
美 ['breɪkɪŋ]英 ['breɪkɪŋ]
  • n.中断;休息;破裂;机会
  • v.中断;破坏;碎;打断
  • 网络霹雳舞;街舞;地板舞



v. n.

破碎in pieces

1.[i][t](使)破,裂,碎to be damaged and separated into two or more parts , as a result of force; to damage sth in this way

停止运转stop working

2.[i][t]弄坏;损坏;坏掉to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage sth and stop it from working


3.[t]~ sth弄破;使流血to cut the surface of the skin and make it bleed


4.[t]~ sth违犯;背弃to do sth that is against the law; to not keep a promise, etc.

暂停stop for short time

5.[i][t]稍停;暂停to stop doing sth for a while, especially when it is time to eat or have a drink

中断end sth

6.[t]~ sth打断;中断to interrupt sth so that it ends suddenly

7.[t]~ sth强行终止;破坏to make sth end by using force or strong action

8.[t]~ sth终止,断绝(关系、联系)to end a connection with sth or a relationship with sb


9.[i]~ free (from sb/sth)逃脱;挣脱to get away from or out of a position in which they are stuck or trapped

毁坏;被毁坏destroy, be destroyed

10.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)(被)摧毁,削弱to destroy sth or make sb/sth weaker; to become weak or be destroyed

使难过make sb feel bad

11.[t]~ sb使心碎;使十分悲伤;使孤寂to make sb feel so sad, lonely, etc. that they cannot live a normal life

露出缝隙show opening

13.[i]露出缝隙;散开to show an opening

白天;黎明;风暴of day/dawn/storm

14.[i]开始;(风暴)发作when the day or dawn or a stormbreaks , it begins

消息of news

15.[i]透露;传开if a piece of newsbreaks , it becomes known

16.[t]~ it/the news to sb(第一个将坏消息向某人)公布,透露,说出to be the first to tell sb some bad news

嗓音of voice

17.[i](因激动)变调if sb's voicebreaks , it changes its tone because of emotion

纪录a record

19.[t]~ a record打破(纪录)to do sth better, faster, etc. than anyone has ever done it before

波浪of waves

20.[i]拍岸;迸溅when wavesbreak , they fall and are dissolved into foam , usually near land

秘密sth secret

21.[t]~ a code/cipher破译;破解to find the meaning of sth secret


22.[t]~ sth把…换成零钱;找开to change a banknote for coins


霹雳舞breaking)只的一个动作,其实也不算什么动作,只是手臂用力支撑身体评论| 《环绕大地》,手抓牢评论| fei su xua…


大邑街舞breaking)暑假开班了… woshigather 大家好,我是大邑街舞团队WITH 20的队长,我发现大邑喜欢街舞的人很多, …


《老友记》4000个高频单词 - 豆丁网 ... acting adj. 代理的, 起作用的, 演戏的 breaking n. 破坏, 阻断 yesterday n. 昨天 ...


地板舞Breaking),是街舞的一种,1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区。地板舞的表现形式有很多,有头转、风车、 …


冶金词汇英语翻译(A-G) ... breaker core 缩颈泥芯 breaking 破碎 breaking elongation 破断伸长 ...


阀门英语单词(杨玉飞整理) ... vacuum breaker 真空破坏装置 breaking 中断;破裂 breather 通气阀;呼吸器 ...


...滑牙 (stripe)、螺丝柱破裂(crack)或断裂(breaking)、或是螺丝断裂(braking)、或是螺丝头 磨损(wear out)...等。


天津舞蹈培训问答-天津文体艺术问答-天津教育宝 ... BREAKING( 技巧) NEW JAZZ( 新爵士) ...

