 leg 腿;腿脚;支柱 foot 脚 ...


牛津小学英语4A单词表 - 豆丁网 ... hair 头发 leg 小腿 stick 贴; 粘 ...


六年级英语复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... finger 手指; leg 大腿; foot 脚掌 8 ...


任两点间的 一段叫做一条腿Leg),一条路线可由若干条腿组成。这些点可以在地图上 查出预先输入,也可以边走边记。

Tour guide arrives with guests at the hotel, urgently dials for instructions: Which leg do I use first to go through the door? 导游带着客人来到宾馆,急打电话请示:进门先迈哪条腿?
Let's go. He is trying to rip you off. He tries to sell a junk for an arm and a leg! 咱们走吧。他宰你呢!一个破东西他卖得邪贵!
Before I could make the decision to move, lighting hit a tree so close to me that I felt a good jolt go up my right leg. 我还没来得及离开,闪电便劈到一棵离我很近的树上,我感觉右腿在剧烈颤动。
Researchers now report just such a discovery: the joint of a beetle leg that turns inward and outward like a screw. 现在,研究人员正是关于这样一个发现做出报告:甲虫肢体关节内外旋转和螺丝的原理异曲同工。
Stock investors can only hope for a repeat of that year, which continued the first leg of an 18-year bull market. 股市投资者不由得期待1983年重演。这一年,正是一场历时18年的大牛市的开端。
Jerry saw his dog limping on a bloody leg and jumped to the conclusion that it had been shot. 杰瑞见他的狗跛着一条流血的腿,就匆忙断定它被射伤了。
With all that extra downtime, you'll have plenty of opportunity to stretch your calves and strengthen your anterior leg muscles. 在你休息的时间里,你有很多机会来拉伸你的腓肠肌和加强你小腿正面的肌肉。
As you know, one leg of the compass is static, rooted in a place. 如你所知,罗盘的一个指针是静止的,指向一个地方。
Rooney had been a doubt for the last sixteen, second-leg tie after missing Saturday's Premier League trip to Wolves with a knee injury. 最近的半个月来,鲁尼一直为膝伤困扰以致错过了上周六对狼队的英超联赛。
He felt excruciating pain. But he did not notice that his right leg was missing until he stopped at the next junction. 他也感到了剧烈的疼痛,但是他刚开始并没有注意到自己的右腿掉了,直到一公里外的路口才发现。
Lay on your side with your partner facing you, try pulling one leg up to allow room for your partner. 侧卧着让你的伴侣面对着你,抬高一只腿脚,留给伴侣一些空间。
That's being said, the market could be in an early stage of a new down-leg. 由此来看,市场可能处于一轮新跌势的初期。
Ironically, the things that are good for your heart seem to be good for your leg. 具有讽刺意味的是,对你的心脏好的事情似乎对你的腿也好。
He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months. 昨天他从自行车上掉了下来,摔伤了腿。因此他不得不休学两三个月。
Just stand back, ' he growled, as he lifted himself painfully to his feet. Obviously his leg hurt him, and he sat down quickly. “站后面点儿。”他吼道,并艰难地站了起来。显然,他的脚受了伤,他赶紧又坐下来。
Part of the right leg is missing and there are deep holes for eyes and a mouth in a skull-like head. 然而这个“外星人”的右腿部分已经缺失,此外,类似头骨的脑袋上有一张嘴,双眼留下深深的空洞。
A person close to the French company said the CIC deal would be "a tremendous leg up in China" . 接近这家法国公司的一名人士表示,与中投达成这笔交易将代表着“在中国取得巨大进展”。
Trying to be a hero, I dropped my backpack and ran up to help her, but ended up slipping and landing on her leg. 我很帅地扔下背包跑去扶他,然后也滑倒了,扑在她腿上。
She was taken to a hospital, where doctors found she had broken a bone in her upper leg. 之后她被送往医院,医生发现她的腿上方一条骨头骨折。
its body like modern raptors catching prey, with its long leg feathers sticking out to the side. 他说,这种恐龙像现代猛禽一样,把腿折叠到身体下面,而它腿上的长长羽毛则侧向突出。
You won't have to take your wheelchair or your leg braces or any of your medicine because you won't need any of that in Heaven. 你没必要带着你的轮椅或你的护腿,因为在天堂你不再需要这些东西。
Venous blood within the valve to help the leg from a single direction of flow back from the heart. 在阀门静脉血帮助脚倒流的单一方向发自内心的。
The Save: Clean slates are hard to come by, but with a little professional help Gibbo could get a bit of a leg-up. 拯救策略:将往事一笔勾销是很困难的,但若是借助一些专业帮助,吉普森就能重新站起来。
Instead, efficient endurance running requires just a slight knee lift, a quick leg turnover, and a short stride. 相反,有效的长距离跑步只需要稍微的抬腿、很快的步频和短步幅。
The Coaching Icon was carted to the locker room Saturday after one of his own players ran into his left leg. 周六,在他的一名队员撞到他的左腿之后,这名偶像级教练被强制送往衣帽间。
"If it wasn't for all the uncertainty in the world right now Judy would have needed to have pulled my leg a lot harder, " he said. 他表示:“如果不是由于全球目前面临的各种不确定性,朱蒂可能需要更加努力地说服我。”
For her to live without a front leg, Molly needed an artificial leg. 对于它来说,没有前腿将如何生存,所以玛丽需要一条假腿。
We then compared how much amino acid was delivered to the leg and how much was leaving it, by analysing blood in the two situations. 然后我们通过分析血液,把运送到腿部的氨基酸的量和离开时的量做对比。
One of them, a rather small fellow with a wooden leg, kept looking at me. 其中一个装著一条木腿的小个子,一直看著我。
So he tied a string to the leg of mutton and dragged it along after him in the dirt, and when he got home he found the mutton was spoiled. 于是,他在羊腿上栓了根绳子,把它拖在身后。当他到家的时候,发现羊肉都拖坏了。