When record-breaking storms flooded the village this past summer, the children happily paddled around on boards as if they were canoes. 去年夏天空前的暴雨淹没村寨时,孩子们把木板当做独木舟来嬉戏。
Breaking the figures down even further, five out of every eight dollars were spent by women. 把数字做的分析,,每八元中有五元是女性销费的;
Never let a man spend the night, she said. Never apologize, never explain. She was breaking all her rules, and it would change everything. 永远不要留男人过夜,她说的。从不道歉,从不解释。她违背了自己的所有准则,并且这将改变所有的事情。
It could be very awkward to continue working with this person after breaking up with him or her. 分手以后还继续与对方共事可能会非常尴尬。
There's a river in your eyes and I'm swept away Breaking inside out, promising to stay Together again, a lifetime stranded apart Save me! 有一条河流,在你眼里,我卷走打破内而外,答应留下来再次相聚,一生滞留除了救我!
He did not realize that she was obeying his orders exactly, although it was breaking her heart. 他没有意识到她在完完全全地服从他的命令,尽管这叫她伤心欲碎。
What about you? What is the point of living simply for you? I'd love to hear other folks' reasons for slowing down and breaking free. 你有何感想?简单生活对你来说它的意义是什么呢?我非常想听到其他人对放慢生活脚步并自由自在呼吸的看法。
The attack took place in the early evening when Afghans were breaking their fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 爆炸袭击发生在傍晚时分,当时阿富汗人正在准备穆斯林斋月的开始。
You know, I'm a big believer in breaking bad news to a guy when you're in bed with him. 我坚信向男人宣布坏消息的最好时机就是在和他在床上的时候。——《生活大爆炸》
Then, like a storm breaking, she picked up the cognac glass in front of her and hurled it at him with all her might. 一阵死一样的沉默,然后她像暴风雨一样爆发了,抓起眼前的白兰地酒杯狠命朝他掷来。
you, whose voice has dried up, wander begging. . . with eyes that seem to be breaking along with your slender arms. 你,用干涸的声音,徘徊着企求……纤细的双臂,心碎的眼神。
In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with her baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer. 世纪80年代晚期,在一次出往孟加拉国的任务期间,我看到背着孩子的妇女在用锤子将砖头敲碎。
Versioning ensures greater stability should you release changes to your software later that might have breaking interfaces. 如果您稍后发布可能破坏接口的软件变更,版本控制会保证更好的稳定性。
If he keeps breaking up with you, then come to you to get reconciled . 如果他不断的与你分手,然后又来找你和好。
While she was apparently not happy about the condom breaking, the two were seen the next day at the seminar, and nothing appeared amiss. 对于安全套破裂她似乎不高兴,但是第二天两个人还是出现在研讨会上,看起来没什么不对头。
You said breaking up the moment, I do not know how they are agree. 你说分手的时刻,我不知道他们是如何同意。
A year after breaking up with his girlfriend, he is still waiting for his heart to heal. 和女朋友分手一年后,他仍然在等待他的心痊愈。
Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend--if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own. 好吧,如果我不能保留希刺克厉夫作我的朋友——如果埃德加卑鄙而嫉妒,我就要断肠心碎,好让他们也断肠心碎。
It is the beginning of a new politics, in which party loyalties are breaking down and elections could be fought over issues, not identities. 这是一种新政治的开始,对政党的忠诚分崩离析,选举可以在具体问题,而不是选举者身份上,大做文章。
The morning will surely come, the darkness will vanish, and thy voice pour down in golden streams breaking through the sky. 清晨一定会来,黑暗也要消隐,你的声音将划破天空从金泉中下注.。
And the sort of arbitrary and brutal credit decisions being dished out to customers mean parts of the banking system are breaking down. 而那些加诸于客户、独断而残忍的信贷决定,意味着银行系统的某些部分开始失灵。
The company is breaking even now, and excepting to move into profit within the next two months . 公司现在收支相抵,期待下两个月开始获利。
As you see so much breaking up that was considered a permanent part of your life, it is simply creating the space for the new era to begin. 当你们看见如此多的破裂——它被认为是你们生活的永远的一部分的时候,它仅仅是在为新纪元的开始创造空间。
I used to be a songwriter then, or thought I was, but all my songs had been turned down and I was at breaking point. 我过去是个流行歌曲作曲家,起码我自以为自己是个作曲家;可是,我所做的所有歌曲都被拒绝演唱,于是,我不干了。
"Well, " said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected. “好!”葛擂硬先生踌躇了一会儿,然后笑逐颜开地说,“你比我料想的还要冷静得多。”
He said his lowest points had included breaking both legs after being run over by a car while crossing the United States on roller blades. 他说(旅行当中)遇到过的最低谷包括在滑着旱冰鞋穿越美国的时候有一次被汽车压过折断了双腿。
In Brussels, he took responsibility for competition policy and set about breaking down economic barriers. 在欧盟委员会任职期间,他负责竞争政策,并着手打破经济壁垒。
But the emphasis seems to be on cracking down on those breaking the rules. 但是不论是储行还是政府似乎都重在打击那些违反法规者。
You dont get to be the richest person in any country without breaking some laws but being that they are so rich it is often overlooked. 你在任何国家都不可能不犯法就成为最富有的人,不过由于他们都很富有,这些罪行通常都被忽视了。
The next step after breaking the ice a little more is to actually get them to do things with you. 破冰后的下一步就是让他和你一起做一些事。